bear repellent


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
The gun laws in Europe are even better and much stricter, I doubt in Europe anyone would be allowed to keep a handgun at home.In Canada we tend to copy bad laws from the US

Good for Europe, but you are misinformed with respect to gun laws and their inherent deterrent on crime and your ignorance is exactly what the anti-gun lobby relies on. Your assertion that Canada has copied bad US laws is erroneous as well. Canada has had laws pertaining to handguns dating back to the 1930's. Theses laws have always been strict, in the way owners of handguns are to store, use and transport these weapons.
Your ignorance of such matters shows that you cannot separate fact from emotion. Gun laws do nothing to stop crime or violent behaviour. Criminals don't get licenses, nor do they register any firearms they own. Period.

The need for guns in rural areas stems from a need for farmers and land owners, read hobby farms as well, to have the ability to protect their livestock from predators. Not from people.
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Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
There was also one fatality in the US back in 1981, a three year old was killed. So two known cases.

Right. But you said coyotes are no threat, and you are wrong (again). While coyotes attacks are extremely rare, they do happen.

There are also whats known as Coywolves now, and they are much bigger than regular coyotes, and an accident waiting to happen


Jan 31, 2005
Right. But you said coyotes are no threat, and you are wrong (again). While coyotes attacks are extremely rare, they do happen.

There are also whats known as Coywolves now, and they are much bigger than regular coyotes, and an accident waiting to happen
Coywolves were actually what killed that girl in your link. There have only been two fatal attacks. Ever.


That's not a threat.


Jan 31, 2005
It is impossible for you to to definitively assert that there have only been two attacks by coyotes on humans ever. Literally. Impossible.
Maybe there was one hundreds of years ago before anybody was keeping notes?

Not a threat to adults.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Adults. They do attack children
Taylor Mitchell was 19 years old, which makes her an adult in most peoples eyes.

Although I'm sure in your eyes it does not, as you yourself have yet to make it beyond puberty

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
My SO runs very early in the morning on occasion. I bought her a small canister of dog repellent in case she is accosted by human or animal (we live in an area where coyotes are becoming a problem). If she needs to use it on a human, I have no reservations defending those actions... and she has no problem doing it, laws be damned.
Laws be damned ... You got that right . A person has a right to protect themselves , their families and their property in anyway that they can no matter what any stupid law says . Better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6 .

so what you describe is similar to Somalia ( and more recently Libya ) situation . Everyone is armed there and the law of jungle prevails there. There's no real government there as every citizen can do justice himself.
is it a model you want Canada to follow ?
Seriously you wish to compare that country to Canada ??? Why not add in Syria and Iraq . Just look at Mexico . It has one of the toughest gun laws in the world . Only the drug dealers carry guns which by the way it's against the law to do so . The regular population is not armed . How's that working out for them .Canada is not a jungle . We have a population that respects the laws . The country that you mentioned has no respect for any laws . The drug and war lords run the country

During WWII the Japanese had second thoughts about invading the USA . Why you may ask ??? Because the population is armed . There would be a gun aimed at them from every tree .The Japs would not have to just contend with the US forces but the population as well .

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
so why American tourists are allowed to cross canadian border with their licenced handguns? I assume that they aren't members of canadian shooting clubs ? So if canadian legislation applies to tourists, americans aren't supposed to carry their handgun in canadian territory for the purpose of self defense, so why canadian customs allow them to do so ?.
No they can't . They need a special permit that is applied for way ahead of time . It's only good for hunting and going to registered shoots . They have to follow all of the gun rules for transportation and all of the rest of rules just like us . Now if the Americans want to bring in magazines that can hold more rounds of ammunition then we are allowed to have . Forget it . Hand guns can have no more than 10 round magazines and the same rules apply for rifles .

If Marijuana possession is legal in Washington state, it doesn't mean that residents of that state are allowed to cross canadian border with Marijuana.
No they can't . A permit from the Canadian government and doctor is needed to smoke , grow , or posse marijuana and that is only given to residents of Canada . Just because the rules on marijuana aren't enforced that much doesn't mean it's still legal . In the US a citizen cannot bring marijuana into a State where if is not legal from a State where it is legal to posse it. Same goes for Canada and US border laws.

I don't know about this. Perhaps someone else can chime in.
There you go .


Jan 31, 2005
Taylor Mitchell was 19 years old, which makes her an adult in most peoples eyes.

Although I'm sure in your eyes it does not, as you yourself have yet to make it beyond puberty
Two fatalities in all recorded history. Lighting strikes are about a million times more of a threat.

Stop being so hysterical, try to breathe, the sky isn't falling.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Two fatalities in all recorded history. Lighting strikes are about a million times more of a threat.

Stop being so hysterical, try to breathe, the sky isn't falling
Toronto streets are littered with dead bodies from fresh coyote kills, fuji


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
Man, this thread is proof you guys can argue about literally anything.

If our bear overlords ever grow opposable thumbs so they can aim and squeeze a trigger, we are fucked!


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
What about an american moving from mainland US to Alaska and need to cross canadian territory ? He's only transiting Canada and not coming for hunting or going to a canadian club.

So funny to watch how people start talking, take a position before they know the facts, then when they are advised of the facts, still won't accept that their original premise is based on a primary misconception.
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