When someone takes on a business in Canada the risk that take is mitigated by a giant safety net the rest is US pay for, from the generous bankruptcy laws that let them off the hook, to the welfare system if they really fall that far. The presence of a safety net that means the worst that can happen isn't so bad encourages rush taking. It is only natural that the successful risk takers should then pay the most for the safety net.
That is the ideological correct answer.
Ideological ??
I do not think so, that is your
a) messed up justification for your desire to reallocate wealth
b) lack of understanding of what drives capital allocation decisions
Not even close to reality
Do you think the availability of $400 / week of EI benefits is a deciding factor in a small construction firms decision to invest in new equipment & hire new employees to expand the service offerings of the company?
In fact the owner of such a company would not be eligible for this Social Safety net should it all go wrong.
You need to think in real world terms more often.
You are not the great high level thinker you portray yourself as
You are more of a high level fool
But then there is the hard reality answer too: most of those "risk takers" were in fact born into rich families and translated family money, family influence, and family connections into successful businesses. That is not really risk taking. That is the formation of a Canadian oligopoly.
You are making a value judgment on where the capital for a risky business opportunity comes from.
If you attended business school & paid attention you would know it is not the source of funds , but rather the use of funds which determines the go, no go decisions on investment opportunities.
Taxes are applied on income , not assets and thus completely blind to how wealthy a person / corporation is
The taxes Justin proposes penalize
anyone who is successful including those who started with nothing, worked hard & took risks
adding this burden will only encourage some of those new want-to-be millionaires to avoid the risks / hard work and settle for a high paying / excessive benefit / low stress government jobs
And that is to the determent of our society
Higher taxes actually create a level playing field by providing some of the same advantages to everyone through better schools and so on.
That means that the rich kids are forced to compete on more equal terms with everybody else, just a little, and tidy helps build a merit based society rather then a dynastic society.
Level the playing field ??
By placing a burden on those that aspire to achieve success it levels the playing field alright, as there will less net people taking risks.
Canada needs more risk takers especially if we want to diversify our economy away from the extraction of natural resources.
Are you going to double mortgage your home to start up a new software company, knowing Justin will steal more on all income over $200,000 ?
No and it comes down to this
the risk reward relationship will be altered and there is less incentive to take risks for any venture
For those who really want to see their idea come alive, the USA is not that far away
We need to be competitive & we are not with socialist millstones hanging from our necks
There should be a mandatory entrepreneur for all socialists to ensure they understand reality & take their heads out of their ass