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9/11 was ‘mother of all false flag attacks’: US scholar


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
I suggest you go to timeline 30:35. This was particularly interesting for me. Because this sort of ridicule is happening on this board. Concerning science and fact , I guess some of you still think Galileo was wrong.



Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Fidel Castro killed President Kennedy because Kennedy took away his missiles.
Naw. There's evidence of a back room dialogue through emissaries between Kennedy and Castro, prior to his death.

The Kennedy Assassination consists of two facets, which are often confused as a single conspiracy:

a) The murder conspiracy

b) The government cover-up

(b) can very well be independent of (a) for political reasons, or to cover one's ass, pure and simple.
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Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
If you ever look at video of prepping a controlled demo, elevator maintenance hardly would provide a cover for tearing out and wiring all of the structural elements, especially since the design of the WTC towers carried much of the load through the exterior frame.
Those controlled demo prep docs involve reinforced concrete structures which require noisy drilling more so than steel and glass towers, whereas the Twin Towers were prefabricated, structural steel columnar beams, so perhaps demolition could be achieved by wrapping explosives around without the need for noisy drilling. Perhaps they needed only to weaken the floor corners, and not blow every beam, but it seems like an awesome amount of work to go unnoticed.

So I also have my doubts about the maintenance theory.

However, there's a mechanical engineer (Google Tony Zambotti) that believes in an assisted-demolition. Another engineer reminded me that the rate of descent was near that of free fall - something that wouldn't happen if it was pancaking under sheer weight since the structure below would act like a brake to slow the rate of descent down.
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Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
And that is the master argument against 9/11 being a US plot. Do you really think that guy could have anything to do with something so complex and be able to keep it secret?
For the sake of argument, W was not the mastermind. He's the puppet. However, Vincent Bulgiosi argues in his book that he swayed Congress to invade Iraq under false pretenses (something about intelligence reports did not confirm WMDs).


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Those controlled demo prep docs involve reinforced concrete structures which require noisy drilling more so than steel and glass towers, whereas the Twin Towers were prefabricated, structural steel columnar beams, so perhaps demolition could be achieved by wrapping explosives around without the need for noisy drilling. Perhaps they needed only to weaken the floor corners, and not blow every beam, but it seems like an awesome amount of work to go unnoticed.

So I also have my doubts about the maintenance theory.

However, there's a mechanical engineer that believes in an assisted-demolition. Another engineer reminded me that the rate of descent was near that of free fall - something that wouldn't happen if it was pancaking under sheer weight since the structure below would act like a brake to slow the rate of descent down.
GP this will probably answer that question. 10 months prior to the disaster, there was a massive renovation of the elevators within the towers. Which would have been a perfect cover up to plant these explosive devices. Timeline 10:00



Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
GP this will probably answer that question. 10 months prior to the disaster, there was a massive renovation of the elevators within the towers. Which would have been a perfect cover up to plant these explosive devices. Timeline 10:00

Thanks Titalian.

How long was the renovation project?


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Thanks Titalian.

How long was the renovation project?
It says in the video I believe, but aprox 4 to 5 months. This is easily searchable, with a disaster of this magnitude, I can't understand why some don't even bother.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
GP this will probably answer that question. 10 months prior to the disaster, there was a massive renovation of the elevators within the towers. Which would have been a perfect cover up to plant these explosive devices.
Screw that theory - there was plenty of opportunity when the towers were first built ! To give them time to develop alibis and get a safe distance from the blast, apparently they laid a standard cord fuse through the sewer systems and linked them through various cities sewer systems until it came out in Mexico. The fuse was lit there personally by Bin Laden in 1992 and the rest is history. There are a lot of pseudo experts with quite impressive fake credentials and high school drop outs that back this theory up.

BTW: You don't make a name for your self by preaching common sense to the rational people of this world - it's actually the opposite.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
The fact that he bought the rights to the building six weeks prior to the attack and insured them for terrorist attacks brings up red Flags for me

He had to sue the insurance companies who, as everyone knows, resist paying large claims without a fight.

Now, can you insure for terrorist attacks? These buildings were attacked before. Why then would an insurer allow this as coverage? Was $100 million a very costly (or should I say profitable) premium?

Also, the NYC Port Authority owned these buildings. The video above says that they were condemned for asbestos contamination which required decommissioning, the cost of which was more than the FMV of the towers.

So why would an insurer sell a premium for an asbestos-contaminated building? Again, was $100 million a hefty premium to excuse that fact?
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No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
BTW: You don't make a name for your self by preaching common sense to the hypnotized people of this world - it's actually the opposite.

I fixed your post, And true common sense can only happen with open mindedness and questions ?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Screw that theory - there was plenty of opportunity when the towers were first built ! To give them time to develop alibis and get a safe distance from the blast, apparently they laid a standard cord fuse through the sewer systems and linked them through various cities sewer systems until it came out in Mexico. The fuse was lit there personally by Bin Laden in 1992 and the rest is history. There are a lot of pseudo experts with quite impressive fake credentials and high school drop outs that back this theory up.

BTW: You don't make a name for your self by preaching common sense to the rational people of this world - it's actually the opposite.

Raising an alternate but ludicrous theory doesn't debunk the one Titalian raised.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
He had to sue the insurance companies who, as everyone knows, resist paying large claims without a fight.

Now, can you insure for terrorist attacks? These buildings were attacked before. Why then would an insurer allow this as coverage? Was $100 million a very costly premium?

Also, the NYC Port Authority owned these buildings. The video above says that they were condemned for asbestos contamination which required decommissioning, the cost of which was more than the FMV of the towers.

So why would an insurer sell a premium for an asbestos-contaminated building? Again, was $100 million a hefty premium to excuse that fact?
Also why would a shrewd money man like Silverstien, even bother buying the lease for these buildings ?? Knowing full well they would be condemned sooner or later.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I fixed your post, And true common sense can only happen with open mindedness and questions ?
You didn't correct the post - you just added adjusted the facts to fit the paranoia. A small sample of the same concept that was applied to a larger scale event. Good formula to sell books.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
If you think a "corollary" to an Iranian government propaganda outlet being propaganda is that western media is omnipotent and infallible then you really are pretty far gone.

Are you trying to convince us there is some equivalence between Iranian government propaganda and the best western media?



As for Yemen and Saudi Arabia I think western media has been crystal clear about the nature of both regimes. There is no fairy tale about Saudi Arabia being some wonderful place, you made that up.

Western media has accurately portrayed the conflict as a religious conflict between middle eastern powers. It is accurate that Iran is arming the Houthis, that doesn't somehow make Saudi Arabia more tolerant.
Saudi Arabia is not a fairy tale place, and I even lived there myself. But you don't seem to understand the notion of sarcasm.

The US and Canada have as friends one of the vilest totalitarian regimes in the world. Where people have virtually no rights, and where they inflict medieval punishment on convicts, many innocent. Yet, our press and our leaders have us believe that Saudi Arabia is some sort of benevolent disneyland fairy tale. They even went to Riyadh to kiss the new king's hand. People are horrified at ISIS chopping people's heads off, but they do that every Friday, after noon prayers in the public squares of major Saudi cities.

They will not even question how it is that a totalitarian state is trying to defend democracy by restoring the ousted president of Yemen, even though he was never elected. It has nothing to do with democracy and legitimacy of the president. It has to do with regional influence and power and the Sunni-Shia divide fomented and promoted by Saudi Arabia, and it maintaining its own Monroe doctrine.

I could go on and on, including the false notion that Iran is arming Yemen. But the point is that, if you don't look at other sources of information as comparison, you are effectively brainwashed by the western media propaganda. The exact same thing happened during the prelude to Dubya's invasion of Iraq in 2003: nobody in the Western media was questioning the narrative (except Knight-Ridder news service), and if fact, the NY Times was actively promoting it through blatant propaganda about weapons of mass destruction. Nobody questioned them because they were mainstream. 12 years later, nothing has changed.

You maybe have heard of presstv, but bet you've never watched it. The point is not to believe anything you watch, but to pick up facts and other points of view that are omitted by the other side and question why it's not reported here.

You don't even have to watch Presstv. Just read some relevant articles by Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, Noam Chomski, Eric Margolis and Paul Craig Roberts for starters. You will find plenty to start asking questions about what Western mainstream media are witholding from you.

The lessons of Joseph Goebbels still hold true. If you keep on repeating it, the people will eventually believe you.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
You think ?? Watch this LOL That's daddy's boy.

9/11 WAS a conspiracy. By Osama Bin Laden and other Al Qaeda operatives.

[EDIT: P.S. Mr. Bush Jr. has been told to refrain from using the word 'conspiracy', lest the tin foil hats take his comments out of context. But in fact, 9/11 started off as a conspiracy by the foreign enemies of the USA.]
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Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Also why would a shrewd money man like Silverstien, even bother buying the lease for these buildings ?? Knowing full well they would be condemned sooner or later.
The long-term lease was probably cheap considering the contamination (assuming that's true) or age of the building. He looked at the long-term potential.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Try this on for size....
I'm trying to but for it to be true, either he made the planes fly into WTC 1 and 2 as an excuse or someone did it to help him. Both those ideas are idiotic.

I would fully believe the guy was a profiteering asshole who capitalized on the disaster but to claim he was part of a plot is ridiculous as saying people saw a computer generated plan fly through the sky.
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