9/11 was ‘mother of all false flag attacks’: US scholar


Mar 31, 2009
The attacks were staged and prepared to what extent we will never know....JFK is another example and we can go on forever with theories!
The biggest non-death hoax are the U.S. moon landings. Never happened. All staged by Hollywood.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
The attacks were staged and prepared to what extent we will never know....JFK is another example and we can go on forever with theories!
I feel for the people who were sacrificed, missing family members with no bodies to have a proper burial.
No closure for these families.
Thank you. And this is foremost what I was alluding to. I'm not in that position but I can imagine loved ones that are looking for closure !! What do we do for those who had these significant losses?



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Is this all you could come up with ?? Very sad on your part.
All I could come up with besides all my other posts. It's not my fault that your arguments have wilted.

To summarize your arguments, you believe there is a secret cabal that rules the world that somehow managed to convince thousands of people to pull off a massive conspiracy and keep quiet about it for almost 15 years and you believe any evidence or science pointing away from a conspiracy must have been manufactured (by even more people involved in the plot).


Apr 23, 2014
And don't believe whatever conspiracy theorists tell you.
I don't.

I just like listening to experts who know their stuff about science.
When NIST had to back track about their "free fall" comment, that made me wonder. It all started from there and the proverbial rabbit hole, blue pill, red pill choice made me really wonder more about things.


Apr 23, 2014
And a lot of Americans don't believe in evolution. Many parents of autistic kids believe vaccines caused it. Science isn't a popularity contest amongst the general public.

And yes, your post is once again trying to change the topic. Thousands upon thousands would have to been involved in 9/11 if it was anything other than what we all know. Yes, the US intelligence fucked up. Yes, it was used as an excuse to go into Iraq. Yes, some people profited from the disaster either financially or politically. But of course that only means that some people were able to figure out a way to benefit from what OBL did.

You claimed a small group could have kept it secret yet a small group couldn't have accomplished it by themselves. Your own arguments are contradictory (and not just in this specific case).
You really don't need the thousands that you think is required.

There is no doubt an extreme movement of people in government, I mean the budget of the military alone says it all.
It's also very telling of who runs the show and who gets a big ol' piece of the pie.

Neo-cons are alive and well, like I said, mercenaries could have been paid and they don't care what happens and to whom.
BLACKWATER comes to mind http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackwater:_The_Rise_of_the_World's_Most_Powerful_Mercenary_Army
Now renamed to Academi which I did not know.

Imagine you owned the company of ex-military men and were approached by someone from the government or wherever and were
offered tens of millions to execute a plan with resources at your disposal.

It's a lucrative dirty business, these guys are no doubt tough as nails, stone cold.

So you have some logistical area covered with explosives?
Now you have the U.S. government apparently which has never trained for hijacked planes flying over U.S. Air Space
flying exerecises on SEPTEMBER 11 2001 of all days.
Coincidental isn't it? Perhaps to add to the confusion? Only a select few will ever know, we won't.
General Myers was questioned by leaders in Washington about the "war games" that happened on September 11 2001.
Like i said, coincidental....confusion. ;)

Thousands wouldn't need to be in on this, they only would need to be fooled and excuse the pun, BUT, they would have to "fly under the radar" and fool those who failed in the first place. ;)


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
I just like listening to experts who know their stuff about science.
That is my only point about this situation. It just does not make any sense at all.
Never forget your right of truth and justness what ever that maybe, in the end
you might find yourself in a peculiar situation.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Actually I listed a variety of people who would have to be in on it and it makes a pretty big list and I'm sure I left out a whole bunch.
So when are you going to start? Or is youtube videos from people talking out their asses what you consider science?
Hey stay uniformed, no skin off my back !


Apr 23, 2014
Beyond those who did the planning, people to install the demo explosives.
Blackwater, hired mercenaries, NEO-CON nutjobs deep in the military who froth at the mouth wanting to go to war.
I'll let you pick one or two groups, or whoever you want.

People to fake the Air traffic reports in multiple jurisdictions.
Let's assume there was no conspiracy, the people dealing with air traffic failed. That's all you would need.
Again, the Air Force was conducting "war game" drills on the day of 9/11 in the same manner they were attacked. They were training for AIRLINE HIJACKINGS.
For the first time in U.S. history, they conduct war games the day planes actually got hijacked?
How coincidental is that? It certainly raises an eyebrow.
One can see how that would add to the confusion for air traffic people. No?

People who said they saw planes including thousands in the buildings themselves.
I never said plans never hit the building, I think that may be stretching it a bit far.

People to fake the debris.
Now you're stretching it with "people needed to fake debris"? lol listen to that out loud.
2 reasons debris could fall from the towers:
1) plane hitting a tower
2) explosions

Neither one of those to be faked under either 1 or 2.

3) little lemmings throwing debris from the rooftops of other buildings, MAYBE.

People to pre-install damage at the pentagon.
Don't need to pre-install damage at the Pentagon, never read that.
But apparently a plane crashed into the Pentagon. Did you ever see how pristine the grass was near the crash site?

People who checked in the passengers and prepped the planes for their trips.
They didn't need to be in the know, because they already failed by simply doing their jobs of taking tickets and boarding passengers.. ;)

People who investigated the report.
look at 29:59 - 33:50
Here you have one of the head honchos of NIST denying there was ANY molten steel, then look at the video clips of molten steel and the FIREFIGHTERS who said they SAW MOLTEN steel, "like a foundry".
The NIST animation of how WTC#7 fell and how it actually happened are ENTIRELY different.
Fiction v. reality.
Blatant in your face lying.

People who provided evidence for the report.
What evidence?
Not many plane remains were found at the Pentagon, if any.
Not many pictures and the pictures that were provided were pretty weird if you consider that a HUGE PLANE just crashed into the building and the grass looks incredibly great. lol
How about videos? 85 cameras around the Pentagon and the government withheld the videos and simply said "trust us" it happened.

People who disposed of passengers from four planes.
Dirty job, but someone has to do it.
Hitler had the SS.
Bush/Cheney had their henchmen for hire.

That's just a minute of thinking on the topic.
Same here.
Only typing it out all out took a bit longer.


Apr 23, 2014
Which proved what? You think that things don't explode when buildings are on fire or when they collapse? Hilarious.

Pure nonsense coming from you.
Because you say it's nonsense, anything you say is right. No wonder you're so notorious on here.
Fuji is apparently always right, everyone, dead wrong. lol

Name ONE other building using this architecture that has ever been on fire like that. Your misinformation link provides a list of buildings that aren't even remotely similar in construction to the WTC.
Are you a structural engineer? Did you design and build the towers or are you reading sites like "debunking911" and using their points and trying come off like you understand it all because you studied it?
Watch from 35:28 - your beloved tube structures are mentioned.
21:03 - Forensic FIRE ENGINEER AND fire investigator "according to NIST the failure occured and column 79 on level 12. They're talking about a single column failure/collapse that resulted in the total collapse of the building. That doesn't make sense. Buildings don't break that way"
21:35 - DEMOLITION ENGINEER "the story that just a few columns can cause a synchronized global collapse...an implosion, well that's just nonsense"
21:47 - STRUCTURAL ENGINEER "the exterior on the outside and the inside at the bottom would have to be severed at the same time"
22:02 - METALLURGICAL ENGINEER "it cannot happen that when you have asymmetric damage that you will get a perfectly symmetrical collapse"

36:48 - the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER of the WTC buildings recorded in January of 2001
""the bldg was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it, the building could probably sustain multiple impacts from jetliners, because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door, the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing the screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen nettting." describing how the buildings could take multiple hits from jet liners, the (tube) structure could take the hits.

describing how a 300 ton plane hitting a building designed to carry a 13,000 ton building wouldn't do anything.

Btw this recording was clearly from the 70's or early 80s judging by the glasses. lol

"we designed the building to take the impact of the Boeing 707 hitting the building in any location"

"the plane already hit but what I noticed was, the lights were still in the lobby. That led me to believe that the plane never got to the core columns.... because the feeds for all the lights were in the core columns."

38:21 - NUCLEAR ENGINEER/former Director Advanced Space Program (USAF) -
"hose aircraft and fires could not cause those buildings could to come down that way."

What this conversation reveals is your ignorance. What is astounding is that your ignorance doesn't stop you from posting.
Whose ignorance?
What about the buildings don't you seem to understand if you listen to the guys who BUILT the buildings? lol

You make crazy assertions based on your lack of knowledge and then demand to be proved wrong by people who know more than you do.
I don't claim to know, I'm simply pointing out how the ones who designed and built the building say it isn't or wasn't possible.

Heck you even thought the WTC elevators stopped on every floor when they famously didn't!
Actually, you're incorrect, I learned how the elevators were built on the day of 9/11.
I never said that anywhere earlier in any posts, please do show me where I said it's one elevator going straight up and down.
I was hoping you'd go that route and you fell for it, so thank you. :)

They weren't damaged the same way. Duh.
"Duh"? lol Legally Blonde?
The truth is really frustrating you isn't it?

So, argue and post away all you want after this post.
You you have the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, 2 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS and the CHIEF ELECTRICAL ENGINEER who brought up an EXCELLENT point that made sense - considering he was the CHIEF electrical engineer I would be more apt to trust him than some report from the government which had inconsistencies.

Continue watching the video, enjoy actual footage.

Maybe in 70 years, the truth will come out that the government knew like Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor.


Apr 23, 2014
Hey stay uniformed, no skin off my back !
There's a reason why they're staying uninformed, because I don't think that BC or Fuji are stupid.
I think it's just ideological, they love the neo-con agenda and/or are pro-Israeli (which is their right and choice and that's fine too), but to deny science? That's bullshit. :)

Have a great day all.
Done with this thread, I think all that inconvenient "sciencey" stuff and people who built the towers spoke enough to raise huge questions about the government bullshit story.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
There's a reason why they're staying uninformed, because I don't think that BC or Fuji are stupid.
I think it's just ideological, they love the neo-con agenda and/or are pro-Israeli (which is their right and choice and that's fine too), but to deny science? That's bullshit. :)

Have a great day all.
Done with this thread, I think all that inconvenient "sciencey" stuff and people who built the towers spoke enough to raise huge questions about the government bullshit story.
Good ending :thumb: I'm done too !


Jan 31, 2005
Let's assume there was no conspiracy, the people dealing with air traffic failed. That's all you would need.
I saw the second plane hit on live TV. I know people in New York who witnessed the second plane with their own eyes. After the first plane hit there were tens of thousands of people out on the streets watching the towers, who saw the second plane come in, and multiple media outlets broadcasting it live.

There are also people who saw the first plane come in as well.

You are a crazy kook.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
You are a crazy kook.
There's no need for these words. He has the right to his opinion on this. What you are saying only solidifies your ignorance.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
There's a reason why they're staying uninformed, because I don't think that BC or Fuji are stupid.....
No it's obvious that fuji and I are part of the secret clan of world rulers.

Either that or we have decent rational thought without massive levels of paranoia.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
No it's obvious that fuji and I are part of the secret clan of world rulers.

Either that or we have decent rational thought without massive levels of paranoia.
Really? Whether TES and I are right or wrong is not the issue here. We still have unanswered questions !! And the day we stop asking questions will be our demise !!!!!
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