I never said he's read any posts on terb. I just pointed out he endorsed sterilization and proved you entirely wrong.
That is impossible as he has not seen what you have proposed, He could not have proved me wrong as he is unaware of what I have proved.
His article is over 12 years old , Is he still alive?
You realized you lost the debate and started this pathetic clown show around has he read posts on terb -- I mean, just how fucking stupid is that? You've gone off the rails - kook!
I am the kook??
I am not the one who out of hand states he can re-negotiate NAFTA, redefine the bank of Canada, and just ignore any say Western Canada may have in order to solve what is onl precieved as an issue by you
That is the definition of kook
You must think vey highly of yourself. Too bad everyone thinks your a blowhard bullshit artist
I've pointed out to you before that's because no-one will invest in an unstable currency.
Nobody wants to invest in one that is being manipulated that is for sure
Pull you bullshit stunt and you will see investment money flyng out of the country
Canada has been a logical and safe place to invest, without your duel currency Ponzi scheme and will continue to be a logical and safe place to invest long after your idea has been laughed out of Ottawa
You just don't have the mental horsepower to understand that point. If you want business people to invest you need to create a healthy environment for that investment. Obviously this topic is beyond your ken.
No I understand very well what you have proposed, what I do not understand is how you can honestly believe anyone else would agree to it
Business is forward looking, idiot, investment decisions are made based on future returns. Not on sunk costs. You really don't have a clue.
yeah and if a business requires some damn idiot to manipulate the currency in order to generate returns there is a fundamental problem with that business.
You were saying something about not having a clue
The idea of penalizing one sector to support another may work in Commie China, but it will not fly here in free enterprise Canada
Do you ever think before posting? W're talking about Parliament enacting a policy here. You know that Canadian law is whatever Parliament wants it to be, right?
There are legal changes tot he government all the time and I guarantee you there would be challenges to your piece of shit idea
Why not stay on topic, and lose the debate, instead of going off on stupid tangents? Just own up to the fact that you're wrong instead of squirming like this.
stay on topic?
What exactly is the topic ? How ridiculous Fuji's plan is?, how it will never be permitted, ?
How about this: How illegal is it under NAFTA? It is prohibited
that should have needed this lunacy right there and then, but NOOOOOO you think you can re-negocaite NAFTA??? I am still laughing that that
You ae the poster boy for a clown who thinks others take him seriously
Nobody gives a fuck about your wrong opinion.
Well lets see, you got zero (nada, zip nobody) to agree with you (even after three years) , so I just do not buy that from you
But I will humour you, why would it not be politically and regionally divisive ?
Why would anyone west of Ontario even consider what you propose without rejecting it outright?
Come on genus, explain to us how you would sell this to an outraged Western Canada?
See the above comment about your ignorant and stupid opinion and how nobody cares about it.
You are the only one who supports your Brian dead idea, even after three years
More than a few have indicated your idea was a joke, so I appear to have more support than you
So lets get this right
Fuji your ignorant and stupid idea, nobody cares about it
Not in this case. You've gone full retard now. There's nothing in the Charter or anywhere else that would restrict Parliament from adopting any policy on foreign exchange it likes -- the law is whatever Parliament says it is. Parliament could do whatever it wants with our currency -- it could peg the CAD to Bitcoin, or put us back on the gold standard, or peg it to the USD, or set the exchange rate by fiat, or any other thing it wants to do. In this case, unlike those extremist ideas, Parliament would simply mandate a specific exchange rate for oil.
More ramblings of a fool who can not admit defeat despite not getting anyone to agree with him
If you don't like that, it's mathematically equivalent to setting up a national oil marketing board and requiring all private oil companies to sell through it to foreign entities.
Illegal under NAFAT and lily illegal under laws that govern competition
It would publish a price for oil based on the spot market price in the US based on a fixed exchange rate and then it would decide whether or not to convert the USD it to receives to CAD based on some parameters designed to limit currency impact. As a government agency it would have unlimited authority to borrow in CAD, while amassing a stockpile of USD. It would periodically pay down its CAD debt by converting its USD, at a steady and predictable rate advertised long enough in advance that there are no short-term shocks to the currency.
Totally unnecessary and politically and regionally divisive and finally it would not work as you envision it.
You are such an idiot
Either way the impact of oil is sterilized by controlling how many USD are converted to CAD.
Either way your Franken plan is never, ever ever going to be promoted by any Canadian politician as there is no way anyone is going to take on such a divisive idea
Why can you not understand this ?
Are you too Stupid or too arrogant to understand
Your ignorance and incompetence at English isn't an argument. There would only be one currency. You wind up with CAD both ways, and that dollar buys the same in any store in Canada no matter how you aquired it. There are not two currencies--this is just you being stupid and igonrant again.
No you do not because this will never ever see the light of day
your Franken plan is never, ever ever going to be promoted by any Canadian politician as there is no way anyone is going to take on such a divisive idea
Why can you not understand this ?
Are you too Stupid or too arrogant to understand
The rest of your post was just more inane sputter. You know fuck all about this topic and you prove it with every post.
I know enough to smell a turd which you promote as your idea
It is dead, a joke, a case study in what not to do for business students
Fuji the fool sitting in his corner wearing his dunce cap