Which proved what? You think that things don't explode when buildings are on fire or when they collapse? Hilarious.
Pure nonsense coming from you.
Because you say it's nonsense, anything you say is right. No wonder you're so notorious on here.
Fuji is apparently always right, everyone, dead wrong. lol
Name ONE other building using this architecture that has ever been on fire like that. Your misinformation link provides a list of buildings that aren't even remotely similar in construction to the WTC.
Are you a structural engineer? Did you design and build the towers or are you reading sites like "debunking911" and using their points and trying come off like you understand it all because you studied it?
Watch from 35:28 - your beloved tube structures are mentioned.
21:03 -
Forensic FIRE ENGINEER AND fire investigator "according to NIST the failure occured and column 79 on level 12. They're talking about a single column failure/collapse that resulted in the total collapse of the building. That doesn't make sense. Buildings don't break that way"
21:35 -
DEMOLITION ENGINEER "the story that just a few columns can cause a synchronized global collapse...an implosion, well that's just nonsense"
21:47 -
STRUCTURAL ENGINEER "the exterior on the outside and the inside at the bottom would have to be severed at the same time"
22:02 -
METALLURGICAL ENGINEER "it cannot happen that when you have asymmetric damage that you will get a perfectly symmetrical collapse"
36:48 - the
CONSTRUCTION MANAGER of the WTC buildings recorded in January of 2001
""the bldg was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it, the building could probably sustain multiple impacts from jetliners, because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door, the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing the screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen nettting." describing how the buildings could take multiple hits from jet liners, the (tube) structure could take the hits.
37:22 -
describing how a 300 ton plane hitting a building designed to carry a 13,000 ton building wouldn't do anything.
Btw this recording was clearly from the 70's or early 80s judging by the glasses. lol
37:43 -
"we designed the building to take the impact of the Boeing 707 hitting the building in any location"
37:50 -
"the plane already hit but what I noticed was, the lights were still in the lobby.
That led me to believe that the plane never got to the core columns.... because the feeds for all the lights were in the core columns."
38:21 -
NUCLEAR ENGINEER/former Director Advanced Space Program (USAF) -
"hose aircraft and fires could not cause those buildings could to come down that way."
What this conversation reveals is your ignorance. What is astounding is that your ignorance doesn't stop you from posting.
Whose ignorance?
What about the buildings don't you seem to understand if you listen to the guys who BUILT the buildings? lol
You make crazy assertions based on your lack of knowledge and then demand to be proved wrong by people who know more than you do.
I don't claim to know, I'm simply pointing out how the ones who designed and built the building say it isn't or wasn't possible.
Heck you even thought the WTC elevators stopped on every floor when they famously didn't!
Actually, you're incorrect, I learned how the elevators were built on the day of 9/11.
I never said that anywhere earlier in any posts, please do show me where I said it's one elevator going straight up and down.
I was hoping you'd go that route and you fell for it, so thank you.
They weren't damaged the same way. Duh.
"Duh"? lol Legally Blonde?
The truth is really frustrating you isn't it?
So, argue and post away all you want after this post.
You you have the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, 2 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS and the CHIEF ELECTRICAL ENGINEER who brought up an EXCELLENT point that made sense - considering he was the CHIEF electrical engineer I would be more apt to trust him than some report from the government which had inconsistencies.
Continue watching the video, enjoy actual footage.
Maybe in 70 years, the truth will come out that the government knew like Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor.