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Now Al Franken (US Senator) accused of sexual assault


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I agree that the people at the very top of the chain have skeletons in their closets that need to be revealed. That also includes the guy at the top of the ladder, who tweets when it is okay to do so, but stays silent when he should not. Unless, that is addressed I think that the silence will be deafening in situations that make the Americans the laughing stock of the Universe.
Its numerous elected officials. Thousands of lobbyists. Both parties.

Trump is NOT the problem. He is a mirror. And probably the one guy not involved in sexual harassment. Judging from reports they even harass female office holders.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Its numerous elected officials. Thousands of lobbyists. Both parties.

Trump is NOT the problem. He is a mirror. And probably the one guy not involved in sexual harassment. Judging from reports they even harass female office holders.
There were numerous women who came out with similar allegations against Trump and the same kind of scenario i.e. that's "why are the women coming out of the crevices twenty, thirty and forty years later" did play out in the "conspiracy" theory. What was the message relayed to the women since then? The Harvey Weinstein Hollywood scandals seemed to have triggered the women to come out and be more vocal.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I'm just waiting for Trump's other daughter (you know, the one you never hear about - Tiffany I believe. Daughter with Marla Maples. Supposedly she hates Donald because of all the derogatory comments he has made about her over the years) to claim that Donald made sexual advance on her. Trump is downright creepy when it comes to Ivanka. It would be explosive.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Rolling Stone also just came out with a refresher on the Trump sexual assault allegations.
They include walking into the dressing room of 14 year old beauty pageants repeatedly, groping like Moore and pretty much everything that Moore and Franken have been accused of plus.

As The New York Times reported last year, Trump is accused of sexually assaulting a woman on an airplane in the Eighties in a way that recalls Franken's alleged misconduct in 2006:

"About 45 minutes after takeoff, she recalled, Mr. Trump lifted the armrest and began to touch her. According to Ms. Leeds, Mr. Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. 'He was like an octopus,' she said. 'His hands were everywhere.'"

And like Roy Moore is alleged to have targeted teens, Trump has freely admitted that he would enter the dressing room at Miss Teen USA beauty pageants, with some contestants as young as 14. Several contestants have backed this up, saying they saw Trump in the dressing room looking at them in various states of undress.

Perhaps most famously, Trump has boasted about forcing himself on women, as numerous high-profile men who have faced career consequences of late are said to have done; on the infamous 2005 Access Hollywood tape, Trump bragged that his fame allowed him to grab women "by the pussy."

All told, at least 16 women have accused Trump of harassment, assault or other abusive sexual behavior. (Trump last year denied all those claims, at one point suggesting some of his accusers were too unattractive for him to have assaulted; the White House maintains that all of Trump's accusers lied.)

As a country, we didn't listen to those women last year. But in this current environment, people of all stripes are listening. Even Tucker Carlson, Jeff Sessions and Mitch McConnell are arguing that at least some women can and should be trusted.

Amid this seemingly massive culture shift around sexual harassment, assault and abuse, the brave women who have come forward with allegations against Trump deserve to be trusted as well.


Active member
Jul 23, 2010
Frankfooter your new sig pic is so adorable! Butler1000, your wrong. Trump is a Supreme Being on Earth.

Leeanne Tweeden, is this the same girl from the World Poker Tour? She seems to be very professional about the incident, its beginning to look fishy.

As for Roy Moore, is a Steve Bannon associate. As long as he has Bannon's support, he doesn't have to admit to anything. After all inbred Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that every Trump accuser is a liar.
just curious....did it make you feel good to call a woman you don't know, but obviously dislike and disagree with, an inbred? is this how you really feel about all women you dislike or disagree with?

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Never said I disliked SHS, it's a statement of fact. I don't dislike Steve Bannon either, he has his reasons for not coming out of the closet.

It's like what John Cleese said: "Listen mate, I know an inbred when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now".

She's on the tele right now.

hedo rick

Active member
Jun 11, 2016
Look at the photo closely. Doesn't even look like he's touching her.
It's like that time I took a photo of me holding up the leaning tower of Pisa. (Spoiler: I wasn't actually doing it)


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I'm asking you why you feel the need to defend guys like Spacey and Al Franken??

If you feel that I'm wrongly singling you out, then tell me why
How are accusations against Spacey and Franken any different than the accusations against Trump or Moore?


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
I prefer neither. But the precedent was set with Clinton. You can get a blowjob in the WH from an intern.

Until they change the rules and the parties start tossing people from caucus and the money there isn't result consequenses is there?

Your discussing whether one is the lesser of two evils. I can just as easily say Franklin is crying croc tears to save his job.

Would he have done the same without the picture?
So.... you are equating a joke picture with a pedophile? WOW...


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
So.... you are equating a joke picture with a pedophile? WOW...
Actually I'm laughing at a political climate that can ruin a carreer so easily.

And how this hatred of Trump has become so McCarthyesqe that they are now turning on their own.

Head of the Florida Democratic Party was just removed for inappropriate behavior. And of course there is the Senator from N.Y. calling out the Clinton's.

No doubt more to come.

That's the problem with a witchhunt. The hunters are never satisfied there aren't witches, and always need more.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You should be laughing or crying at a political climate that will elect incredibly flawed leaders.
Moore and Trump being prime examples.
That climate is of the politicians own making. People don't turn to bad leadership unless there doesn't appear to be another option.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

And how this hatred of Trump has become so McCarthyesqe that they are now turning on their own. ....
Sorry but this shouldn't be a partisan issue. Most people agree that sexual harassment is bad. The only partisan part is how quickly the far right are willing to shit on Hollywood and Franken while still standing by Trump and Moore.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Actually I'm laughing at a political climate that can ruin a carreer so easily.

And how this hatred of Trump has become so McCarthyesqe that they are now turning on their own.

Head of the Florida Democratic Party was just removed for inappropriate behavior. And of course there is the Senator from N.Y. calling out the Clinton's.

No doubt more to come.

That's the problem with a witchhunt. The hunters are never satisfied there aren't witches, and always need more.
Nothing more disgusting than sexual assaults on minors and then these actions being defended by the right wing figureheads such as Bannon.
The other case is that Trump has no problem attacking Al Franken who has admitted to his wrong doings. But his silence to the the underage assaults by Moore is beyond hypocritical. Trump can be the biggest witch hunter along with his Fox Network followers. Clinton was impeached went through the investigative procedures, had to answer for his misleading statements and that should have been water under the bridge. Obviously, you have not been following the witch hunts by Sean Hannity and the other Fox Network anchors plus Donald Trump tweets who want the case reopened. The hypocrite Trump has denied the allegations brought by thirteen women that matched his so called locker room audio. These ladies should be allowed to testify in the Senate. Trump is no different from Al Franken with respect to these allegations. Moore should be taken into custody as his offences on a 14 year old can be considered to be criminal.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Nothing more disgusting than sexual assaults on minors and then these actions being defended by the right wing figureheads such as Bannon.
The other case is that Trump has no problem attacking Al Franken who has admitted to his wrong doings. But his silence to the the underage assaults by Moore is beyond hypocritical. Trump can be the biggest witch hunter along with his Fox Network followers. Clinton was impeached went through the investigative procedures, had to answer for his misleading statements and that should have been water under the bridge. Obviously, you have not been following the witch hunts by Sean Hannity and the other Fox Network anchors plus Donald Trump tweets who want the case reopened. The hypocrite Trump has denied the allegations brought by thirteen women that matched his so called locker room audio. These ladies should be allowed to testify in the Senate. Trump is no different from Al Franken with respect to these allegations. Moore should be taken into custody as his offences on a 14 year old can be considered to be criminal.
You mean like weiner?....

Both sides of the aisle.

Let me know when you are prepared to finally abandon the Dems as progressive and realize as one commentator put it...

"Democrats are just Republicans who are good with abortion

I only go after dems more because of the supposed progressive values they espouse but really don't care about.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Sorry but this shouldn't be a partisan issue. Most people agree that sexual harassment is bad. The only partisan part is how quickly the far right are willing to shit on Hollywood and Franken while still standing by Trump and Moore.
I agree. But the Dem leadership saw this in the campaign and since as the wedge issue. And was their go to attack.

Only now that the forces have been unleashed they are just as guilty.

Check my posts. I said get em all. I'm laughing because the Dems may have set there own demise up as well.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You mean like weiner?....

Both sides of the aisle.

Let me know when you are prepared to finally abandon the Dems as progressive and realize as one commentator put it...

"Democrats are just Republicans who are good with abortion

I only go after dems more because of the supposed progressive values they espouse but really don't care about.
You go after the Dems because you are a Trump supporter.
This sexual assault history amongst the elite has to be condemned from the very top. When they play politics then you know that they really have skeletons in their own closet.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You go after the Dems because you are a Trump supporter.
This sexual assault history amongst the elite has to be condemned from the very top. When they play politics then you know that they really have skeletons in their own closet.
If Trump goes tomorrow I'm good. Id sit back and probably watch some sort if constutional crisis unfold. A massive drama that would entertain as well as any game of thrones season.

What I continue to hope for is the lessening of power of both parties. And the rise of an actual progressive party in the USA.

That only occurs when they kill themselves. And that is what we are starting to see right now. Hopefully we see both parties split. And as a result the end of gerymandered incumbency.

Trump to me is an excellent tool and catalyst for the chaos needed to see this. His obvious failings shine a light on ALL the failings of both party establishments. Their lies and hypocrisies.

So feel free to remove Trump. It will imo escalate the divisions and demise of the two party system.
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