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Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
hahhahha, you kill me. Your still crying and sulking cause I called you out on your stupidity (one of them a year ago) about making claims that can't be quantified, and all you can two is run around taking cheap shots at me with your gay little edited quotes.
Apparently his toe is split right down to the bone.
That's what I was told.
No cause then I wouldn't be telling the truth.
I won’t call you an idiot because that gets the moderators all riled up… but I will say that, mentally, you are all fucked up!!!



Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Can't you guys learn to all get along a bit better??
I mean we're all on the same Blue Jay supporters club here, right??

Just so you know, in the 80's I used to belong to hardcore Amsterdam fanclub called F-side (google it).
If anyone acted the way some of you guys act they wouldve been tossed out by their ears. There's nothing worse than disunity when it comes to team supporters


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2009
I won’t call you an idiot because that gets the moderators all riled up… but I will say that, mentally, you are all fucked up!!!

Well done PM and others, getting BBL banned.
Always had to start argue with everyone. Also notice how every dig he threw at others, really mostly pertained to himself?
Too much internet for him.
1 down, 1 to go :)

Now we can talk baseball here without harassment.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2009
I like when you predict something wrong shack and costanza are all over that, but when you predict something right they suddenly go radio silent :D

Right? They're too chicken shit to go out on a limb and predict anything but gee when something turns around 6 weeks later, they're all over, digging up old posts from last year trying to make some inane or useless point.

They clearly don't have enough knowledge of baseball to predict anything but have enough trolling skills to rag on people. To be fair to them, they are the cackling dead.

So here's your chance gcostanza, and shack, say something smart about baseball/Jays.
Otherwise, ya know where to put the cork...


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
1 down, 1 to go :)
Just a question for one of the more knowledgeable baseball fans here;
In baseball if there's 1 down, isn't there 2 to go?:confused:



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Right? They're too chicken shit to go out on a limb and predict anything but gee when something turns around 6 weeks later, they're all over, digging up old posts from last year trying to make some inane or useless point.

They clearly don't have enough knowledge of baseball to predict anything but have enough trolling skills to rag on people. To be fair to them, they are the cackling dead.

So here's your chance gcostanza, and shack, say something smart about baseball/Jays.
Otherwise, ya know where to put the cork...
What you continually fail to realize in most of my posts is that I almost never put myself out as being an expert. In fact most of my criticisms are trying to point out that nobody on here is and that is what pisses some of you guys off. I rarely predict and I rarely second guess decisions. I'm sure you can find the occasional post to the contrary but I am not trying to impress anyone, least of the "expert" who calls himself "(you think you know more than) ME"? Posts like that are undeniably somebody who not only thinks they are an expert but needs attention as well. Very immature attitude.

I'll admit that I can be picky and sarcastic but I know what I am and that is first and foremost a fan. I cheer for my teams. I don't arm chair manage them.

As far as predictions go, they are meaningless. All they are are just wild stabs in the dark and are not indicators of knowledge. That is why I laugh when someone is wrong and say nothing when they are right. If someone is such a smart predictor I would expect them to be placing thousands of dollars down in bets. If not, they are too chicken shit to put their money where their mouth is.

But just to feed into your childlike needs, I think the Jays are very talented as currently built and should remain competitive right through to the end. Hopefully Shapeero has enough faith and isn't too cheap to add a significant piece or two.

C'mon, say something smart.

And once again (I am beginning to doubt if this will ever sink in) everyone is entitled to their opinion but don't pretend that having an opinion is the same as being an expert.

BTW, guaranteed you get banned before I do. You are too emotional. I consider being called a "troll" and "cackling dead" insults.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
5-0 Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who's next in line????!!!! :eyebrows:



Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
What you continually fail to realize in most of my posts is that I almost never put myself out as being an expert. In fact most of my criticisms are trying to point out that nobody on here is and that is what pisses some of you guys off. I rarely predict and I rarely second guess decisions. I'm sure you can find the occasional post to the contrary but I am not trying to impress anyone, least of the "expert" who calls himself "(you think you know more than) ME"? Posts like that are undeniably somebody who not only thinks they are an expert but needs attention as well. Very immature attitude.

I'll admit that I can be picky and sarcastic but I know what I am and that is first and foremost a fan. I cheer for my teams. I don't arm chair manage them./QUOTE]

Some of the greatest commentators in all sports are arm chair managers, that is part of the joy of watching sports! Everyone from a Don Cherry or a Greg Zaun to a Jim Hughson/Buck Martinez always voice their opinion on all sorts of different game situations - Some situations are big, and others are minor, but they all do it.

Go to any pub where a group of fans are watching game, hang out with some buddies while watching a game or even sit with your spouse watching a game and the inner arm chair manager will come through - That is part of the joy of watching sports. It can be as simple as a decision to go to the bullpen, pinch hitting, changing a goalie, switching lines, passing vs. running for a TD, etc. Without that interaction or freedom of making your call, sports would not be sports and a big part of the thrill is lost.

There is a lot of emotion in sports - All sports from our early years as a player up to your senior years as a fan. Second guessing is simply part of the game. Anyone who has not second guessed a decision of a coach/manager in their lifetime of watching sports is an extreme rarity.

As sports fans you will not always agree with the viewpoint of another sports fan...That is yet another joy of watching sports.

Funny thing is, on TERB there are times I agree and disagree with every person on here. There is no consistency as there are too many variables, personal biases and other factors that come into play with the comments that are posted.

For me, I read, I learn, I agree, I disagree, I laugh and I voice my opinion. I don't go out of my way to say "fuck you", however I enjoy the opinions on this forum as it is a small diverse and passionate community.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
What you continually fail to realize in most of my posts is that I almost never put myself out as being an expert. In fact most of my criticisms are trying to point out that nobody on here is and that is what pisses some of you guys off. I rarely predict and I rarely second guess decisions. I'm sure you can find the occasional post to the contrary but I am not trying to impress anyone, least of the "expert" who calls himself "(you think you know more than) ME"? Posts like that are undeniably somebody who not only thinks they are an expert but needs attention as well. Very immature attitude.

I'll admit that I can be picky and sarcastic but I know what I am and that is first and foremost a fan. I cheer for my teams. I don't arm chair manage them./QUOTE]

Some of the greatest commentators in all sports are arm chair managers, that is part of the joy of watching sports! Everyone from a Don Cherry or a Greg Zaun to a Jim Hughson/Buck Martinez always voice their opinion on all sorts of different game situations - Some situations are big, and others are minor, but they all do it.

Go to any pub where a group of fans are watching game, hang out with some buddies while watching a game or even sit with your spouse watching a game and the inner arm chair manager will come through - That is part of the joy of watching sports. It can be as simple as a decision to go to the bullpen, pinch hitting, changing a goalie, switching lines, passing vs. running for a TD, etc. Without that interaction or freedom of making your call, sports would not be sports and a big part of the thrill is lost.

There is a lot of emotion in sports - All sports from our early years as a player up to your senior years as a fan. Second guessing is simply part of the game. Anyone who has not second guessed a decision of a coach/manager in their lifetime of watching sports is an extreme rarity.

As sports fans you will not always agree with the viewpoint of another sports fan...That is yet another joy of watching sports.

Funny thing is, on TERB there are times I agree and disagree with every person on here. There is no consistency as there are too many variables, personal biases and other factors that come into play with the comments that are posted.

For me, I read, I learn, I agree, I disagree, I laugh and I voice my opinion. I don't go out of my way to say "fuck you", however I enjoy the opinions on this forum as it is a small diverse and passionate community.
Good post. Good attitude.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
At near the All Star break, and I would like to blow off some steam, as I believe, the sports writers of this city are basically idiots, who nothing about sports.

That is one great thing about the internet. We can expose ignorance. In this case, Toronto sports writers ignorance about baseball. (Note: internet can be used for other things like flaming and shit, we try not to do that here, except shit on Toronto media).

Today Toronto does not lead the division but has the most number of wins as Baltimore has a few games in hand. Toronto currently has 50 wins.

Cleveland 52 wins.
Texas 54 wins.
Washington 52
Chicago Cubs 52
SF at 54 wins

Toronto is right among the leaders of baseball. Only these 6 teams have 50 or more wins. Detroit is starting some more mediocre pitching the next two games. Bombs away!

Earlier in the season, it was like the bull pen is awful. The starter pitchers cannot hold up. The bats are silent. Guess what! 50 wins at the All Star break.

The Blue Jays will probably try to add another reliever. The whole team could be firing on all cylinders.

That's why we are not going to see much excitement or cheer leading of the Blue Jays from the Toronto press right now. Those bozo reporters remember what they wrote, and now covering their ass.

Sort of the like the Phil Kessel situation when he was run out of town, only to win the Stanley Cup and just missed being MVP.

That is, the Toronto sports writer.



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I like Richard Griffin in the Star.

He clearly expressed concerns for the Jays but at no point did he call for drastic moves or impending doom. He'd taken "the players eventually returning to their norms" approach, lots of time left and has felt that Gibbons is a good fit as manager for a team with lots of high character veterans who can handle the dressing room. He has been consistent.

Agree there are lots of idiots. Also with the Star, I do not like Dave Feschuk. He's a little weasel always trying to stir up shit. I think that he was the one that asked Kessel if he was a coach killer after Carlyle got fired and Kessel walked out.


New member
Mar 29, 2005
watching Tulo play shortstop is worth the price of admission....and now he is hitting too
And what's with all the crowds? 46000 I heard the other day for the Detroit game. Not living in Toronto I was left wondering has last year's euphoria returned to the streets?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Looks like I did the quote thing above wrong in post number 1795. Oops.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2009
The only reason I can come up with is superstition. They are winning with him there and until Bautista gets back or they start to tank Gibbons will keep him there. Carrera has 10 count 'em 10 RBIs. He should, off his recent numbers be hitting 8th or 9th.
It seems they are resting Travis every 3-4 games so it likely he is still recovering from his injury. He had a hot month there OPS .900+.
I understand the value of having a consistent lineup, so stick Carrera there until JB gets back. But I always thought long term plan to put Travis leadoff, followed by JB, JD, EE, MS, etc.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2009
Jays could have five 30-homerun guys by end of the season
I presume you are talking about Tulo, Edwin, MS, JD and JoeyBats. JB is at 12 HR and when he gets back after the AS break, he may have 65 games or so to hit 18. That's a pretty tall order, but if anyone can, it could be JB.

I'm a huge JB fan and he is still the straw that stirs the team. At the quarter mark of the season, we were 19-23 (I know gcostanza, the quarter is 40.5 games :) ) and the offence was struggling.

JB volunteered to leadoff and the Jays went off on a 20-8 stretch to get back on track. when he injured his toe, we scuffled a bit at 4-8; until recent win streak.

Worth noting, he knew his RBI numbers would take a hit going into his FA season, but made the sacrifice for the team. I'm not saying re-sign him, but it's still his team.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2009
watching Tulo play shortstop is worth the price of admission....and now he is hitting too
Reminds me of Tony Fernandez but with more power. His jump side-arm throw from deep in the hole to get Upton last night gave me flashbacks; or it was the weed :)

Congrats to Michael Saunders to the MLB ALL-Star!
Reminds me of the smooth Olerud swing, but with more power. Olerud was more of a doubles gap hitter, but Saunders clears the fences the opposite way. Luv that he is hitting lefties better than righties.
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