$80 - $100 providers - any recommendations?

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New member
Dec 16, 2014
And then there are some stores that have high-end merchandise at discount prices.
Why, just the other day I was able to purchase a high-end designer watch (Movado) for less than 50% of the original price (yes, I researched it before buying it).

How does this relate to this hobby? Well, to go with Penelope's metaphor, I would have to have saved up over several paycheques to purchase that watch (and I probably wound not have bought it anyhow). When I saw it at the discount, I was able to make an impulse purchase, for a watch that will hold it's value for years. While we cannot compare watches to providers, there is no way I, at this time of my life, can afford to pay a SP even $300/H (and $250 would be pushing it).

Penelope says that sex is a luxury, but I beg to differ. I don't have degrees in Psych or Soc, but I believe that sex and companionship are NECESSARY to one's mental and physical health. To put it simply, many people CANNOT "save up" fur the "luxury" of spending time with a SP of Penelope's lofty ideals, if she will deign to see them.

Penelope, you sound like you could be a nice girl, and you have some good recommendations, but honestly, even if I could "save up" to book some time with you, I won't. Your attitude, IMHO, came across as quite snotty and elitist; if you were a guy, I would call you a douche bag, but, alas, you are not, and I'm too much of a gentleman to tell you how I REALLY feel about you, from reading this thread.
This irony here is that you are telling me 'how you REALLY feel about me'- snotty, elitist, and like a douche-bag.
Which is fine by me; it seems to be lost that I was happy to post this in part, because it weeds specific kinds of people out. You are not one I would be spending time with either.
Sex and companionship are absolutely integral to proper human growth, development and happiness- I am working on a psych degree, and intend on going far in the field. The fact that it is core essential need, along with being part of a rare, socially unacceptable, dangerous field is exactly why it is so expensive and should be. You are not innately entitled to intimacy- it's a need that either must be earned or bought. I am coming off as snotty and elitist because we are having an academic discussion on ethics, exploitation, and SES stratification within this subculture. It makes me passionate, and angry that not only is it tolerated; it's condoned. Whats more, I happen to deal with the repercussions of said exploitation day-in-day-out as I work. I also witness many upset SP's deal with such things and it is very heartbreaking and unnerving. I have come from an agency setting( again, not Mirage) and have witnessed alcoholics, drug addicts, and insecure girls be taken advantage of, and clearly so, day in and day out. I have been taken advantage of, I get requests for bookings from some very undesirable people. I've had to bite someone's face because they tried to have sex with me without a condom- agency setting ( not Mirage). You may not treat 80-100$ girls and no restrictions girls poorly- but there are many John's who do. Those girls seem to get the largest influx of poor clients because people who are entitled to sex, to deals, to women's bodies, are often the worst client you can have. Low charging girls are not the only escorts who get said people- we all do. The core of the issue stems from here.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
I prefer to book hour long appointments and I don't seek out a provider just because of lower rates. I have never booked an SP that only advertises on BP, but that could happen one day.

I do believe that there is a market for a lower half hour rate and I don't see an issue with a thread regarding them. The Ottawa scene is much different from that of the GTA in what is available. There are a few good SP's that have a HH special for $100. Sexy Rebecca is another one of them.

Penelope, you are at a higher end of the scale, I don't think a thread like this should even matter to you!

Again, the issue is good Sp's being paid drastically lower despite their skill and praise simply because you want to pay them lower. That is very, very unfair. If you did the same job, just as well as other people, if not better, and were paid 50-70$ less per hour, just because people felt like it, would that not impact you poorly?


Again, the issue is good Sp's being paid drastically lower despite their skill and praise simply because you want to pay them lower. That is very, very unfair. If you did the same job, just as well as other people, if not better, and were paid 50-70$ less per hour, just because people felt like it, would that not impact you poorly?
Ummm, as I said in my post, I don't seek out the services of these lower priced providers so it doesn't apply to me. I don't have a problem with those who do.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
Actually, I've had much better luck with lower-cost providers than the high-end ones. Usually it's a matter of better attitude from them. And the lower-cost providers often become my regulars, not just because of the cost, but because of the aforementioned attitude.
So, you admit to paying for higher end escorts, but enjoy the company of lower-cost escorts. Alright. Would you tell those girls you have willingly paid for services from girls who cost a lot more, despite not enjoying those girls as much as you enjoy them? Then explain that you would not pay them as much for their services as you have paid other girls, simply because they charge lower. If they raised their prices to those of a higher end girl, would you still see them?
If you absolutely would pay them that amount, then why on earth have you not told them they could be charging more if that were the case, or at least not tip them to equate the amount of a higher end girl? Do you think they would enjoy your company as much knowing you won't pay them what they deserve to be paid? Would you continue to do your job, or be happy to do your job knowing that your clients just feel like paying you 60-70$ an hour below your worth?


New member
Aug 14, 2012
Noooo. Thats not the issue. The real issue is when it use to rain money from the sky nobody complained. Now that it doesn't rain money anymore... yeah, everyone complains about something. Oh yes, BTW, its always someone else's fault too! Not the greedy ones who were in for the quick money, God no! Can't blame them <insert roll eyes here> .


New member
Dec 16, 2014
Ummm, as I said in my post, I don't seek out the services of these lower priced providers so it doesn't apply to me. I don't have a problem with those who do.
There is an issue with it though, and a glaring one.
To address your previous question, it effects me because those types of clients harass me on the phone trying to bully me for discounts- and even threaten me to say that I would never get clients. This happens to those girls as well, I'm very sure, which is why they set their prices so low. I also have those guys try to bully myself, and other higher end women, to do services I deem to risky or dislike- I'm sure they often bully those poor girls just as bad too.
Has anyone ever stopped to think about why a girl would offer her services drastically lower than competition? How he/she may feel about doing so?


Oct 11, 2008
I work as a consultant. When I started, I had no clue what the market would bear and took what I thought was a decent amount of money. After a few months on the job and discussing financial matters with my colleagues, I discovered I was getting less than half what everyone else was making.

You know who got the most pissed off about this? My colleagues. There was another guy doing the same thing as I was, totally incompetent, and making more than double what I was getting and we started at the exact same time. They were livid at this injustice since I am very good at what I do and had their respect.

Didn't bother me much at all. It wasn't fair but I accepted that amount and was going to continue to honour the agreement until it was time to renegotiate.

Did I get taken advantage of? Probably. Was it wrong? No, that's just how life works. You accumulate experience and you know better for next time.

I make market value now. The other guy can't get a job. Things work out in the end. I just don't see how you can't understand that some people seek to maximize their buying power. If everything worked around what was right and just, there would be no such thing as Wal-Mart.

There's a LOT of Wal-Mart's.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
I have read everyones post here,and a lot of it can be boiled down to this.
A lot of people hate SP's who are mechanical, someone here even mentioned that higher end girls are too 'business like'.
Funny, comparisons to Wal-Mart and Nordstorm, sales, car dealerships/ mechanic repairs, the want for discounts, the bad economy and putting money in clients pockets have all been mentioned.... is that not looking at Escorts in a business-like, more bang for your buck, support your finances and life-style type of way? Along with request for discounts and people 'shopping for deals'. Funny, it seems that men on here are very happy to engage in formal business with escorts- but not when it benefits the escort. How dare he/she! after all, it's just her job to support all her very obvious essential needs " food, water, shelter, clothes'. But a client 'making business with an escort to support an arguably, not set-in-stone essential need is fair game?

Not once has anyone mentioned the financial costs that comes to an Escort to do this well. No one has mentioned the biological, social, and relationship repercussions that can come with this job. No one has mentioned the potential physical dangers too. In short- because a lot was not mentioned- no one has really considered an SP's side. No one has mentioned why an SP would willingly charge so much lower for her services, especially when you consider the aforementioned dangers. It's evident many, if not all of the contenders on this thread only care about themselves- they have only been defending themselves and their needs. People won't even talk about themselves if it may even remotely support an escort. No one has mentioned they would let someone fuck them for 100$ an hour, especially after all the costs to even do the job. No one has mentioned they themselves would be happy to charge 50-70$ less an hour at their job than anyone else, just because. It is very clear that most people on this thread's opinions are centration, and egocentrism based- which is really sad; children from the ages of 2 to 7 think that way, mainly because their prefrontal cortex hasn't fully developed.

I can argue this all day with facts, logic, anecdotal evidence, and the like- most people's opinions won't change, especially if they are in the wrong. nobody likes to be told that how they get their candy or money is wrong, simply because they want it that way, and as much as possible with as little cost to them. Some will though, and I believe it's for the better. Everything that can be said is laid out on this page, and people can make their own choices. I am not going to babysit and chastise people on here any longer.
There is obviously a right way, and a wrong way to be a client to an SP. I hope people choose the right way.

Since I am an elitist, douche-bag snob, I'm going to polish this off with a pretentious, cliche literary classics quote ( well the book is a cliche classic, the quote is often less stated)
Dill Harris leaving trial in tears.
-"It was just him I couldn't stand," Dill said. […] "That old Mr. Gilmer doin' him thataway, talking so hateful to him—[…] It was the way he said it made me sick, plain sick. […] The way that man called him 'boy' all the time an' sneered at him, an' looked around at the jury every time he answered-[…] It ain't right, somehow it ain't right to do 'em that way. Hasn't anybody got any business talkin' like that—it just makes me sick."
Response to Dill's distress
-"Things haven't caught up with that one's instinct yet. Let him get a little older and he won't get sick and cry […] about the simple hell people give other people—without even thinking. Cry about the hell white people give colored folks, without even stopping to think that they're people, too." (20.20-22)"
- Harpe lee, To Kill A Mockingbird.

Insert 'people' for 'white people', and 'Escorts' with 'coloured folks' and you should see what I'm getting at. It may be a touch dramatic but it really holds true .If something feels wrong, makes you( or a strong majority of others) feel sick and uneasy, or guilty- it is wrong. Stop trying to justify or rationalize it to fit your needs. I really cannot explain it much more simply than that.
Indy escorts, agency girls, and agency phone girls do not get paid enough. If they are lucky enough to be paid enough, respect that. Stop asking for discounts and bullying other women to lower their standards and needs so you can enjoy yourself more often.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
While I don't agree with you, I find your response very interesting. Things to bare in mind are everything is subjective- yes, some people won't mind being paid less, but a lot will.
You also had no clue- therefore relative deprivation theory does not apply- other girls do have a clue (sometimes). I'm willing to bet a lot of girls feel trapped by their lower prices ( I.e may loose regulars if they start to charge more. may not feel worth the extra funds).
The totally incompetent person should have lost their job- absolutely! I have mentioned countless times that a gem should be treated as such, and paid more if her skills match, or even outshine other girls.
Being taken advantage of is wrong- that's why hardly anyone likes it and it is not a pro-social behaviour. There are many awful ways the world works- it doesn't mean that it makes it right, or that it should not be fixed.
Life doesn't just 'work, or work out' people make it so. In your post it's evident which people made it so, so I won't go into it.
Wal-mart is the epitome of exploitation and taking advantage of people. Really not the best argument.
I can see why these things happen- I also see that it should't happen. Why, because it's exploitation.
A lot of cold, hard, business ways of looking at the industry from those who hate being seen as, treated as, and dealt with as business. Again, all centrated, egocentric views of what's been going on.
Unless something exceptional is said, I will no longer be responding. Its' been all the same crap arguments with the same huge, gaping flaws.

I work as a consultant. When I started, I had no clue what the market would bear and took what I thought was a decent amount of money. After a few months on the job and discussing financial matters with my colleagues, I discovered I was getting less than half what everyone else was making.

You know who got the most pissed off about this? My colleagues. There was another guy doing the same thing as I was, totally incompetent, and making more than double what I was getting and we started at the exact same time. They were livid at this injustice since I am very good at what I do and had their respect.

Didn't bother me much at all. It wasn't fair but I accepted that amount and was going to continue to honour the agreement until it was time to renegotiate.

Did I get taken advantage of? Probably. Was it wrong? No, that's just how life works. You accumulate experience and you know better for next time.

I make market value now. The other guy can't get a job. Things work out in the end. I just don't see how you can't understand that some people seek to maximize their buying power. If everything worked around what was right and just, there would be no such thing as Wal-Mart.

There's a LOT of Wal-Mart's.


Thank you for opening my eyes to these exploited escorts! I had no idea what you all go through. I will never book another SP again as I don't want to contribute to the exploitation of you Ladies.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
It's nice to see you're not being dramatic and completely missing the point! Some are exploited, and some are not. You'd have to be a complete fool to not understand that.

Thank you for opening my eyes to these exploited escorts! I had no idea what you all go through. I will never book another SP again as I don't want to contribute to the exploitation of you Ladies.


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
LOL @ sigpig for mentioning his discounted Movado watch. Discounts are limited time and not available always. There are higher end providers that offer terb discounts at times.

Again, certain providers have set amount because it is also a way to filter out the ones who they don't desire to see. They have their target clientele (who knows how to enjoy beautiful sessions) and basically price out the less desirable ones.

Higher end providers have nicer location, comfy play area, fluffier towels, higher quality of silky wardrobe, beautiful aromatic lotions and perfumes. Awesome ambience. Heck, even the carpet at the location may be better but not everyone notices or appreciate the the little things. It is absolutely reasonable for the higher amount.

Again, as I have mentioned in my previous post which sigpig obviously had missed. There are also the no-frills, bang bang finish and go lower end option if you don't want the complete package.
Some people see value and prefer to enjoy the perks and the whole shebang which sigpig doesn't value as much. And that is fair because it's his decision but he shouldn't go on whining about things he can't get.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
You may not treat 80-100$ girls and no restrictions girls poorly- but there are many John's who do. Those girls seem to get the largest influx of poor clients because people who are entitled to sex, to deals, to women's bodies, are often the worst client you can have. Low charging girls are not the only escorts who get said people- we all do. The core of the issue stems from here.
1. It bugs me that someone who wants to have an "academic discussion" is resorting to using the gendered and stigmatized term of "John".

2. Clients who feel "entitled" to sex because they've paid a certain amount (read: higher end) are also just as guilty of acting in inappropriate ways.

3. When you speak of lower-rate or lower-restriction SPs, are you speaking from personal experience, or third-hand information? Because there is a difference, especially when you are making sweeping generalizations and accusations about how a certain group acts.


Nov 1, 2004
Very interesting thread and I admire the long writing skills of members ..read Penelope?

Guys and ladies be happy in whatever brings you satisfaction.
To me good experience is important if I know paying some extra bucks assures it.

I have burnt myself with advertisers/reco's from the other board. For now I am just sticking with my regular.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
1. It bugs me that someone who wants to have an "academic discussion" is resorting to using the gendered and stigmatized term of "John".

2. Clients who feel "entitled" to sex because they've paid a certain amount (read: higher end) are also just as guilty of acting in inappropriate ways.

3. When you speak of lower-rate or lower-restriction SPs, are you speaking from personal experience, or third-hand information? Because there is a difference, especially when you are making sweeping generalizations and accusations about how a certain group acts.
1) I tried keeping it gender neutral, but only did that for the escorts- you're absolutely right, I should have kept it gender neutral for them too. I mainly switched from clients to John's because John's became too repetitive and I wasn't sure how else to refer to them. I also completely forgot the negative connotations connected with the word. Thanks for letting me know. In regards to this, I apologize to anyone I've offended. I will be sure to use a different term in the future.

2)I completely agree, and I feel I've mentioned that higher end Sp's get poor clients too. However, I've noticed my switch to a higher paying agency really lessened those amounts of clients. My switch to indy has completely eliminated the problem. Though I agree it is foolish to think it will stay that way- it won't. I feel "entitlement' to sex and a woman's body a risk factor, and only part of the issue. I feel that risk factor, along with the other issues listed combines and heightens the likelihood of having a very bad client, as well as the frequency of said clients.

2) My information comes from myself, from three escort settings, a low paying agency, a high paying agency, and my stint as an independent. I admit I've only been escorting for 7ish months now, but that does not mean I have not seen exploitation, and sleaziness in spades. My sources also come from agency girls, and said girls who leave to do independent work on and off, and then go back to said agency. Online escort blogs, online sites for Escort support, a book (I plan on reading many more) and many articles on-line. I do not feel comfortable giving out any escorts blogs, however, if it matters I can take the time to find said articles and link them. The book I read is a collection of stories from escorts, who all come from different SES levels and escort settings called :"Ho's,Hookers,Call Girls, and rent Boys: Professionals writing on life, love, Money, and sex."
I'm not saying the worst stories are like the girls who charge a lot less, but you can easily see which SES class puts up with more stuff in general.
Am I now an expert? no. Do I speak for all SP's, low-end and high-end? Of course not. Still, from these source, my experience, the experience of SP's on this site even, an the fact that I have had a lot of support in private messages really goes to show that I'm not the only one who sees these problems and where it stems from.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
What's there to admit to? I've tried girls who charged higher, and I paid them their rates, because that's what they charged. I also tried girls who charged lower, because that was their rates, and that's what they charged. I compared their services, and found that there was nothing all that special about the girls that charged higher, and never bothered calling them again. I never tried to negotiate the higher-priced girls down to the rates of the lower priced girls, so it's simply a matter of, "if they want to charge those rates, then they can charge those rates, but I am absolutely under no obligation to buy from them, plenty of other choices in this world."

You're not understanding something here, I pay the amount that each of the girls deem to be their own price. It's not a matter of if I'm absolutely willing to pay some price or another. I'm just trying out each one at their own prices. I've found that there wasn't much better services offered by the higher priced girls, so I've sampled their wares, didn't find anything especially compelling about them, and never went back to them. As I've said in my previous message, most of my regulars end up being some of the higher-value girls I've seen.

Really, how good you are at sex has nothing to do with how much you're being paid, it is entirely to do with if you enjoy what you're doing. And there's no price that can be attached to that. I've found the girls with the best attitudes are the ones who've said, "I'd have been doing this anyway, and the fact that I'm getting paid for it is just an added bonus!" Now, this attitude could be present in both high-value and high-priced girls, but I've found it's more prevalent among the high-value girls.
That's absolutely fine. That's a great way to treat Sp's- find something of value about them, what you like and enjoy, spend a good time with them, and pay them what they ask- don't haggle. Perfect!
However, did you ever ask them why they are charging substantially less? Have you ever wondered why they charge what they charge for despite being so wonderful at their job?
Have you ever considered mentioning to them how great they are at this, and that they could be charging more? Are they even aware of Terb,lyla, or any other review site?
What's wrong is that you know these girls are absolute gems, and you continue to pay them low wages, without question, simply because that's what you want to do.

You ask me what "[there is] to admit": Well here. Answer these. I will not even read the rest of your response unless you include the answers to them, let alone reply.No justifications, just answer: Would you tell those girls you have willingly paid for services from girls who cost a lot more, despite not enjoying those girls as much as you enjoy them? Then explain that you would not pay them as much for their services as you have paid other girls, simply because they charge lower. If they raised their prices to those of a higher end girl, would you still see them? Lastly, do you think your relationship would change if you did tell them those things? Do you think they'd genuinely be happy to have your services and like you as much as they did beforehand? ( say girls in this post because I assume all the Sps you have seen were women, if not, I can make some changes)


New member
Dec 16, 2014
Something insensitive I may have done.

Earlier I mentioned 'trading up my shitty wallet for a Coach purse'.
I'm pretty sure the context indicated that I am absolutely not comparing lower charging girls to a shitty wallet and myself to Coach. I am absolutely not.
I want to make it very clear that I am comparing escorts as high-end luxuries, and something to save for, not haggle down, or buy as low as possible at the expense of the worker.

Some people mentioned girls are gems because of various reasons, and I completely agree. I just feel that if an Sp is as good as myself in any sense, i.e looks, skills, warmth, whatever makes your experience or connection fantastic, then they absolutely deserve to be paid as much as myself.
If a girl is BETTER than me at this for whatever reason- then she definitely deserves to be paid more too- or at least tipped very generously after each session.
Finding a wonderful girl, and then posting about how you can get so much out of her for cheap is just wrong. If you're not a jerk, think about what kind of jerk you are potentially sending her way by boasting about her low, low, all included prices!

Admiring someone's skills and recommending them while lowballing them simply because you can and want too is wrong. If it's wrong in any other employment setting it's wrong here too.

While I admit there may be the odd Sp out there who enjoys or doesn't mind the lower wages, then that's perfectly fine.
Just be absolutely sure that's what the SP wants- not that the Sp is being bullied, pressured, feels too insecure,or needs to make money very fast for survival.

Bare in mind the nutritionist I'm employing next week costs 150$ for the initial 1.5 hour consultation. After that it's 50$ an hour follow up, less than an hour if our discussion doesn't need to last that long. So a nutritionist charges 50$ an hour, and an SP charges 100$ to sell 'adult' services. The nutritionist arguably has less cost to run their business than an SP- Indy or other wise. It is an absolute definite that the nutritionist does not have any potential social, psychological, biological, and interpersonal repercussions than an SP might have.( issues I've noticed people conveniently ignored)
So, that being said- how is that fair to the SP?


New member
Dec 16, 2014
This is a fascinating debate. Kudos to a passionate student, Penelope, trying to take on a bunch of guys on the unfiltered board. Whether you agree or disagree with her perspective, you have to admire her spunk. That makes her so much more appealing as a SP. I would imagine an encounter with her would be much more of a GFE as she can hold her own and would approach it like an equal.
While I appreciate the kind words- and I do, I don't want this thread to be about me, promoting me, or being a tribute to how awesome I am. We can have separate reviews for that :).
I'd like this thread to be about said issues because it's important- collectively SP's and Client's alike all contribute to this subculture- we can make it better, more symbiotic, or we can let it go to shit and encourage bad things.


New member
Sep 4, 2003
Thank you for opening my eyes to these exploited escorts! I had no idea what you all go through. I will never book another SP again as I don't want to contribute to the exploitation of you Ladies.
DFKM GlavaMan....
Penelope you are very opinionated and that's great no harm in that, but other people are allowed to have their own opinion also.
I wasn't actually going to reply to this thread cuz in my opinion you took this way overboard and your posts turned into a novel and from what I got out of this is if its not your way its no way.
I know first hand how much it costs to be an escort and keep up appearances and u don't have to charge 200 dollars to do it if u don't want 2. Every girl is entitled to charge what they want as long as they are the one making that decision and no one else. I do have to make one point about something you said. You said this job is emotionally and mentally exhausting if this is truly how u feel then I don't think u should be in this biz. Anything that causes you to feel this way is not worth it. You say that you enjoy this if you truly did ten I don't see how u can feel emotionally and physically exhausted. I may not have reviews as of lately but if u look in the archive u will see I had some many years ago and anyone I have recently seen in Kingston they will tell u that i truly enjoy what I do. Don't take this the wrong way but from what I have read of your posts you seem like a very cold person because of who u want to blacklist just because they don't want to or cant pay high end prices if I was a client i wouldn't see you just because of what you have written but that's just my opinion. Also the comment you made to Glava was so uncalled for calling him a fool really? Tbh I don't know why you even commented on this thread cuz its way beneath u.... This is the reason why people don't wanna post ask questions or give reviews because they are not entitled to their opinion or thoughts if it doesn't go with half of terb. I have been a member for many years and terb is nothing lie it use to be people use to be able to express what they felt or ask questions without being belittled or talked down 2 its really sad over the last 10 years what has happened. Im sure you will come back at me because you don't agree with what I have to say it doesn't bother me I have nothing to prove to u or anyone. You say what you want when u want and how u want.
im not gonna argue with u im 2 old for that now 10 years ago I may have.
Kisses Tracey....


New member
Dec 16, 2014
I will say a few things though. Why say something to me if I can't say something back? Didn't you mention people not being able to say anything on terb in your post?
I mentioned some people may be happy with their price, if you are, good for you :)
Actually, Kathryn put me in my place and I apologized. So no, it's not my way or no way. I don't like b.s, or people avoiding key parts of a discussion or not answering things- a lot of that was done.
I have spoken to 12 girls in person, and all of them said this job and be mentally and physically exhausting at times. Countless posts and blogs online say the same thing. I myself feel so at times too. Every single escort I have met person feels this way from time to time- not including board and forum posts. So? Every job is mentally and physically exhausting at times, though this one can be more so for obvious reasons. This does not mean I am not good at my job, or that I do not enjoy it. I've stated that I do enjoy it. My regulars feel I genuinely do, and so do I. For someone being against me for being high-and-mighty, as well as opinionated, you sure like to tell people what profession they should choosee for fairly arbitrary reasons. Really, you don't see how someone can be physically exhausted for having several hours of sex a day, in heels? You don't see how being genuinely emotionally intimate with, and even supportive of people can be exhausting? You've been in this industry how long?

You are putting words in my mouth- I never said someone is automatically black listed for not wanting to see me, or that they are black listed for seeing 100$ Sp's. They are black listed if they have poor behaviour on here, or do things that can exploit girls (mention an Sp is great, and not tip, haggle, or suggest the Sp charge what the services are worth), or come on here and brag brag brag about her super low, all inclusive prices! They might not be jerks- but they can direct jerks to the SP. My novel above explains above. Perhaps, before opening your mouth, you should have read it.

I called Glava a fool because he was one- he was being overly dramatic and implied that I was stating all Sp's were exploited, and he sarcastically stated he would never spend time with one again. That is foolish and missing the point entirely. I'm sorry if you are not capable of understanding that.

This thread is beneath me? Again, I've never said any SP or low charging Sp was beneath me. Only that if they are being exploited, then they should put a stop to it. If they provide services that rival or trump mine, then they should make as much as myself or more. Stop assuming things. Perhaps you are projecting how you feel about me onto yourself and on this post. I do not feel I am above you because I charge more- if it wasn't clear now then I am making it clear. Perhaps you think any SP who charges more is like this. I can't say for sure, and I won't assume. You can explain it if you want.

You think I'm a cold person? Really. Despite my whole thread being against exploiting other SP's and how good, quality people should be paid more?
Want to know something funny? Everyone tells me how warm and vibrant I am in person. We are online having a serious discussion that broke into an argument. We are talking about exploitation and ripping people off- you expected warm fuzzies? I'm the type of person who takes care of anyone if they need it. If a strange is puking their guts up you can bet I'm the only person to actually give a shit and get them some water and crackers, and slide under the bathroom stall to be with them. I've done this with men and women.

There are all sorts of assumptions I can come to about your very poor argument, and your shameless self-promoting on other posts- but I won't. I am going to do what you didn't- attack just the argument.
It's sad you're trying to guilt trip me for defending myself, when I have to defend myself against you because you took very personal shots at me. I am not my argument. We are separate. Understand?
For someone who has been a part of this scene for 10 years, how can you be so blind?
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