Blondie Massage Spa

$80 - $100 providers - any recommendations?

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Dec 1, 2013
Hello - wondering if any or the more experienced hobbyists could recommendquality providers in the $80-100/hh range?

I know that discussing rates is sometimes fro upon on these threads, so feel free to PM me if you have any advice or info you can share. Thanks.

John Gilbunni

New member
Jul 8, 2012
you get what you pay for. pussy aint an essential service. save up and get better experiences. quality not quantity


Not finding many in the 80 range but surprisingly in Kingston there are some real gems at 100/hh. Seems to be the most usual rate I've seen for the traveling SP here (limited sample).


New member
Dec 16, 2014
It's incredibly sad this thread even exists.
Clearly people aren't well informed of the financial costs of being a provider, along with personal risks of the physical and biological kind, as well time, and energy devoted to being an SP.
It's also extremely bothersome that few people seem to realize how much things like this exploits women in the industry, which is why so many people wanted BIll-C-36 instated in the first place.
Oh well, at least posts like this inform Sp's, along with myself, on who to avoid.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
A few more thoughts.

Many of the 'connoisseurs' of 80-100$ Sp's are so because higher end, independent Sp's will not willingly see them. Either their behaviour on here has been very undesirable (unfair, or over the top bad reviews, crude behaviour towards Sp's, a sense of entitlement, general douche-baggery), or their in-person demeanour and/ or hygiene was unacceptable.
Be warned; just as Sp's services can result in negative consequences, a John's behaviour can too.

Lastly, as people have stated on here, this is not an essential service: It's a high-end luxury.
Treat it as so! If you've worked hard and want to blow some cash on an upscale service, do so when you have the money. Make the splurge worth your time and effort, and end up feeling like it should; the best luxury ever. I'm not just talking Indy SP's- there are great talent at the local agencies too.

Don't low-ball yourself, and the local talent.


New member
Sep 4, 2003
It's incredibly sad this thread even exists.
Clearly people aren't well informed of the financial costs of being a provider, along with personal risks of the physical and biological kind, as well time, and energy devoted to being an SP.
It's also extremely bothersome that few people seem to realize how much things like this exploits women in the industry, which is why so many people wanted BIll-C-36 instated in the first place.
Oh well, at least posts like this inform Sp's, along with myself, on who to avoid.
I am sorry you feel this way because not everyone can afford 200 an hour to see a girl that may rip them off or give them a bad service just my 2 cents.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
I am sorry you feel this way because not everyone can afford 200 an hour to see a girl that may rip them off or give them a bad service just my 2 cents.
It's not just myself feeling this way; many members of the community are upset by these things, and for good reason too. Exploitation is exploitation, no matter how you sugar coat it. High-end luxuries are high-end luxuries. I didn't replace my shitty wallet with a Coach one until I had the money. You're supposed to SAVE for luxuries. That's part of why they are a luxury- it takes effort, self-control, and discipline;it serves as a reward.
The facts are there and they won't change- being an SP has a lot of cost to us, not only financially, to maintain the image and serve our clients- but social, career, biological, and intimate relationship costs too.

OP mentioned he was looking for 180hr, well is 200$ really that much? OP cannot save 20 to 70$ more? Really?

This reminds me of the time I informed someone at my local park that feeding the ducks white bread was very harmful to them. He responded with anger, and when I called him a selfish jerk he blew up at me.( which I guess is understandable- I did insult him) Once I calmed him down and explained that I wasn't trying to 'ruin his fun', just help the ducks, he got very upset. He told me he couldn't afford whole wheat bread. That's when I got upset. I asked him why he was even out and about feeding the ducks in the first place, if he couldn't spare an extra two bucks , at a maximum? I informed him that it is incredibly likely he could afford the extra two dollars- he just felt the ducks health weren't worth it. After that he just glared at me.
I think it's easy to see what I'm getting at here.

We all, well most of us, 'can't afford luxuries immediately'.
Sure, I could have bought my Coach wallet right away, maybe taken some of the money out of my food, education, or vet bill fund. But I didn't. I set a budget for myself, I waited, and I saved. In the end I bought my wallet, and I didn't settle on the quality either.

I'm not saying low-charging girls are of low quality- the gems are the gems. They should be paid like the other gems on this site. What you are doing on here is praising these girls of their quality and paying them less for no other reason than you simply want too.
If you are truly worried about being ripped off or having bad service than utilize this site properly- while you save, scour the reviews on here, and see a well reviewed SP. Let someone else TOFTT in the meantime.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
I'd like to add that as a former agency girl and a current Indy girl, we often do take a minimum half hour break- we need to clean up, shower, re-do our make up, and mentally prep for our next companion.
It takes a lot of emotional energy.
It does drive the industry down, and it really does contribute to exploitation and skeezyness.
Lingerie, lube, several sizes of condoms, sex-toys,hair, nails, and make-up and shos are expensive; those are the expenses of an agency girl- plus the percentage to the agency and condo rental fee.

An Indy has ads, a website, a new phone, and/or new phone number or pay-for-app to pay for. Hours of answering calls, texts, and emails from their personal email, along with terb and cerb account to go through. Then there are the costs that come from lingerie, hair, nails, make-up, and shoes. Not to mention the cost of condoms, lube, sex-toys, massage chairs, and rent for our office space.
On top of all these fees for the girls, come the expense of living. Which includes rent ( additional if Indy), food, clothes, education, savings, pet expenses, lessons (for a hobby), hygiene/self-care. The list goes on and on. How about the 600$ needed within six months to get HPV vaccinated? How about taking time off if you want to get tested, and refrain from working until you know you are in the clear?

For those complaining about the fees; look at our expenses to even do this. Then add our living expenses. God forbid an underground, socially unacceptable, dangerous profession pays high and puts money in our pockets.
From what I've seen, here are the things that are grossly overestimated: How many clients we see in a night/ day. How much we make. How easy this job is. How 'infrequently' we get tested. How often we preform poorly.
Here is what has been grossly underestimated: The expenses that go into being an escort, and to be considered quality. How physically and emotionally exhausting it can be (especially if you charge really low and need to see as many people as possible to make ends meet.) How little clients, not Sp's, get tested. How many time-wasters we deal with. How many harassers we deal with (pimps, other girls, bad clients, immature boys). How many incredibly rude people we deal with.
Place yourself in our shoes, even without those expenses, would you do this for 100$ an hour? If yes, would you do this for 100$ an hour WITH all the expenses listed above? Are you also cognizant that you are not guaranteed an hour, or even more of work per day? This that doesn't happen to 'good Indies or agency girls? Still don't think it's expensive? Go to Nordstorm, Victoria Secret, La Senza, Mac cosmetics, Sephora, and any sex shop and just tally how much things cost- without rent and phone and everything else. How about the Wine/Spirits we Indies offer clients?

I really hate being a nag, or even complaining about my job. The honest truth is I love my job. Sometimes it's frustrating- every job is.
What's upsetting is the very obvious exploitation that is being condoned, and even encouraged. People then wonder why police want to crack down on Escorts.
This job really is about privilege too; of course you need to be attractive to succeed, but being educated, having money before going into this and being addiction/ mental health issues free plays even more into success here than any other industry.
Because this job is so secretive, particularly for an SP, it forces girls to be separated from others- this means they don't know who does what for what. They don't always know where to go for sources either- thank the gods for the internet. That can help. It can also set things back too- by having threads like this pressure girls into doing things they don't want- just to stay on top. Or to have girls drastically lower their rates too. It's not just John's-on-girl action either, it's girl on girl too. Girls and Johns can really set other girls up for being taken advantage of- I've seen it in an agency setting ( not Mirage).

The point of this massive post is this: I have the right to a safe workplace, and one that doesn't exploit me like any other working person. Other Sp's should have a right to this too.
I love my job, and want to keep it But stuff like this, amongst the numerous other reasons listed, is why we have such a high turn-over.
There was a post I saw earlier about CERB censoring John's and how awful it is- think about how SP's and even agencies are censored.
I risk a lot here by posting this. I'd like to feel it will be worth it in a few ways: One, it helps change some great guys,who were mislead's minds. Two, it helps some Sp's make some decisions about how they would like to run their business. Three, it weeds out come POT's from here from ever seeing me. Lastly, it makes everyones work place and hobbying much more enjoyable. Treating the girls on here better really, greatly enhances the quality, and enjoyment in an SP's service, and in turn reflects directly to the John.
Agencies work their asses off to support the girls, run their business, and find great talent. Indies work hard by being that fantasy, and bringing you enjoyment. You guys help us out by supporting our lives, our education, and our luxuries we work hard for. It could be so easy to have more of a symbiotic relationship, with a few cultural changes, etiquette and realization. How about we stop treating each other so poorly because we arbitrarily feel entitled too? This goes to SP and John alike.
Okay, I'm done being an idealist now.
Happy Hobbying to everyone.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
I've also just realized the plethora of syntax and spelling errors, my apologies. I've just come from a mid-term not long ago and have tonnes of chores to catch up on. Hopefully it was sensical enough to get my point across for now- I'll edit it properly tomorrow.


New member
Dec 16, 2014
Perhaps this thread should be renamed The Penelope Thread!
Oh oh, Ranting with a-myself,
Oh, oh, Ranting with myself
Well, there's nothing to lose
And there's nothing to prove, well,
Ranting a-with myself
Thanks, but I already have a few 'Penelope threads' :)
In all honesty I don't feel this was wasted- I've had many private praises, and few contenders. What I've said stands, and if it changed people's minds that's great. If not, those people were already lost causes anyways.


I prefer to book hour long appointments and I don't seek out a provider just because of lower rates. I have never booked an SP that only advertises on BP, but that could happen one day.

I do believe that there is a market for a lower half hour rate and I don't see an issue with a thread regarding them. The Ottawa scene is much different from that of the GTA in what is available. There are a few good SP's that have a HH special for $100. Sexy Rebecca is another one of them.

Penelope, you are at a higher end of the scale, I don't think a thread like this should even matter to you!

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It's sorry to see that some take threads like this personally, or infer that guys who see 80/100hh girls should be black listed or called bad johns. Ok, the term "many" was thrown out there but still this seems to paint folks with a wide brush.

I've seen lower priced SP and I've seen SP for as much as $350/hr. My most normal and usual price I have paid over the last few years was $180/45 (which is not really low priced) at the Asian agencies until recently. Does this make me a bad john because I've seen 100/hh girls as well as the more expensive ones? To my knowledge no one has ever declined seeing me, to the contrary most are happy to see me return. And some have become great friends.

When C&M were in town they were 80/hh and considered the best value in town. Some considered one or both of them the best asian SP for any price. and some felt one or both were the best SP in town period. I became very good friends with them, I don't feel that has negatively impacted my life in any way. In this biz everyone has their own reasons for prices they charge or prices they pay, I don't think it's fair to equate the price to the worthiness of people who charge or pay those rates.

I agree with whiteman, I've became a regular with more of the lower priced SP than higher priced. Of the higher priced SP I've seen I only had great chemistry with 2 of them, sadly they are both retired. I have had some luck with the asian agency SP who are what I would call moderately priced at 140/180/220 but not to the extent of lower priced SP. For whatever reason, be it attitude or personality, I find the more reasonably priced SP more down to earth and less business like usually. Perhaps my methods for choosing who I see provide better results but I do not presume this to be the case.

The Kingston scene surprised me as I mentioned before, the best SPs I have seen so far were 100/hh, the exception being one at 120. I didn't contact them based on price as their ads did not specify rate, I only learned rate when I contacted them. I was attracted to them due to pictures and/or reco from other hobbyist and the rate was a bonus. After seeing them I was amazed at the quality for the rate as I do realize many lower priced SP do not provide value.

Yes, it is not a necessity (although my penis may disagree at times) but if I have a great time for less I can have that great time more often. I base who I see mostly on research and trading info with like minded "johns". If a gem surfaces and her rate is a bargain as well then hurray for me. I do tip those who provide great service regardless of rate but I have felt compelled to tip more lower priced SP for the reasons above, overall the time spent was more enjoyable.

There are plenty of SP at all rates and plenty of "johns" willing to pay differing rates that I feel there should be no need to try to criticize anyone for what they charge or what they pay. The great thing about hobbying is that there is something for everyone. This truly is a unique service where "you get what you pay for" is not always the case. Quite often you get less than you pay for and on a good day you get more than you paid for. And this can happen at ANY price point.


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
Some people likes to shop and buy stuff at lower priced no-frills places.
Then there are people who saves money to only shop at decent to higher end places.
There's a market for all.

On the flip side, higher end places targets their own higher end clientele.
Lower priced stores targets their own bargain hunters.

All stores are in it for profits.
All buyers are in it for satisfaction in exchange for their money.


Dec 7, 2014
Some people likes to shop and buy stuff at lower priced no-frills places.
Then there are people who saves money to only shop at decent to higher end places.
There's a market for all.

On the flip side, higher end places targets their own higher end clientele.
Lower priced stores targets their own bargain hunters.

All stores are in it for profits.
All buyers are in it for satisfaction in exchange for their money.
And then there are some stores that have high-end merchandise at discount prices.
Why, just the other day I was able to purchase a high-end designer watch (Movado) for less than 50% of the original price (yes, I researched it before buying it).

How does this relate to this hobby? Well, to go with Penelope's metaphor, I would have to have saved up over several paycheques to purchase that watch (and I probably wound not have bought it anyhow). When I saw it at the discount, I was able to make an impulse purchase, for a watch that will hold it's value for years. While we cannot compare watches to providers, there is no way I, at this time of my life, can afford to pay a SP even $300/H (and $250 would be pushing it).

Penelope says that sex is a luxury, but I beg to differ. I don't have degrees in Psych or Soc, but I believe that sex and companionship are NECESSARY to one's mental and physical health. To put it simply, many people CANNOT "save up" fur the "luxury" of spending time with a SP of Penelope's lofty ideals, if she will deign to see them.

Penelope, you sound like you could be a nice girl, and you have some good recommendations, but honestly, even if I could "save up" to book some time with you, I won't. Your attitude, IMHO, came across as quite snotty and elitist; if you were a guy, I would call you a douche bag, but, alas, you are not, and I'm too much of a gentleman to tell you how I REALLY feel about you, from reading this thread.


New member
May 7, 2012
C'mon...when I was working I had to have a car, insce on it, repairs, gas, parking expenses....there were dress clothes to buy and dry clean ....there were licenses to pay for etc get it.
Everyone has expenses that relate to their employ.
If one ladys' overhead is allowing her to offer lower rates in relationship to that, then that is how the business is done.
Perhaps time on one day vs another is not as valuable as another, so SPECIALS can be offerred...many reasons for variation in rates, not the least which is determined by the ladies honest appreciation for what the market bears for her particular physical stature, appearance, talents and offerrings....I dont see anybody here advocating that we are haggling with Sps over posted rates, so what is the problem?
You cant really have it both ways in a "Supply and Demand" business environment.
I appreciate what Penelope is saying, and possibly because I am not a hh guy, am tuning out, but will say that I have a limit on how high I will go, and the thought never crosses my mind that I will " save up" for that "Special" treat....if it's over my threshold for what I value a vist with an Sp any Sp...then I just move on...
My regular lady is a VERY special treat for me...every time I see her, and we have a good thing going without a lot of concern over this topic...If time or money becomes a factor in our rendez vous, I have asked her to simply speak up, and she told me that if it was she would've already done so, so to relax....that being said is going on 3 years of pretty regular fun sharing activities....
There is nothing wrong with guys seeking lower rates and nothing wrong with ladies offerring them....Yes there can be perils to sidestep, but that is on us to do due diligence on to avoid scams.
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