I get that thanks to our bubblehead Prime Minister, the law is now one big grey area, but it amazes me how many people are just walking down the street smoking dunes like it was perfectly ok these days.
It's gotten out of control already. Absolutely out of control. I've been working downtown a lot lately and several times a day I will see or usually smell pot heads.
Are you allowed to walk down the street drinking a beer?
So what makes you think smoking a joint is ok?
I hate the smell and it really makes me want to heave.
I had no idea there were so many potheads out there.
It's gotten out of control already. Absolutely out of control. I've been working downtown a lot lately and several times a day I will see or usually smell pot heads.
Are you allowed to walk down the street drinking a beer?
So what makes you think smoking a joint is ok?
I hate the smell and it really makes me want to heave.
I had no idea there were so many potheads out there.