
Climate Fraud Exposed: CO2 Doesn’t Rise Up, Trap And Retain Heat


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Another great contradiction in Fuji's string of bullshit.

So says the guy who spent more than a year insisting that the water vapour feedback has a "reducing" effect on the Earth's temperature.
Never said that. You lie.
And yet: you're picking inane fights with things I said back in May 2016....
He claimed he "never said" the things he now admits he "said back in May 2016".

Too funny. It would appear Fuji doesn't know what the word "never" means. :biggrin1:


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
DR ROY SPENCER, PHD Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and US Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on NASA’s Aqua satellite. Recipient (with John Christy) of the Exceptional Scientific Achievement Award from NASA and the American Meteorological Society’s Special Award for his work in satellite-based temperature monitoring. Formerly Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.

, if “we have no way of knowing how cold (or warm) the globe actually got”, how did the IPCC know it’s hotter than it’s been for a thousand years?

On January 27th 2005 Dr Spencer wrote 126 : As you might imagine, it’s a little difficult to construct a temperature history for a period of record that, for the most part, had no reliable thermometer measurements. Since good thermometer measurements extend back to only around the mid-1800s, “proxy” measurements, primarily tree ring data, have been used to extend the temperature record back additional centuries… The claim of unprecedented warmth and the hockey stick shape appear to hinge on the treatment of one species of tree, the bristlecone pine, from North America in the 1400s. Further statistical tests showed that this critical signal in the early 15th century lacked statistical significance. This suggests that the results of Mann et al were simply which greatly exaggerated a characteristic of the bristlecone pines, which may or may not be related to global temperatures.

The original Mann et al article has had huge repercussions. The hockey stick, along with the “warmest in 1,000 years” argument, has become a central theme of debates over the Kyoto Protocol, a treaty to limit emissions of greenhouse gases, in governments around the world. The question begging to be answered is: Why did the IPCC so quickly and uncritically accept the Mann et al hockey stick analysis when it first appeared? I cannot help but conclude that it’s because they wanted to believe it.

Dr Spencer pointed out what should have been obvious that the hockey stick had never been subjected to one of the most basic tests of science: Unusual claims in science should be met with unusual skepticism, and this did not happen with the Mann et al study.
An increasing number of researchers have anecdotal evidence that the science tabloids, Nature and Science , select reviewers of some manuscripts based upon whether they want those papers to be accepted or rejected. In other words, it seems like the conclusions of a paper are sometimes more important that the scientific basis for those conclusions. Since those periodicals have profit and popularity motives that normal scientific journals do not, maybe the time has come to downgrade the scientific weight of publications in those journals, at least for some purposes… It will be interesting to see if the IPCC, and its member countries, continue to rally around the hockey stick, or discard it.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Here's another scientist who thinks GW is overblown:

He works for CATO:

Michaels was a contributing author and is a reviewer of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.

His writing has been published in the major scientific journals, including Climate Research, Climatic Change, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Climate, Nature, and Science, as well as in popular serials worldwide. He is the author or editor of six books on climate and its impact, and he was an author of the climate “paper of the year” awarded by the Association of American Geographers in 2004. He has appeared on most of the worldwide major media.

Michaels holds AB and SM degrees in biological sciences and plant ecology from the University of Chicago, and he received a PhD in ecological climatology from the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1979

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Fuji is going to sleep now. Its been a long night driving around all those Asian escorts.

Nitey night. Dont let the bedbugs bite


Mar 12, 2004
Absolutely, but then you went and tried to rewrite that into "controlling the temperature", another one of your dumb replies -- you just aren't smart enough to have this conversation..
You claimed that man started to change the planet's temperature when we started planting crops.
Now you want to change the planet's temperature again,...but not control it,...if we can't control it,...what is all this climate change talk we are hearing..

Nobody has a "conversation" with you fuji,... you are simply a dumb wall.

Nobody knows what you're talking about, but it sure as hell isn't anything I said...
Yes you are nobody,...who also conveniently forgets what you posted.

And there you go again proving you know fuck all about scientific publications...
Ah but I do,...your nature magazine was discredited.

You haven't proved jack shit, you posted a link to some moronic blog that you were so stupid you actually believed.
And once again with your climate religion.
Plus, usual, have NOT made any comment about the link I provided,...other than to continue your childish temper tantrums,...grow up fuji.


Mar 12, 2004

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Ottawa just set two LOW temperature records,...damn that global warming
Have you also noticed this Toronto summer wasnt very warm at all??

Again, there has been nothing out of the ordinary as far was warmer weather is concerned over the last 30 to 50 years


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Yup, it's called having an opinion
Amusing. You keep complaining about "doomsday sayers" being like a religion and basing their opinion on faith but you do the exact same thing.

You should try looking at the actual science. Yes there are fringe scientists at both ends but the vast majority of those who have actually examined the evidence see human produced CO2 as the major factor in the changing climate.

Your opinion flies completely in the face of the evidence.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Ottawa just set two LOW temperature records,...damn that global warming.
Have you also noticed this Toronto summer wasnt very warm at all??

Again, there has been nothing out of the ordinary as far was warmer weather is concerned over the last 30 to 50 years
Despite your "opinion", July was the second hottest July globally since record keeping.

Toronto hasn't been warm but large chunks of the world are way above average including South America, China, Australia, Southern Africa and the Middle East. Also significant in light of Harvey is the North West Atlantic has record warmth.

But hey, who needs facts when you have your opinion.


Mar 12, 2004
Despite your "opinion", July was the second hottest July globally since record keeping.

Toronto hasn't been warm but large chunks of the world are way above average including South America, China, Australia, Southern Africa and the Middle East. Also significant in light of Harvey is the North West Atlantic has record warmth.

But hey, who needs facts when you have your opinion.
1910 also set a highest temp. since records were being keep,... must have been all of those horses farting.


Jan 31, 2005
Another great contradiction in Fuji's string of bullshit.

And yet:

He claimed he "never said" the things he now admits he "said back in May 2016".

Too funny. It would appear Fuji doesn't know what the word "never" means. :biggrin1:
I never said what you claim. You just lie. And you want to debate you lie because you have no way to win the debate on the merits.

But let's look at your lie: YOU were going on about water vapor claiming it meant the climate wasn't warming as fast as AGW said. I pointed out that AGW is just observed fact and said IF water vapor is having any effect like that it's included in the observation.


Since then you have dropped the word if from my quote and pretended it was me, rather than you, advancing that claim.

I can't imagine anyone more dishonest.


Jan 31, 2005
You claimed that man started to change the planet's temperature when we started planting crops.

Now you want to change the planet's temperature again,...but not control it,...if we can't control it,...what is all this climate change talk we are hearing..

And you are still on about articles in some discredited nature magazine,...that magazine is NOT going to publish an article that states the theories published in for decades are wrong,...not a snow balls chance in hell fuji,...just dumb to think otherwise.

And your nature magazine is discredited,...I proved that to you, have others.
You claimed that man started to change the planet's temperature when we started planting crops.
Now you want to change the planet's temperature again,...but not control it,...if we can't control it,...what is all this climate change talk we are hearing..

Nobody has a "conversation" with you fuji,... you are simply a dumb wall.

Yes you are nobody,...who also conveniently forgets what you posted.

Ah but I do,...your nature magazine was discredited.

And once again with your climate religion.
Plus, usual, have NOT made any comment about the link I provided,...other than to continue your childish temper tantrums,...grow up fuji.
Degenerate spammer.

No amount of spamming by you is going to exonerate you for lying and claiming I said early humans "control" the temperature or lying and claiming I want to change the temperature.

You are a lying spammer

No amount of spending by you is going to make Nature anything less than the most respected scientific journal on the planet.

You have no valid argument, so you lie and you spam.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
So FAST is a spammer now......LOL I couldnt make this stuff up if I tried


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Wait, I thought weather =/= climate??
Nice attempted dodge. Your comment would apply if not for the past 30+ year trend.

p.s. It was you guys trying to pretend this summer proved there was no global warming. Now you change tact when te facts refute yet another of your claims.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Nice attempted dodge. Your comment would apply if not for the past 30+ year trend
Okay, so show us where the past 30+ year trend has shown considerable global warming

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
p.s. It was you guys trying to pretend this summer proved there was no global warming. Now you change tact when te facts refute yet another of your claims
Now you're just cherry-picking parts of my posts.
I actually referenced the last 30 to 50 years in my post, not only this summer:

Have you also noticed this Toronto summer wasnt very warm at all??

Again, there has been nothing out of the ordinary as far was warmer weather is concerned over the last 30 to 50 years
You're starting to lose credibility basketcase, you're getting pretty close to fuji levels now


Mar 12, 2004
I'm a degenerate spammer.
No amount of spamming by you is going to exonerate you for lying and claiming that you said early humans "control" the temperature by planting crops,...or lying and claiming you want to change the temperature.

You are a lying spammer

No amount of spaming by you is going to make nature magazine anything more than a discredited magazine.

You have no valid argument, so you lie and you spam

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
^^^^ LoL!!!!!!!!!!
Toronto Escorts