Zunera Ishaq cleared by court to take citizenship oath wearing niqab


Mar 12, 2004
But how many think that the law should prevent it?
While accepting citizenship to Canada, and dealing with the public, while working for the government,...the majority.

Otherwise,...no problem,...I have had a pretty Muslim lady's with only their hypnotic eyes visible smile at me,... I can tell you,...would have liked to get to know them better.

This is NOT about religious rights,...follow what ever "religion" you want,...but keep me out of it.

Just do the religious have rights,...and none believers none,...why am I treated as a second class citizen,...???

And just who the hell gets to decide what "religion" has to be acknowledged,...and another which could be just a screwed up as all the rest,...not valid,...and ignored,...???

My "religion" requires you to show you face when you address me,...



Jan 31, 2005
While accepting citizenship to Canada, and dealing with the public, while working for the government,...the majority.

Otherwise,...no problem,...I have had a pretty Muslim lady's with only their hypnotic eyes visible smile at me,... I can tell you,...would have liked to get to know them better.

This is NOT about religious rights,...follow what ever "religion" you want,...but keep me out of it.

Just do the religious have rights,...and none believers none,...why am I treated as a second class citizen,...???

And just who the hell gets to decide what "religion" has to be acknowledged,...and another which could be just a screwed up as all the rest,...not valid,...and ignored,...???

My "religion" requires you to show you face when you address me,...

You are entitled to your religion but you can't make others follow it if don't believe.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
While accepting citizenship to Canada, and dealing with the public, while working for the government,...the majority....
Now what evidence do you base that on?

My "religion" requires you to show you face when you address me,...
And I'm sure you have some kind of scripture or cultural heritage where it says so. Do you also complain that hipsters have beards so bushy that they hide their faces or is it Muslim women that yoiu expect to change?


Mar 12, 2004
So why evangelicals in Canada make me follow their religion through criminal law ( bill c-36)?
The government has never said prostitution was illegal,...or against ANY religion.



Mar 12, 2004
Now what evidence do you base that on?

And I'm sure you have some kind of scripture or cultural heritage where it says so. Do you also complain that hipsters have beards so bushy that they hide their faces or is it Muslim women that yoiu expect to change?
My "religion",...is the freedom from religion.

Granted,...my "religion's" heritage does not include castrating and raping little boys,...and mutilating little girls,...so I guess it doesn't deserve to be considered a "religion".

I don't expect to change Muslim women,...just have freedom from their religion forced on me,...by expecting me to deal with a civil servant hiding their face,...when it is against the law for me to do so.

"Believe" it or not,...there is a difference between growing a beard,...and intentionally hiding ones face .



Mar 12, 2004
Some Quebecois are arriving at the advance polls wearing masks.
Somebody has some guts,...Junior and Mucklair must be happy,...:D



Mar 12, 2004
You are entitled to your religion but you can't make others follow it if don't believe.
So I don't have to deal with a civil servant hiding their face then,...I'm fine with that.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

What polls say that the majority of Muslims in Canada want niqabs banned from public?

My "religion",...is the freedom from religion.
So you must get angry when people wish you 'Merry Christmas'. You must also be one of those people who protest Christmas trees, Easter bunnies and refuses to take statutory holidays when they commemorate Christian holidays.

Or does your freedom from religion only apply to other religions?


Mar 12, 2004
What polls say that the majority of Muslims in Canada want niqabs banned from public?
There were NO polls that selectively asked Muslims their opinion,...that would be something the Fiberals and Mucklair might do though,...

So you must get angry when people wish you 'Merry Christmas'. You must also be one of those people who protest Christmas trees, Easter bunnies and refuses to take statutory holidays when they commemorate Christian holidays.

Or does your freedom from religion only apply to other religions?
Actually,...no,...Although I am a none believer,...I celebrate Xmas,...have been invited to, and attended Bar Mitzvah,...and was married in a Catholic church,...because you understand,...that Catholics aren't allowed to enter another persons place of worship,...I know,...kinda narrow minded,...EH

But as you can see,...I am much more open minded than the religious,...

The religious should try it some time,...might understand how none believers feel about always respecting their "rights",...but not everybody else's rights.



Mar 12, 2004
I have seen a cashier working with her face covered in one of the largest grocery stores chains in canada, The store manager who hired her isn't even muslim but white old stock canadian
Yep,...been there,...done that,...but you do know that cashiers working at a grocery store,...or Sears,...aren't civil servants.

Being questioned by a civil servant while hiding ones face,...completely different,...!!!



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
There were NO polls that selectively asked Muslims their opinion,......
Shit, just a few posts ago you claimed that Canadian Muslims wanted Niqabs banned as was shown in polls. Now you admit there were no polls?

Whatever you're drinking tonight, it must be good.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Actually,...no,...Although I am a none believer,...I celebrate Xmas,...have been invited to, and attended Bar Mitzvah,...and was married in a Catholic church,...because you understand,...that Catholics aren't allowed to enter another persons place of worship,...I know,...kinda narrow minded,...EH

But as you can see,...I am much more open minded than the religious,...

The religious should try it some time,...might understand how none believers feel about always respecting their "rights",...but not everybody else's rights.

Again, you just claimed
My "religion",...is the freedom from religion.
So now you are at least admitting that your religion is freedom from Muslims.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
It's called a wedge issue. A smart politician will always exploit it. A wedge issue sunk John Tory's bid for the premierships, remember? The niqab is very important issue to many people, yourself included.
No. The stupid obssesion of so many of my fellow citizens and voters have for a piece of cloth is important to me, and that's got nothing to do with the garment. It has everything to do with their eagerness to deny our precious and hard-fought for rights and encourage the government to abandon the rule of law to support their prejudices. I don't even notice he scrap of cloth.

But wedge issue it surely is: How ironic that it's the niqab-wearer — a citizen at long last — who is standing up for democracy and human rights and showing up Harper and his supporters as regressives eager to force their dictatorial views on women and deny their rights


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
We can credit Miss Ishaq for the dead cat. Her parents disapprove of the niqab, her husband asked her to show some accommodation, the lawful government of Canada asked her to show her face at the ceremony but she had to be a shit disturber. The niqab is not a a Muslim thing. Hundreds of thousands of Muslim women in Canada do not wear the niqab. Are they any less Muslim?
Wrong on one hugely important fact: The government never asked her not to wear her niqab. It defied the law which required it to accommodate her choice if she wished to take the oath veiled. They went further, and ordered her not to dress as devoutly as she chose, and refused to allow her to swear the oath she'd earned the right to take.

Although the government forced her through several levels of courts to get the fair and rightful treatment the law clearly spelled out, it was the government who sought the publicity and exploited it, all the way to Cairo and back and even more so once it became obvious that the earlier Con election strategy wasn't fruitful.

Wearing a cross is not a 'Christian thing', and millions of Christian Canadians don't. Does choosing not to make them less Christian? Or those who do more? In this country no one can force you to express your religion to suit their version of it. Thanks for demonstrating your cat throwing skills, but like the niqab itself, that's irrelevant to the issue.

Do you want a government that insistently and habitually breaks and ignores the laws and Charter to manipulate popularity contests? Or one that actually makes good laws and protects our rights to make the best country for all?

But keep your dead cats to yourself.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
ISIS and the Taliban also support the niqab and will kill or disfigure any woman who doesn't wear it. Yes, the niqab is a great symbol of women's rights.

If you're so backward you think symbols matter more than laws and we should run the country that way, how are you better than the Taliban?

In any case she was finally allowed her right to take the oath as the law provides, and is now a citizen and can vote. Which is what matters.

If you think your dead cat's a talking point keep on, there's lotsa room for you guys to dig your sad black hole deeper.
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