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Gas-Powered Cars Will Vanish in 8 Years, Big Oil Will Collapse: Stanford Study


Jul 2, 2011
Powered Cars Will Vanish in 8 Years, Big Oil Will Collapse: Stanford Study

May 18, 2017 at 2:14 pm

Written by Anti-Media Staff

(ANTIMEDIA) In early May, Anti-Media reported on a new study published by a Stanford professor claiming vehicle ownership will drop 80 percent by 2030. That study, as The Telegraph wrote this week, has been making the rounds in environmental circles and in the board rooms of companies with a stake in the fossil fuel game.

But as more analysts are digging through this exhaustive new study, they’re finding that some of the predictions made by economist Tony Seba are far more profound than originally thought. In his report, Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030, Seba is actually predicting that virtually all fossil fuel vehicles will have vanished within eight years.

The reason for this, as he explains in thorough detail, is that the market for self-driving electric vehicles (EVs) is simply growing too fast.

“What the cost curve says is that by 2025 all new vehicles will be electric, all new buses, all new cars, all new tractors, all new vans, anything that moves on wheels will be electric, globally,” Professor Seba writes in his report.

It’s a matter of economics and innovation, Seba says. EVs are cheaper and easier to manufacture, their few moving parts require almost zero maintenance, and they can actually outperform their fossil fuel guzzling counterparts.

“The electric drive-train is so much more powerful," writes Seba. “The gasoline and diesel cars cannot possibly compete.”

The professor says the only thing currently stopping this grand shift to electric is consumer price. Seba says the “tipping point” will come in the next few years when the cost of an EV will be down to around $30,000. But by 2022, when low-end models are $20,000, the changing tide will be unstoppable.

In the near future, only nostalgics like car collectors will have a use for the old models, Seba predicts. It will gradually become harder to find gas stations or mechanics who know the intricacies of the far more complicated machines. Car dealerships will be gone by 2024 because everyone will be shooting around town in self-driving EVs.

Seba expects that eventually, city governments will begin banning human drivers because data will have shown how much more dangerous they are than the computer systems’ operating EVs. This will lead to a “mass stranding of existing vehicles.”

For these reasons, as well myriad others stipulated in Seba’s report, the economist is predicting a twin “death spiral” for traditional automakers and oil companies in the near future.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I've been saying this since I went from Commodore 64 to Amiga 128. Not a really revolutionary prediction. However, unless there's a breakthrough in the battery research, we'll be waiting a bit longer. Of course, I think that fuel cell/hydrogen technology is the way of the future.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
So what happens when the computer programs and software that run all these self driving cars crashes or is hacked and held for ransom?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I wouldn't hold my breath that it will be within a decade. Remember back in the late 1970's when we were going to exhaust all the world's ores both precious and ferrous by 1995, oh and we were to have exhausted the world's crude oil supplies.


Mar 12, 2004


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2003
rural ontario
Not according to Ford. There is a half hour interview show, Autoline on Detroit PBS every Sunday morning, and last week the VP of Propulsion Systems at Ford said that they see a declining but permanent market for internal combustion vehicles.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Powered Cars Will Vanish in 8 Years, Big Oil Will Collapse: Stanford Study
This statement is laughable. There's so much infrastructure that needs to be put in place before the majority of vehicle are fully electric. Here's one problem I see. How are people who're limited to street parking (which in some areas can change from one side of the street to the other every two weeks) supposed to charge their cars at night? Yeah, like you're going to run a 50' extension cord across the street. What if the only spot you can find is a block away?

Take a Tesla for example. It takes 12 hours for a 60 km charge at 120 V, and you won't even get close to that range in the winter. We're still a long, long way off.


Mar 31, 2009
Ford said that they see a declining but permanent market for internal combustion vehicles.
Just like digital cameras replaced film, this will happen. The only question is how long it will take. One of the talking heads on BNN said that much of Saudi's oil reserves will stay under the ground forever. Hence, the reason why the Saudis want to sell all their oil at any price before it becomes worthless.

I hate to say this but we will live to see Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, etc. become North Koreas.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Not according to Ford. There is a half hour interview show, Autoline on Detroit PBS every Sunday morning, and last week the VP of Propulsion Systems at Ford said that they see a declining but permanent market for internal combustion vehicles.
Yep! Unless battery technology improves 10 fold in the next couple years, range will be a major issue. take a 5 ton truck with a dump bed for example. Can you imagine the size of the batteries required to run that all day long with current technology? It's laughable!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Powered Cars Will Vanish in 8 Years, Big Oil Will Collapse: Stanford Study
With due respect - I think Stanford researches involved with this prediction are very myopic. I just bought a new car with 0% financing over 7 years. So I got one year after that and it becomes a garden planter ?

I'm not a scientist but there is a practical aspect I find doesn't fit. Even if I wave a wand and exchange ~ 8,000,000 cars in Ontario with your electric version - how are you going to power them ? Gasoline is distributed to power the existing vehicles. If I convert the energy (yes, I am aware of the increased efficiency) into electrical power required daily to power the cars and add this to the power grid - I can't see it supporting it. It takes more than 8 years to plan and implement the increased power requirements to every residential area. I'm not a scientist so if I'm out to lunch - maybe someone can enlighten me.

Realistally, I can't see people phasing out their cars in 8 years particularly since it would have to have already begun and current sales figures doesn't support it.


Mar 31, 2009
"The car will never replace the horse and buggy" but it did.

"Airplanes will never replace trains."

It will happen sooner or later. There's a reason why the Saudis are selling their oil as fast as they can and the House of Saud is making plans to exit Arabia.


Active member
May 22, 2011
LOL. It's amazing when people make predictions like this. It's so crazy, the only way i can them doing it is if they are on some kind of payroll or social group where they have to make inane statements to get noticed and collect a paycheque.

No matter how many environmentalists, Elon Musk PR campaigns for electric, and how many Google self-driving cars there are, all you have to remember is this.

- In the 70s, people thought oil was running out..... In the 2000s, people think oil is running out, but turns out new discoveries show there's even more oil than expected.... and that's after the world has already used up billions of barrels overt he past 100+ years
- Car sales are at record highs. Not due to the microscopic sales of e-cars, but just your normal sedans and pick ups have lead car companies to record sales the past few years..... 99.99% of them are gas guzzlers
- As much as technology makes things more convenient, human nature makes it so people still want to do things. OK, some people are lazy asses, but people still want the feel and control of driving at their pace and convenience. No matter how great mass transit and AI controlled cars are, people still are willing to pay tons of money to do it themselves. It's like sports..... everyone can sit home and watch football or hockey at home, but people still want to be part of the game even if a ticket is $100+
- The whole "electric cars are going to take over" has been promoted every decade. Now Tesla is the new posterchild to validate that claim since all the other car companies failed. And just about every major car company has tried e-cars, and none of them have ever taken off

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
By the time oil runs out we'll be flying spaceships and conquering other planets to steal alien resources and shit.

You know its true!

(okay, so I been drinking a little tonight, but it sounds plausible right now :alien: )


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Were we not going to have flying cars in the 1960's?
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