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Ontario:Muslim boys high school soccer team refuses to play against team with 2 girls


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
As usual you miss the point. When FHRITP happened it became an international news story, when this story happened it got very little news coverage.

Now tell me old man, why do you think that is??
And what are you complaining about? People you imagine to be liberals not parroting what you imagine to be their opinions? Even assuming you have one to be made you're not making any point at all, so I have missed none.

You should at least consider that the pushback against boorish disruptive behaviour targeting women doing their jobs may have been building for quite sometime, as had the frequency of those disturbances of the peace that aroused it, while this matter was amicably settled to the satisfaction of the parties involved. That international news story was precisely the real-life equivalent the YouTube fantasist created his vid to mimic; what he started rolled over him and his moronic kind.

Over to you: Apart from liberals not meeting your preconceptions, what is your point?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Bullying a couple girls into sitting out doesn't meet my definition of amicably.
No one involved says there was any bullying. Were you there?

The reports all say the girls chose to help their team build its score by sitting out and avoiding a half-time forfeit. Are you suggesting the boys should have been made to continue the game with the girls on the field? How would you do that? By 'bullying'?

As it always has, "amicably" means 'as friends do, in a friendly way', as people must behave when each has rights which run at cross-purposes. Another term would be 'sportsmanlike', although it's not PC.


New member
Apr 7, 2008
According to this morning's Toronto Sun this Islamic high school is attached to the Toronto mosque where Trudeau & Mulcair go to shut up for the Muslim vote. I guess both leaders stand for Canadian culture and human rights up until they interfere with Muslim beliefs. Haven't heard a word of condemnation from either. Makes you wonder what promises they are making inside that mosque.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
No one involved says there was any bullying. Were you there?....
The girls even say they felt they had to withdraw because the team needed points. Sure sounds like bullying to me; from the private school and their teammates. Under the regulations of the organization they play for, the girls have an unquestioned right to participate and obviously had earned their spot on the field. Any pressure on them to give up their rights is absolutely bullying.


Mar 12, 2004
The girls even say they felt they had to withdraw because the team needed points. Sure sounds like bullying to me; from the private school and their teammates. Under the regulations of the organization they play for, the girls have an unquestioned right to participate and obviously had earned their spot on the field. Any pressure on them to give up their rights is absolutely bullying.
That is the only way this can be looked at,...

The law of the land was with the girls,...

Religion and sexism had no place on a soccer field,...NONE.

But some have not yet learned what Canada stands for,...even though they CHOSE to come here,...for very obvious reasons,...that are then quickly forgotten.

But that explains why some cultures/countries are so screwed up,...doesn't it.



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The girls even say they felt they had to withdraw because the team needed points. Sure sounds like bullying to me; from the private school and their teammates. Under the regulations of the organization they play for, the girls have an unquestioned right to participate and obviously had earned their spot on the field. Any pressure on them to give up their rights is absolutely bullying.
You might conceivably say they were bribed, but you don't bully people by giving them the points they want.

The other team was willing to take the consequences of refusing to play and forfeit the game. The girls demanded the game go on, and chose to accommodate the boys by sitting out to gain a further league advantage in the standings. Which they achieved. Everything you described about pressure was put on them by their own team. Criticize them for it.

It was obviously a bit late in the day for the Islamic team to not join the league because its rules allowed exceptional circumstances where girls might play on a boys team. All the boys' school did was admit their oversight, apologize for the consequences and try to withdraw, exactly as the rules prescribe. It's not their fault if those rules don't reward a team that wins by forfeit. When the other team said they wanted the game played, they played, just as the rules and sportsmanship require.

What exactly should have happened there on that day?
PS: ROPSAA is the rule-making body running sports in which these schools play. They have separate boys and girls leagues for soccer. Of course coaches and school staff should read all the rules and fine-print closely, but in the routine stuff I saw on the web-site about showing up, forfeits and such, there is no mention of girls playing in boys leagues. The Justine Blainey decision made it the law here that a girl has a right to win a place on a boys team and to play in a boys league if there is no girls team for her, but no one has yet said the ROPSAA rules actually spell that out. Most folks glaze over just reading sports rules, and never ever get to court decisions. Since the Islamic school had played in the boys leagues for years without ever encountering a single girl on the any boys team opposite, I think a little common-sense understanding of their unawareness is appropriate. But as no one is actually arguing what the black-letter rules say or don't say about girls in boys leagues, what the Islamic school should have known but did not is all spilled milk.

What exactly should have happened there on that day?


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Unfortunately Lefties will run and try to argue that the oppressive and backward ideology should be accommodated at the expense of the two girls. Scum
And by this same absurd logic should we allow female players in the NHL?
Sports has always been segregated

The many posts about female rights make me laugh in this thread
You guys are all terrified of Muslims


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
You guys are all terrified of Muslims

I'm no fan of religious accommodations.. I don't see that happening in this instance.. If it weren't for the point spread that the Catholic team needed, they would have agreed to the forfeit and this story wouldn't have made the news.. Just more pathetic whining from the typical Islamaphobes on this board.
Last edited:


Mar 31, 2009
You guys are all terrified of Muslims
Or, are Muslims terrified of girls? Long story short, the girls should never have been put in a position where they had to decide to play or "volunteer" to withdraw their right to play.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
And by this same absurd logic should we allow female players in the NHL?
Sports has always been segregated

The many posts about female rights make me laugh in this thread
You guys are all terrified of Muslims
It wasn't the NHL but a league where, under certain situations, women are allowed to play with the men.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
Or, are Muslims terrified of girls? Long story short, the girls should never have been put in a position where they had to decide to play or "volunteer" to withdraw their right to play.
Agreed.. It was unfortunate that it had to come to this.. Personally I blame whoever failed to read the fine print that indicated that girls COULD play on opposing teams.. This STILL isn't an example of Muslims demanding religious accommodation.. It's BARELY a clerical error (failing to read the fine print of an organization one's about to join).


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You might conceivably say they were bribed, but you don't bully people by giving them the points they want....
Pressuring someone to give up their rights so their team can move on sure is bullying. It's like telling a woman that her kids can't go to school unless she covers her face.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
..... If it weren't for the point spread that the Catholic team needed, they would have agreed to the forfeit and this story wouldn't have made the news.. ...
If they had forfeited BEFORE playing half the game with girls, it would have been non-newsworthy. Claiming that 45 minutes on the field with girls is okay but 90 is a sin sounds more than a little hypocritical.


Jan 19, 2010
Could I have played for the SR. Girls soccer team back in high school too? I hope that option was available to any other guy who wasn't good enough for the sr boys team.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
If they had forfeited BEFORE playing half the game with girls, it would have been non-newsworthy. Claiming that 45 minutes on the field with girls is okay but 90 is a sin sounds more than a little hypocritical.
Please quote any account of the game that says girls were on the field well before the Muslim team asked to withdraw. As I understand it, they were on the bench and only put into the game just before the half. Granted, the boys team could have stormed off the field in horrified shock at that very instant, but how would that have made anything better? Had the Islamic coach scanned the bench, the game could perhaps have been forfeited before it began, giving the Catholic side no score at all, and still leaving the girls on the bench. Is that how it should have been handled?

The point is: Making things better is what civilized people try to do; it's why we invented the concept of overriding human rights. Sometimes how to accomplish that is unclear and every possibility seems to come at a cost to someone, but we keep trying. Not by suppressing one person's right beneath another's but by discussing and considering together how best to accommodate both. Which is what happened: The boys team had to forfeit if they wanted never to play against girls, the girls had to sit out if they wanted the high score. Although both sides would have preferred to play out the game, both got what they wanted from the impasse of conflicting rights.

And so far no one has suggested any better way of settling it.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Could I have played for the SR. Girls soccer team back in high school too? I hope that option was available to any other guy who wasn't good enough for the sr boys team.
A logical but not intelligent question that was raised by many of the foam-at-the-mouth opponents of Justine Blainey and the decision in her case. That decision depended on two facts the askers ignored: That there was no girls team, and that she legitimately made the boys team by her abilities. So when a school without boys sports tries to refuse a male student whose abilities qualify him for the girls team, I'm sure we'll hear of it. You find the school without boy's sports, and the league that will contentedly accept such a disruptive situation. My bet is you'll have be Justin Blainey and fight for it.

Besides, you'll have to find a coach stupid enough to pick a player deliberately trying to be not good good enough. It's not how you do sports. And it's a poor debating tactic as well.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
If they had forfeited BEFORE playing half the game with girls, it would have been non-newsworthy. Claiming that 45 minutes on the field with girls is okay but 90 is a sin sounds more than a little hypocritical.
Really? REALLY!?!?! Give me a break buddy.. The ONLY REASON the girls sat out is because their team needed the points.. THEIR TEAM WOULD HAVE PLAYED WITHOUT THEM REGARDLESS OF WHEN THE MUSLIMS OFFERED TO FORFEIT.

Like I said, if it weren't for the points needed, then we wouldn't have ever heard about this... The Muslim team would have offered to forfeit, the Catholic team would have accepted the forfeit.. Story = Over...


Mar 12, 2004

Really? REALLY!?!?! Give me a break buddy.. The ONLY REASON the girls sat out is because their team needed the points.. THEIR TEAM WOULD HAVE PLAYED WITHOUT THEM REGARDLESS OF WHEN THE MUSLIMS OFFERED TO FORFEIT.

Like I said, if it weren't for the points needed, then we wouldn't have ever heard about this... The Muslim team would have offered to forfeit, the Catholic team would have accepted the forfeit.. Story = Over...
Story is over,...because you are OK with a team bringing sexism and religion into a sport,...

Thing is,...if it was the Catholics who did something similar to this,...the Story would NOT be over with you,...guaranteed.

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