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Harvey Brooker


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
There is no secret. I have a friend who has rejoined several times. It is like weight watchers with the exception it costs 50 a week. You go in and get weighed, hear a motivational speaker who has walked the walk and share with other members your challenges and eat roughly 1000-1200 calories per day. Drink lots of water, record what you eat, and walk and exercise. It become s a way of life for the die hards. no chips ever, only lettuce. Apparently Harvey gives the talk on Sunday and is dynamite. He had once been overweight himself so is a walking testament himself. He has obviously kept it off. That is it.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
There is no secret. I have a friend who has rejoined several times. It is like weight watchers with the exception it costs 50 a week. You go in and get weighed, hear a motivational speaker who has walked the walk and share with other members your challenges and eat roughly 1000-1200 calories per day. Drink lots of water, record what you eat, and walk and exercise. It become s a way of life for the die hards. no chips ever, only lettuce. Apparently Harvey gives the talk on Sunday and is dynamite. He had once been overweight himself so is a walking testament himself. He has obviously kept it off. That is it.
That's pretty much it in a nutshell. ^^^

It's not magic it's science. His system works better for people who have difficulty motivating themselves and sticking to a program. His combination of education, meetings, weigh ins etc. is the key to success.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
Last time I asked you had to commit to 6 months in advance...but yes its like WW .


Shades of .....
Feb 8, 2002
Last time I asked you had to commit to 6 months in advance...but yes its like WW . is/was a 6 month commitment.....I learned a lot, and lost close to 40 lbs over the 6 months. After you hit the target, it was free to go back for the lectures, periodic check up/in which I've done. I have managed to keep most of the lost weight off, and when it creeps back in, I know what I need to do and can pull it back.
The program worked for me.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
For a lot of guys who don't fully understand nutrition, he is very good. I lost weight with him (didn't keep it off) and feel he has a good program.

He lost me as far as his motivational speaking.

However, in the last 5 years I've dropped about 50 lbs. on my own and feel confident I will lose the (approx.) 40 more I need to go.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I could not survive on 1,000 to 1,200 calories per day. I think my brain needs that alone.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
I think all the diets are good if you stick to them on the long term, the trick is not feeling deprived and burn calories daily.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
If you have money to burn go ahead, but most people are educated enough already. I lost 30lbs in 3 months following a tried an true method.

- Drastically cut down your carbs.
- No white sugar or flour
- Limit fried foods, no deep fried foods
- Drink plenty of water
- Get a minumum of 6 hours sleep
- Get 40 minutes of exercise 4 days a week
- Plan your cheat days accordingly, don't prolong hunger pains
- Eat a variety of vegetables, roasted root vegetables are the best.
- Take a vitamin supplement that contains C, B complex, D and Riboflavin.

And if they tell you you'll never be hungry, they're lying.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Well done shack, your entire body will thank you. I see people my height who are carrying an extra 60-70-80 lbs. and I think to myself, that must be brutal on your joints, especially walking up a staircase. I can't imagine wearing what amounts to a 70 lb. coat everywhere. I don't feel good if I put on 5 lbs. over my ideal weight.

If you think about it, gaining weight over a long period of time is not actually that difficult. Say you're at your ideal weight when you're 20 years old. Then you gain a measly 1/2 lb. every 6 months for the next 30 years. Suddenly (or not so suddenly) you're carrying an extra 60 lbs. with you witch can cause a myriad of health problems.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
My guru.

Once I wean myself of Cymbalta (complications from the car accident) I'm getting on Osmin Hernandez's program



Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
If you have money to burn go ahead, but most people are educated enough already. I lost 30lbs in 3 months following a tried an true method.

- Drastically cut down your carbs.
- No white sugar or flour
- Limit fried foods, no deep fried foods
- Drink plenty of water
- Get a minumum of 6 hours sleep
- Get 40 minutes of exercise 4 days a week
- Plan your cheat days accordingly, don't prolong hunger pains
- Eat a variety of vegetables, roasted root vegetables are the best.
- Take a vitamin supplement that contains C, B complex, D and Riboflavin.

And if they tell you you'll never be hungry, they're lying.

True dat!

(How does an Italian do this successfully, when food is bigger than religion?)

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
(How does an Italian do this successfully, when food is bigger than religion?)
Facile, polenta con salsice and rapini, if you put some pecorino in the polenta while it cooks you don't even need salt.

These days I have no choice but to watch what I eat - I may have Lupus. The rheumatologist hasn't made an official diagnosis but she prescribed 60 mg of Cymbalta a day, I'm to do a follow up in early December when well no for sure. Cymbalta is a nasty ass drug that left me punch drunk the first month I was on it. Brutal side effects but I'm willing to accept it to control the pain surges that eat me up.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2013
That dish reminds me of my childhood. Awsome! We used to grill the left over polenta the next day and eat it with some aged cheese.

But unfortunately now I have to eat grilled chicken and brocoli, over and over and over again. Ugh!

Facile, polenta con salsice and rapini, if you put some pecorino in the polenta while it cooks you don't even need salt.

These days I have no choice but to watch what I eat - I may have Lupus. The rheumatologist hasn't made an official diagnosis but she prescribed 60 mg of Cymbalta a day, I'm to do a follow up in early December when well no for sure. Cymbalta is a nasty ass drug that left me punch drunk the first month I was on it. Brutal side effects but I'm willing to accept it to control the pain surges that eat me up.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Facile, polenta con salsice and rapini, if you put some pecorino in the polenta while it cooks you don't even need salt.

These days I have no choice but to watch what I eat - I may have Lupus. The rheumatologist hasn't made an official diagnosis but she prescribed 60 mg of Cymbalta a day, I'm to do a follow up in early December when well no for sure. Cymbalta is a nasty ass drug that left me punch drunk the first month I was on it. Brutal side effects but I'm willing to accept it to control the pain surges that eat me up.

I take a pill for Type 2 diabetes. Some side effects. But also need to watch what I eat, exercise and get plenty of rest.

I hear ya IV.


Mar 17, 2003
Facile, polenta con salsice and rapini, if you put some pecorino in the polenta while it cooks you don't even need salt.

These days I have no choice but to watch what I eat - I may have Lupus. The rheumatologist hasn't made an official diagnosis but she prescribed 60 mg of Cymbalta a day, I'm to do a follow up in early December when well no for sure. Cymbalta is a nasty ass drug that left me punch drunk the first month I was on it. Brutal side effects but I'm willing to accept it to control the pain surges that eat me up.
Pecorino has to be one of the saltiest cheeses...
Hope you feel better...
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