GOP: Trump is a "textbook racist"


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Trump thinks he's biased because he's Mexican.
This is correct. If I understand what the other fellows are saying, that Judge has sympathies that are well known, and Trump accuses him of being biased.

Trump is not interested in political correctness. Is not being interested in political correctness, is that racism?

That's America for ya!

The Black Lives Matter Folks, complain that white cops never do jail time when a black man is killed. The system, is against them. How is that really anything different than what Trump is saying. And BLM people KNOW! THEY KNOW the system is racist.

That Affluenza kid, who avoid jail time after killing 4 people while drunk. Guess we should call that a positive form of racism?

Maybe Trump used the wrong choice of words. He should have accused that Judge of racism.

Ain't that America!


Jan 31, 2005
This is correct. If I understand what the other fellows are saying, that Judge has sympathies that are well known, and Trump accuses him of being biased.
Nope . Trump accused him of being biased because he's Mexican.

Trump is not interested in political correctness. Is not being interested in political correctness, is that racism?
Calling someone unfit because of their ancestry is racism. That's basically the definition of racism.


Jan 31, 2005
And here's s clue: saying "I'm not politically correct" does not excuse being a low life knuckle dragging racist cad.

There's no excuse for Trump here. None.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Calling someone unfit because of their ancestry is racism. That's basically the definition of racism.
There is some context here apparently, and a history with the Judge. Does that make him unfit according to Trump?

Or that the fact he's a Mexican makes him unfit according to Trump?


Jan 31, 2005
There is some context here apparently, and a history with the Judge. Does that make him unfit according to Trump?

Or that the fact he's a Mexican makes him unfit according to Trump?
There's no context that justifies saying a sitting judge is unfit because of his race.

Moreover what's worse is that it comes off like a spoiled child crying and throwing a tantrum because he didn't get what he wanted.

Trump University was a SCAM . Trump is a con man, and hurling racist insults at the judge who is bringing him to justice just makes him a whiny bitch.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Trump is probably as racist as anyone else, but he gets to have white knights to defend him. Lets say you are walking down the street, and you see a black guy, now most of us will walk just a bit more carefully, that is racism but since we keep it to ourselves it is "normal" and acceptable. However if you start yelling at the black man, and hassling him in public about why he has to walk around while being black, that is unacceptable racism because you affect everyone around you including the black man.

Trump commited a crime with his University scam, but you white knights think the real crime is that the judge is mexican and that is a bigger threat than an actual crime. That is the worst example of white priveldge I have seen this century.

I do not like Trump, not because he is white, but because he is an orange version of president comacho from the movie Idiocracy. Someone needs to ask Trump if he thinks watering plants with gatorade is a good idea.
You're a little confused. The case the judge with Mexican ancestry is sitting on is the civil case, not the New York case. To be clear, the NY case turns on Trump "University" not being a registered university, and whether that (combined with claims that the education wasn't of the quality advertised, which will be unproveable) amounts to a fraud. The civil case is not likely to succeed, based on the fact that so many people would testify that the university delivered quality education that met or exceeded their expectations. Some people will always be disappointed in what any training will do for them, or will fail to make the most of that training. Some people are wasting their money on any education they might purchase.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
^^^^^^ more text book racism. Like Bud your thinking is so thoroughly racist you don't even comprehend what's racist about calling someone unfit because of their ancestry. You are instead trying to justify it by resort to a blatantly racist argument.

Plus you post is basically an admission that Trump is anti Mexican. Not anti illegal immigrants. Anti Mexican.

Good job in proving Trump and his supporters are blatant racists .
I'd love to see this "text book" that you and the Paul Ryan are referring to. I've read them all, and the relevant case law, and the definition of racism is the contention that racial differences make one race superior to another. "Mexicans" are not a race. Trump has not claimed Mexicans make inferior judges. All he's said is that someone with close ties to Mexico and Mexicans may not be able to fairly try a matter involving Donald Trump. I'm sure he would have said the same thing if the judge were of white german ancestry, but had acted as a lawyer for years on behalf of illegal aliens seeking to obtain amnestry from deportation. There's really no validity whatsoever to the argument that Trump's statements were "racist". The only accurate statement that could be made is that Trumps statements referred to ancestry. It's no more contentious than saying a Jewish judge whose parents were holocaust survivors probably could not try, without bias, a Nazi charged with war crimes.

I think the "book" you and Ryan are referring to is imaginary.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Racism: discrimination based on race.

Example: "He's unfit to be judge because he's a Mexican".

Thanks for playing. Come again.
See, this is your problem. You don't know how to read. "Discrimination" means, in this context, ascribing differences in support of the proposition that one race is superior to others in some way or another. Discrimination has this specialized meaning in this context, because in its ordinary meaning, all discrimination means is the identification of differences. And, of course, there are physical identifiable differences between races, or there wouldn't be such a thing as races in the first place! Racism is then the practice of acting upon the belief that one race is superior to another.

Trump has not contended that it is particular to Mexican Americans to have sympathy and support for the political interests of fellow Mexicans in America. I think it's quite obvious, but I like to laugh as much as the next guy, so I'd love to hear you deny it, that members of ANY identifiable community are likely to sympathize with the political interests of the community they feel they belong to. Trumps argument is not based on any specific characteristics of Mexican Americans, it's based on human nature. If you want to make the argument that in a post modern society there is no longer any sense of community based on ancestral background, race or similar aspects of identity, go ahead, but in essence you'll be arguing that racism can't exist.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Trump thinks he's biased because he's Mexican.

And yeah, racist bullshit is making a resurgence. Suddenly there's a lot of people crawling out of the woodwork using "I'm not politically correct" to say horrifically racist things that put even David Duke to shame.

It's become popular to be a bigot. Most likely these racist fucks like Trump and many of his supporters have always been racist but in recent years is become fashionable to admit it openly.
No. As this thread shows, it's still overwhelmingly fashionable to label anything and everything racist, when it offends you.

Stop abusing the word, stop using it excessively for political points. It doesn't work as well anymore when it doesn't apply. You can't just expect to shut down anybody by throwing the label around.

The populace doesn't care about the feigned outrage in the media and by establishment politicians nor the spineless talking heads. The average joe knows racism when he sees it.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Trump says the judge looking into the Trump University scam can't be impartial because he's Hispanic. GOP Speaker Ryan says that is the "textbook definition of a racist comment".

Trump's defence? Trump basically admits open racism and just just said "He's a Mexican" and says his campaign has been making disparaging remarks about Mexicans.

Basically Trump is agreeing that he's racist.
Trump either consciously or subconsciously wishes to destroy the Republican Party. He is a vain one man wrecking machine bashing and smashing apart his own party. Hilary Clinton could not have wished for better luck.


Jan 31, 2005
See, this is your problem. You don't know how to read. "Discrimination" means, in this context, ascribing differences in support of the proposition that one race is superior to others in some way or another. Discrimination has this specialized meaning in this context, because in its ordinary meaning, all discrimination means is the identification of differences. And, of course, there are physical identifiable differences between races, or there wouldn't be such a thing as races in the first place! Racism is then the practice of acting upon the belief that one race is superior to another.

Trump has not contended that it is particular to Mexican Americans to have sympathy and support for the political interests of fellow Mexicans in America. I think it's quite obvious, but I like to laugh as much as the next guy, so I'd love to hear you deny it, that members of ANY identifiable community are likely to sympathize with the political interests of the community they feel they belong to. Trumps argument is not based on any specific characteristics of Mexican Americans, it's based on human nature. If you want to make the argument that in a post modern society there is no longer any sense of community based on ancestral background, race or similar aspects of identity, go ahead, but in essence you'll be arguing that racism can't exist.
Sorry, but it's racist. For one thing your whole argument implicitly assumes that Trump is racist to begin with, that he has been attacking Mexicans, including Mexican Americans, and not just illegal immigrants.

I don't see how it really helps you to argue basically "since Trump has been so publicly racist against Mexicans, a Mexican judge is unfit to prestige over his case ".

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Sorry, but it's racist. For one thing your whole argument implicitly assumes that Trump is racist to begin with, that he has been attacking Mexicans, including Mexican Americans, and not just illegal immigrants.

I don't see how it really helps you to argue basically "since Trump has been so publicly racist against Mexicans, a Mexican judge is unfit to prestige over his case ".
You can't possibly be this dense. This must be some sort of lark for you. Surely you grasp that although Trump has only directed his criticisms toward illegal aliens from Mexico, many Mexican Americans (even if legal citizens themselves) would oppose widespread deportation because those being deported might include their friends and relatives, or would perceive the character aspersions made by Trump about those who entered illegally to be targeted towards their parents/relatives of Mexican Americans who were not born the US and perhaps did not enter legally? If you can't understand this, it's only because you're trying really hard not to. Just wait. We're sure to find out that at least one of this judge's family members entered the US illegally.

Just repeating "racist" over and over is convincing no-one, not even Trump opponents (who had their minds made up anyway), so why continue to do it?

When the media talks about Trumps statements and criticizes them for their racial content, do you know what they are really saying? They are not agreeing, based on any serious analysis, that Trump is a racist. That's why they love to use the term "racist comments". They know that Trump is not truly a racist. What they are saying is that there are many people out there who oppose Trump's platform, and they are looking for any way available to undermine his popularity, so it is unwise to give them anything to work with. Even Trump's critics also don't seriously believe that Trump is a racist. They just think other people are stupid enough not to understand what racism is, and can be manipulated to voting for Clinton by mis-characterizing Trump's statements. That's why everyone is advising him to change his rhetoric. Not because they think he really is a racist, but because they don't want the Democrats to skate away with electing Clinton, the most corrupt politician in American history (and that's saying something!)

If anything, the violent protest over potential deportations is a stark negative review of what it must be like to live in Mexico. As a result, it would seem that Mexico's harshest critics are former Mexicans! That's why it's so important to them not to be sent back.


Jan 31, 2005
Yes, I know that Trump is a racist. Stating that a judge is unfit because of his ancestry is just blatant racism. There's no way around that. He did not say he was unfit because of his views on illegal immigration, he ASSUMED his views on illegal immigration based on his race. He effectively said NO ONE of Mexican ancestry is fit to sit asa judge in a case involving a racist white politician like Trump.

He overtly made that assumption again when asked us a Muslim judge would also be unfit, and agreed he would be, an abstract Muslim judge who's views are unknown.

And again, he is a whiny bitch who is throwing a tantrum because his Trump University scam is being brought to justice.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
The only racist here is Fuji. If Trump were Jewish instead of German heritage, Fuji would be his biggest supporter.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
And again, he is a whiny bitch who is throwing a tantrum because his Trump University scam is being brought to justice.
You have an extraordinarily bad track record of predicting the future (in this instance, the result of legal proceedings), but you haven't lost an ounce of confidence. There's a medical term for that.


Jan 31, 2005
The only racist here is Fuji. If Trump were Jewish instead of German heritage, Fuji would be his biggest supporter.
Wrong. You think I support Israel because it's Jewish? Not a chance . I support DEMOCRACY. Racist people like Trump are the opposite of the reasons why I support Israel.
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