
bear repellent


Jan 31, 2005
Instead of us educating you, why don't you just go read about it on the RCMP's website?

And no, you couldn't easily leave them at the club. You need to be able to clean and maintain them and you can bring them to more than one club.

Also the clubs would have to become high security locations with 24hr heavy security, which would drive most of them out of business. A lot are just a field with targets set up in front of an earthen berm. Now you want them all to become Fort Knox.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
The only real risk from black bears is if you leave food around your campsite or startle one (and considering how well they hear...). Lock your food (AND FOOD GARBAGE) in the trunk or in the back country hang it in a tree a hundred feet or so away.

There is a higher risk of a bear encounter in developed campgrounds because there have been enough stupid people there to attract bears but except for risk to food, they rarely cause issues. The less used an area is the less chance of having a nosy bear hanging around. Most bear encounters I've had has been seeing the ass end of a bear running away after it heard me.

But if it makes your SO feel better then pick up a can of bear spray. It's available at most camping stores and you can tell her it works all the time. :D
I was wilderness camping and camping in the commercial parks. We followed protocol above wilderness camping and never had a bear in the camp. Bears in the wild give a wide berth to humans but in the general public camp grounds, bears have become familiar with humans and the food they leave around the camp grounds. The dumbest move is keeping snacks in the tent with you.

One other tip I would recommend is to always camp with someone that runs a little slower than you. :encouragement:

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
So are you saying that in Canada , you don't get a handgun licence for self defense purpose ? If that's the case, assuming that they give you a handgun licence only if you're a member of a club, why would they allow you to keep that handgun at home ?If the purpose was only to practice shooting in clubs, they could easily control handguns by requiring all participants to surrender them before leaving the premises of the club. Why would you need to carry the handgun outside the club ?
And how come that last years Harper was talking about the need of guns in rural areas for self defense against dangerous people ? If that was illegal to keep a gun at home for the purpose of self defense against people, why would a prime minister talk about it without opposition reminding him that this is illegal ?
Like Fuji said , the gun clubs would have to become like Fort Knox to store all of the hand guns there . It's not just about shooting a gun . You have to maintain it and you can't do that at a club . Why would I buy anything if I can't take it home with me . If you had to store all hand guns at a club it would be the law bidding citizens who would be doing that , You think a hood is going to lock up his gun and go get it when he wants it . If a hood owns a gun he's more than likely breaking the law in having one in the first place.

What Harper was saying was that people who live in the country do need some kind of protection whether it be a hand gun or what ever because it can take a while for the cops to arrive . Remember you are calling the cops when shit happens . A few minutes can mean the difference between life and death . Now if you use that gun whether it be a hand gun , shot gun or rifle for self defense be prepared to get arrested and have your stuff confiscated . That is automatic . It's going to cost you thousands to go to court but you will get off if it really was for self defense . You can use what ever you want to defend yourself , your family and your property but with in reason .

Why would any one spend a lot of money for a hand gun if you don't belong to a club . You'll never be able to shoot it . Being a member of a club allows you to use the gun , see how it works and let's you get used to it . A person who is getting good experience in using his or her gun is a safer person . What good is it to buy a hand gun and lock it up in your safe and not use it . You don't know how it works and how to use it in a safe manner . I'll just by this gun , lock it in my safe and take it out when I need it for protection . That's not how it works .

Belonging to a gun club before you have a hand gun is a good thing . Like I said before you'll need to go through the gun clubs safety course which is a good thing . The gun club also will make an application for your ATT to the province that you live in order for you to carry that hand gun ( in a safe manner ) back and forth from the gun club and gun store . Get caught downtown with a hand gun in your car at 2 in the morning ( even if it's locked up ) and your in big trouble even with an ATT.

There is nothing to stop you from using a hand gun for protection in your home if you own one but at least know how to use it . Knowing how to use a firearm in a safe manner is what gun clubs can teach you .

Now getting back to bear spray ... some people are happy with nothing , some want at least bear spray , others want a bit more for protection . It's all up to the individual . Everyone has different ideas when it comes to their safety and what they need .


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Nope. Not in Canada. It is illegal in Canada to carry any weapon for self defense. Don't know if cops would hassle women about them but they are illegal to carry.

Dog spray and bear spray are legal but you can be charged for assault with a weapon if you use it on a person. Theoretically you can be charged for carrying it if the police don't believe you have a legitimate use.
You can't carry a firearm in Canada for self defense against other people. You CAN carry one for defense against wildlife.

The same is true of kitchen knives. Perfectly legal for chopping up vegetables but if you carry a kitchen knife around for the express purpose of self defence you can be charged for carrying a weapon dangerous to the public.

Intent matters. Carrying bear spray in bear country to protect yourself from bears: legal. Carrying the same can on the street in Toronto to protect yourself from hoodlums: illegal.

Thanks for chiming in Basketcase and Fuji. I believe you're both correct.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
And why Harper said that guns are needed in rural areas for self defense ?

Guns are needed for safety in rural areas, Stephen Harper says
OTTAWA — Prime Minister Stephen Harper says rural Canadians need firearms for their own security so they can shoot people who pose a danger.

You believe a Tea Party wannabee who probably caused some top ranking MPs in his caucus to jump ship, and who single-handedly lost the election for the Conservative Party of Canada in the last election?

One doesn't have to be a gun owner to know that we do not have a 2nd Amendment right here in Canada, and that hand gun ownership comes under strict laws. Even if you shot dead an intruder in your home using a shotgun used for hunting, I believe you can be charged for murder unless you're life was in grave danger (that is, if the intruder had a gun or knife and attacked you).

Fuji's post #48 answers the rest of your questions.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
The same way they secure guns and ammunition stores.
Why should they? I suppose they can, but at what cost to members?

Fuji alluded to the RCMP website. I believe that you must notify the RCMP whenever you transport your sidearm to a target shooting facility. It's supposed to be transparent. Gun owners like to keep their own firearms too.

(BTW, I know a woman that enjoys target shooting with a sidearm and involves the whole family).

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
OK but Fuji and basketcase point was that you cannot own a handgun in Canada just for protection from dangerous humans. In other words if the primary use isn't for hunting or a shooting club. You said that you can use it legally in extreme cases for protections but only if the primary purpose of owning this handgun was for club and just happened by accident that someone broken in your home and it was a question of death or life.
But Harper statements implies that people living in rural areas could own guns for the primary purpose of protection ( from humans) , hunting, clubs and wildlife protection come second.
Harper didn't actually specify what type of guns can be used did he . He just said guns .

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
What about the scenario of a woman hiking and legally carrying a bear spray in a bear country and someone trying to rape her in the woods , so she had to use the bear spray to prevent the rape, would she be prosecuted for using her bear spray against a man to stop the sexual assault ?
No . Every hear of a 2 legged animal . She's in the woods . Lucky the woman doesn't bash him over the head with a stick while his eyes are screwed up .

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
I believe that you must notify the RCMP whenever you transport your sidearm to a target shooting facility.
Not true . Once you have your ATT there is no need to tell anyone when you're transporting a hand gun to a shooting facility or home . Just lock the gun . Put it in a locked case and away you go. That's what the ATT is for . Permitting you to transport your gun when ever you want to . Just don't drive around in the middle of the night with a gun in your vehicle because the cops will certainly be interested why you are doing that if you happened to get stopped.

Just like when you're purchasing a gun from a gun shop . You go pay for it . Gun shop takes your information and submits that info to the Feds . Feds change ownership of that hand gun to you . Store will call you when that has been done . Then you can go pick it up . Store will make sure gun is locked and put in a locked case . Case is put in a grocery bag and away you go . Simple as that .

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
so why American tourists are allowed to cross canadian border with their licenced handguns? I assume that they aren't members of canadian shooting clubs ? So if canadian legislation applies to tourists, americans aren't supposed to carry their handgun in canadian territory for the purpose of self defense, so why canadian customs allow them to do so ? If Marijuana possession is legal in Washington state, it doesn't mean that residents of that state are allowed to cross canadian border with Marijuana.
Americans are not allowed to bring any gun into Canada unless they apply for a special permit . Permits are given for registered shoots ( hand gun shoots) or unless the American is hunting . Then he can bring in a rifle or a shotgun . They need to apply for those permits way ahead of time .

Canadians can do the same thing but they must apply for an American permit when going into the States . If an American is caught trying to enter Canada with a gun and he has no permit the gun is confiscated .

It would be kind of stupid to allow a Yank to bring what ever he wants to into Canada, licensed or not and not give that right to a Canadian citizen to carry around a hand gun.

If you want to be able to walk around with a hand gun in your pocket or a holster in Canada , well you can forget that . Only in very special cases .


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2009
"The person who created bear bells never heard of Pavlov." Lorne Elliott


Jan 31, 2005
The same way they secure guns and ammunition stores.
The security for such stores is pretty intensive, whereas many shooting ranges are at rural locations. Some without electricity. It's not feasible to have that level of security at a typical range.


Jan 31, 2005
And why do they need real handguns that may kill humans just to practice shooting in those clubs ?
Because it's fun.

Let me know when the Olympics replace the javelin throw with a nerf javelin, rather than a real one that may kill humans. Or when the Olympic archery contest switches to arrows with suction cups.

For the entirety of human history we have elevated skill with weapons to the status of Olympic sport, and those sports have been enjoyed by both world class athletes, as well as school students, and regular people.

I believe we should bring back the shooting ranges that used to exist in most highschool basements. I also think archery and javelin toss should be included. Kids benefit from being taught these sports.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
The only real risk from black bears is if you leave food around your campsite or startle one (and considering how well they hear...). Lock your food (AND FOOD GARBAGE) in the trunk or in the back country hang it in a tree a hundred feet or so away.

There is a higher risk of a bear encounter in developed campgrounds because there have been enough stupid people there to attract bears but except for risk to food, they rarely cause issues. The less used an area is the less chance of having a nosy bear hanging around. Most bear encounters I've had has been seeing the ass end of a bear running away after it heard me.

But if it makes your SO feel better then pick up a can of bear spray. It's available at most camping stores and you can tell her it works all the time. :D

Excellent advice. I carry spray and bangers to be as safe as possible. I didn't up to the point that I ran into a group of young campers who thought it was funny to throw marshmallows at a bear. I gave the idiots hell. I also now avoid more heavily used routs as it's hard to know how clean sites have been left. Stupid humans.. I have never had a bad experience with a bear. As above, they typically want nothing to do with you and run the other direction.


Jan 31, 2005
If the fun is more important than human lives, why don't we also bring back the ancient roman gladiators fights? It's also fun to watch, ancient romans built huge theaters to watch those games.

PS: Are you serious? Comparing javelin throws with firearms ?
Lawful gun owners aren't the problem.

And yes I'm serious in comparing the skill required to throw a javelin to the skill required to shoot accurately.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
OK but Fuji and basketcase point was...
That you couldn't be bothered to read.

I said you can not carry a weapon (in public) for self defense. You can store a gun, a knife, or bear spray in your house but you can't walk around in public with the express purpose of self defense.

You know that the ACTUAL ANSWERS are found on this interweb thing right? You don't have to pester us with ridiculous questions.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
OK but you didn't answer my question: why don't we bring back the ancient roman Gladiator games?
MMA isn't that far away.

Gladiators fighting to the death was fairly rare and most deaths in 'Games' were really execution of criminals.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
If the fun is more important than human lives, why don't we also bring back the ancient roman gladiators fights? It's also fun to watch, ancient romans built huge theaters to watch those games.

PS: Are you serious? Comparing javelin throws with firearms ?
What exactly are you getting at ? You ask a bunch of questions and you get good answers . Really you have no idea what the hell your talking about . Americans allowed to bring guns into Canada on a whim . If you want to know more about the laws controlling guns then go look at the RCMP web site . Anything and every thing is there.

What the hell does my owning a gun and shooting at a club have anything to do with killing people . Yea so a gun can kill people , so what . Drunk drivers kill more people every year then people who are shot by a gun . May be you should start a campaign to get rid of beer and alcohol . Drunk people also cause stupid fights where people get hurt . Drug prescriptions kill more people with over doses then guns . People are killed every day when they text and drive . Not only that the stupid fuckers walk into traffic while texting . Get rid of the cell phones . Cell phones kill people .

The whole world has things that kill . You want to get rid of metal knives and only use plastic knives . People are knifed every day .

I can tell that no matter what we say your a gun hater . I am good law bidding citizen who happens to like shooting guns with real bullets at a gun club . It is my hobby which costs me thousands of dollars a year . I don't tell you what to do for a hobby so please don't tell me what I should not do . I have taken many safety courses in my time . I know how to handle a gun . If your afraid of a gun because it can kill then that's your problem . The people that you have to worry about are the hoods that are breaking the laws . I don't break any laws because I'm a law bidding citizen .

You want to know more about guns then look it up on the web or go to a gun club and see exactly how people are having a great safe time in shooting targets with real bullets.

There is a indoor gun range in London Ontario . The membership has almost doubled in the last few years . Many of these new members are women . They also bring their kids to the club . Even the kids are taught gun safety and they learn how to shoot a gun with real bullets . Every one has a great time. Do you have a problem with that ??? Oh my goodness real bullets .
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