The One Spa

KING: Donald Trump remains silent as white men terrorize America


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Another difference is that white supremacy doesn't involve believing in some invisible dude in the sky named Allah. It doesn't get any nuttier than that.
What a completely ridiculous post.

You are saying violence from somebody in a hood is somehow less significant than violence from someone believing in an invisible supreme being.

You embarrass yourself. Mind you, in that sense you and Trump have a common trait.


Mar 31, 2009
The good thing about criticizing white terrorists (real or imagined) is that nobody accuses you of being racist, bigoted, Islamphobic, etc.


Mar 31, 2009
the US dropped 26,000 bombs on 7 Muslim countries in the last year alone
Not sure about your "facts" about U.S. bombs but ISIS (aka DAESH) will soon be wiped out of Iraq. Next, we will rid them from from Syria. Even Turkey is now engaged in bombing them.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
But the news was not big enough to get the right wingers to start a new thread on this topic. I wonder why??
And how many threads have you started whenever a muslim terrorist attack occurs??
Can you name even one?? Your lot however is very quick to apologize for Islam though.

The reason why Righties mostly post Islamic terror attacks is because we view radical Islam as a much greater threat


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The reason why Righties mostly post Islamic terror attacks is because we view radical Islam as a much greater threat
There is a study that shows that right wingers brains are wired slightly differently and see threats in places that most people don't.

Which is why you see Islamic terrorism a threat in this country where as the threat we really face seems to be from paranoia filled right wingers.


Feb 14, 2013
That's a totally different issue. Stop deflecting.

If someone brings up an issue You should always consider the source. If it's Shaun King it should be quickly dismissed. He's a fraud whose greatest fear is letting his hair grow out


Feb 14, 2013
There is a study that shows that right wingers brains are wired slightly differently and see threats in places that most people don't.

Which is why you see Islamic terrorism a threat in this country where as the threat we really face seems to be from paranoia filled right wingers.

Once again...consider the source

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010


Mar 31, 2009
There is also a tendency to describe all attacks by Muslims as religious meaning that attacks are more likely to be political
In the case of Islamic terrorism it is difficult if not impossible to separate religion from politics, they are intertwine. Take the Taliban as an example. They are using terrorism in the hope of gaining political power so they can impose their ultra conservative version of Islam on Afghanistan.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
You dont have to be paranoid to see that radical Islam is a serious problem in the world.
Maybe not so much for Canada (yet), but in Europe its the #1 source of terrorism
Radical anything is a problem for most people in the world. Moderates are the majority, and they're anything and everything from Muslim to Buddhist to Christian, liberal to conservative and free enterprise to socialist.

Nothing to do with any group's belief system, and everything to do with extremists not being able to deal with the real world, which is more complicated than their black and white short-sentence addicted minds choose to cope with. Most of us do better than that low standard.


Mar 31, 2009
Here's the thing. When a white person commits a terrorist act, as rare as that is, everybody condemns him or her.

When a Muslim commits a terrorist act, the apologists and supporters leap to his/her defense. Then these apologists immediately start getting hysterical and scream racism, bigotry, Islampohobia, crusader, etc.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Donald Trump is right, there was a recent attack in Sweden. By neo-Nazis on a refugee centre

The world reacted with confusion after Donald Trump cited a Swedish terrorist attack during a campaign-style rally in Florida that appeared never to have happened.
One of the country's official Twitter accounts, controlled by a different citizen each week, said: "Nothing has happened here in Sweden. There has not [been] any terrorist attacks here. At all."
However, despite widespread debunking of his claims, it has since emerged a largely underreported attack did, in fact, occur last month.
Three suspected neo-Nazis were arrested in January after a Gothenburg Asylum centre became the target of a homemade bomb attack, leaving one person seriously injured.
Security services said all three suspects had previously been members of the Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR), a group that openly promotes racist and anti-Semitic views and has vocally opposed non-white immigration to the country.
The Swedish intelligence service Säpo said the incident on 5 January, which was also linked to two others in Gothenburg in recent months, appeared to be politically motivated.
The NMR was**set up in 1997 by former members of the White Aryan Resistance and employees of Folktribunen, a neo-National socialist magazine. The group is considered as the figurehead for Sweden’s white power movement.**

Sweden took in more refugees per capita than any other European country in 2016, which Mr Trump cited in his speech as creating problems "they never thought possible."**
The right is on the rise in Sweden and we can't blame inequality
The former real-estate mogul focused on migration in Europe and linked it to terror attacks in Brussels, Nice and Paris - before adding Sweden to the list.
“We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden,” he told supporters in Melbourne.
“Who would believe this? Sweden! They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never thought possible.”
It came as a 2016 report found immigration had helped fuel Sweden's biggest economic boom in five years.

Trump's terror attack on Sweden was real - but it was by alt right white supremacists on a refugee asylum center.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I am betting that this white supremacist murder will suddenly be dropped from Trump's speeches - just the same way the Quebec City attack was suddenly dropped when it became clear that it was a white neo nazi killer and not a Muslim or person of colour.

Trump only likes "facts" which fit his fake news president spin.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
And how many threads have you started whenever a muslim terrorist attack occurs??
Can you name even one?? Your lot however is very quick to apologize for Islam though.

The reason why Righties mostly post Islamic terror attacks is because we view radical Islam as a much greater threat
The fact that I do not start any threads on terror attacks whether it is Muslim or Racists or any other demagogues shows consistency. The right wingies if they are constantly starting threads about Muslim terrorists and not racists or neo nazi terrorism shows their bias against just Muslims. I have mentioned that terrorists of all faiths and groups should be eradicated, as I can speak for myself and my principles that are aligned with Canadian and all Democratic values. But when you and the rest of the right wingies castigate the complete Muslim faith and 99.99% of the Muslims living in Canada just for the sake of a handful of the criminal, murder loving terrorists then they show their true colours. Let us see you denounce the racists terrorists and unequivocally show your support for all law abiding citizens of all faiths. Do you denounce the mosque shootings by the alt right racist supporter?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
And how many threads have you started whenever a muslim terrorist attack occurs??
Can you name even one?? Your lot however is very quick to apologize for Islam though.

The reason why Righties mostly post Islamic terror attacks is because we view radical Islam as a much greater threat
But you're wrong. Right wing terrorists kill more and attack more often in the west. You just don't want to admit that because you kinda dig what they say.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
In the case of Islamic terrorism it is difficult if not impossible to separate religion from politics, they are intertwine. Take the Taliban as an example. They are using terrorism in the hope of gaining political power so they can impose their ultra conservative version of Islam on Afghanistan.
We all know that foreign interference from the time of the Russian invasion and the manner in which the west supported Osam Bin Laden in the guerilla fightback was the main reason that the Taliban created it's base in that country. Clearly the mess was the outside interference that also screwed up Iraq.
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