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Another Malaysian Airways flight down over Ukraine....


Mar 31, 2009
" Over the years, it made disciples among illustrious Ivy League professors, poor third world peasants, and prosperous French and Italian shopkeepers who joined the Communist Party."

Third world peasants, I can understand as they are seeking someway out of their poverty. Ivy League professors and prosperous shopkeepers are simply liberal lefties. When I was in university, one guy in our group was a communist and he was a babe magnet. After he graduated he went to work in his family's prosperous electronic business and lived in Upper Westmount.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Think before you write. If the crash site was bombed, WHO ELSE WOULD'VE DONE THAT (other than the Ukrainians which is impossible)? That alone would clearly indicate Russia's meddling. Sometimes, you just can't cover-up a wrong or bad deed 100%.
Crash site was huge in size.
People were falling from 10,000 feet everywhere including on the roofs of the houses of three villages on the territory that was occupied by russians' own "rebels". Granted, russians are fucked in the head but they are not fucked in the head enough to bomb three of their own villages. I am not even sure how a territory of that size can be thoroughly bombed. This proposition frankly is idiotic.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Crash site was huge in size.
People were falling from 10,000 feet everywhere including on the roofs of the houses of three villages on the territory that was occupied by russians' own "rebels". Granted, russians are fucked in the head but they are not fucked in the head enough to bomb three of their own villages. I am not even sure how a territory of that size can be thoroughly bombed. This proposition frankly is idiotic.
Thank you for your added info.

(A Bronx Tale is one of my favourite movies).
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