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Taxi service whiners


Apr 23, 2014

totally agree, taxi service here has got it too good. Taxi service here is over the top high fares, piss poor service, purposely driving slow missing the green light, takes the most congested route and expecting a tip too.

my tip - go on strike and go fuk yourself.

don't feel any sympathy for them. It's about time there's competition in the market!!!


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Just an other champion that knows everything! Cabbies make 10 x the money moving than on waiting time.

Taxi meter on the dash or in the hand like Uber, what makes them different? NOTHING, but as they don't have the same regulations to follow, sure then can offer better rates sometimes! Good part of uber drivers are ex taxi drivers, so let uber take overs, and eventually pay more for your fair! Put your drunk woman in the uber car save a couple bucks, no cameras,3 uber x drivers charged with sexual assault. Or better yet get in to a massive accident, no commercial insurance coverage till date, and you can go after the broke ass part time driver. Let me know how that goes. Majority of the public is after cheaper fairs, and like the app understood, but it will come with a price.

I am sorry, but most the reply to treads about the taxi business are just passengers, and have no clue what goes on in the background of this business, and just feed off of others bullshit views!
Anyone wanting more information or wish to contact solidness, may do so here: http://torontotaxialliance.com/

good to go

New member
Aug 17, 2001
The city is pandering to the owners of the taxi licenses. I am sure that these drivers feel like they are being pimped out via the license owners otherwise why would they become UBER drivers.


Mar 12, 2004


Mar 31, 2009
The city is pandering to the owners of the taxi licenses.
I feel sorry for anyone who recently paid thousands, maybe hundred of thousands, to purchase one of these licenses. Uber has greatly devalued the revenue stream from the license.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Taxis have really priced themselves out of the market. Cabs are damned expensive! I've had friends from out of town do a double take when they look at the meter.

From a consumers point of view, uber is simply better. Request a ride on your phone, car shows up a few minutes later, and you're billed automatically on your CC when you reach your destination. And the cost is significantly less than a cab. I've used uber a couple of times, and I wouldn't hesitate to use it again. There's no reason why I'd take a cab instead of uber.

Now, that's not to say uber is perfect. Far from it. But they have exposed the inefficiencies of the taxi cartel and laid its flaws bare for all to see.

City council needs to get out of the way and let the free market decide. For sure, regulations should be in place to ensure safety. And fares should be capped so people aren't gouged. But beyond that, the city should take a hands off approach. There's no reason a taxi license should be worth 10s of thousands of dollars because of artificial scarcity.
Free market is fine but you cant have one company free to do what it wants and all the others regulated


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
JPut your drunk woman in the uber car save a couple bucks, no cameras, 3 uber x drivers charged with sexual assault. Or better yet get in to a massive accident, no commercial insurance coverage till date, and you can go after the broke ass part time driver. Let me know how that goes.
Toronto cabbies aren't exactly squeaky clean!



Banned from schools.....
Aug 16, 2011
On the Credit River with Jim
City council needs to get out of the way and let the free market decide. For sure, regulations should be in place to ensure safety. And fares should be capped so people aren't gouged.
Wait, is putting a 'cap' on prices letting the free market decide?

To be fair, Uber, should have the same licensing and carry insurance etc the taxi driver's do. I for one, will not take Uber, because if they get into an accident with me in the car, and I become unable to work through handicap or other related thing, I want my carrier to have proper insurance so I can sue. Uber drivers don't have that.....

And, as bad as they may be, if cabbies assault someone or anything like that, at least they can be tracked. I am not sure how Uber does that.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Just an other champion that knows everything! Cabbies make 10 x the money moving than on waiting time.

Taxi meter on the dash or in the hand like Uber, what makes them different? NOTHING, but as they don't have the same regulations to follow, sure then can offer better rates sometimes! Good part of uber drivers are ex taxi drivers, so let uber take overs, and eventually pay more for your fair! Put your drunk woman in the uber car save a couple bucks, no cameras,3 uber x drivers charged with sexual assault. Or better yet get in to a massive accident, no commercial insurance coverage till date, and you can go after the broke ass part time driver. Let me know how that goes. Majority of the public is after cheaper fairs, and like the app understood, but it will come with a price.

I am sorry, but most the reply to treads about the taxi business are just passengers, and have no clue what goes on in the background of this business, and just feed off of others bullshit views!

Uber is a 50 billion dollar company. You sure they don't provide some insurance protection? The class action lawsuit against Uber in this province is about unlicensed drivers earning compensation, not about insurance.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Why do you have to take an airport taxi from the airport? Why do thy not allow regular cabs to pick you up?
It's a rigged system.

What you do is go to departures after your arrival, and grab a cheaper cab ride instead of an airport limo.


Jan 7, 2014
Uber is a 50 billion dollar company. You sure they don't provide some insurance protection? The class action lawsuit against Uber in this province is about unlicensed drivers earning compensation, not about insurance.
Yes, I will locate proper link, and post later.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
That's news to me. Usually I see them running yellow lights (and reds!).
yep, ur observation is right! BUT this is only true when cabbies are driving empty or heading home at the end of their shift or looking for a place to go to take an aching massive crap.


Active member
Nov 17, 2002
The free market will find the proper equilibrium. When it's $40 to go from downtown Manhattan to the Newerk airport but $30 for being fucked in the ass to go 7 km, I say tough shit and don't whine.
Are you talkin Cab ride? from what I recall, it costs me like $70 from Manhattan to Newark !!


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I really feel bad for taxi drivers. They should have protested their own industry long ago.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Uber is the way to go....get rid of the monolopy of the cab companies.
You people are just ignorant..... The city set up and regulates every facet of the taxi business. Did they fuck up? YEA! But they can't just abandon all the players who bought in to the system and played by the city's rules. The drivers aren't making any money, yet you all hate on them for trying. Sure , the speculators who own 10 plates maybe deserve to experience the fluctuations of plate market value, but what about the lowly driver who drove for 25 years to earn a plate. That plate is his only major asset and you want to let unregulated pirates come in and undercut him and destroy the value of his estate? The city should be sued by those poor suckers.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Rates are regulated and set by the city. Free market is good like privatizing garbage so glad you are on board with that. But it is unfair to saddle taxi drivers with regulations and uber with none. Thats not a free market for taxi drivers
Just curious to know what regulations regular taxis are saddled with?

Cause just about every regular taxi I've ever been in has been a piece of shit on wheels. Usually, mechanically, they are fucking disasters. Engine lights on, ABS light on, bald tires, transmissions that don't shift, questionable brakes, completely unsafe. Then they are fucking filthy, the drivers are smelly, or talk on the phone whilest driving, or just plain rude assholes more often than not. They drive 20 km/hr when looking for a fare downtown, and 80 km/hr when they have one. They stop anywhere they like to pick up or discharge and the hell with you. They TRY to get in accidents by following you in your blindspot, or making you go around them and then pulling out when you do, or any other number of cab driver tricks. (Presumably so that they can get in an accident and sue your ass.) They break every rule in the highway traffic act from going through stops signs, to U turns to speeding, to just plain reckless driving.

So given all of the above, I'd love to know exactly how they are regulated and if there are regulations, then why are they not obeying them?
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