I don't think Masai is done yet, they still need to dump JV and possibly throw in another couple of useless players on their roster like Nogueira, Bruno or Hamilton. Right now they have 6 bigs, it's way too many especially for an evolving NBA that's made big men useless. Once JV is traded, I expect Ibaka to move to the 5, and either Siakam or Poetl to start at the 4. They would have a solid starting 5 in Kyle, Demar, Powell, Ibaka and Siakam or Poetl. CJ Miles coming off the bench is a great addition, and I expect Delon Wright to be a solid replacement for Cory Joseph.
They're a significantly worse team than last year though. So far they've lost Tucker, Patterson, Joseph and Carroll, and a 1st and 2nd round pick in 2018, and only got CJ Miles in return. Carroll was a subpar scrub on a horrible contract, so Masai really had no choice, since no other team in the entire league wants him. Signing Carroll was Masai's only big mistake, but not as bad as Colangelo's signing of Hedo.