9/11 was ‘mother of all false flag attacks’: US scholar


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Not him personally, no. But again, MONEY TALKS, but you're a basketcase, you wouldn't know what I mean. ;)

Sure, why spend billions, when you can demolish them, claim insurance and MAKE money. Win/Win.
So someone hijacked 4 planes, flew 2 into the twin towers, one into the pentagon, and crashed one so some other guy could save money for renovations on a whole different building? Seems simple enough.


Apr 24, 2014
Kleinburg. Ontario.
So someone hijacked 4 planes, flew 2 into the twin towers, one into the pentagon, and crashed one so some other guy could save money for renovations on a whole different building? Seems simple enough.
There new footage the second plane didn't exist. It was computer generated. The second tower went down by bombs inside.


Jan 31, 2005
There is a certain sort of self loathing anti Americanism that asserts the West is responsible for all the evil in the world, and that the United States, the leading western democracy, is the cause of all problems. Believers in this mythology tend to be Westerners themselves, guilt ridden people who hate the society they are inescapably part of.

People who hold this particularly weird self loathing belief fantasize that if it weren't for us, there would be no war, children in the poorest countries would thrive in wealthy abundance, earthquakes, floods, and disease outbreaks wouldn't happen, the sun would shine twenty four hours a day all over the world. We, the west, are just THAT powerful, and the only problem is that we're evil.

To these kooks it is incomprehensible that the greatest power on earth could ever be the victim. To imagine the US as anything less than omnipotent is scary and unfathomable. Unfathomable because if the US is the cause of all evil, how can the US itself be the victim of a terrible atrocity committed by blatantly evil people? Scary because it is really, really comforting to imagine a big omnipotent government keeping order in the world, that we really are THAT in control, we just need to make better choices. Being the victim of atrocity is incompatible with that comforting omnipotence.

Such are the nutbars who see all the evidence that 9/11 was a vile terrorist attack in which, despite its military might, thousands of Americans were killed in the destruction of a very prominent symbol of American economy.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Press TV, the Iranian government propaganda ministry. You are SO gullible!

Literally, this is propaganda from one of the nastiest dictatorships on the planet and you are lapping it up...
The corrollary for you is that the western mainstream media must always be the total honest truth. If you believe that, you're the one who's SO gullible.

Typically, the Western mainstream media keeps on hiding important facts, and systematically manufactures popular consent for war by demonizing the leaders of countries the US intends to coerce into making them conform to their policies. Non-mainstream media, such as presstv, may be reporting with a certain spin, but they very frequently report true facts that do not conform to the Western narrative, where the latter conveniently omit in order to make the case for their political/corporate masters.

The latest mainstream media farce is the Saudi bombing of Yemen. Here we're led to believe that Saudi Arabia, one of the vilest totalitarian regimes in the world, under the popular notion of being a noble fairy-tale kingdom of disneyland castles, is defending democracy by restoring the 'legitimate' president of Yemen through an ill reported bombing campaign on the Yemeni infrastructure. This considering that the Yemeni president was installed with no elections, and then after his term ran out as president, and where he has virtually no support except from the CIA and Saudi intelligence.

How can anybody believe that a dictatorship in the form of an absolute one family rule regime, can realistically promote democracy in another country? Unless people just gobble up the quick conclusions of the many talking heads on TV. Time to get over Walter Cronkite; US news is not what it used to be.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The corrollary for you is that the western mainstream media must always be the total honest truth. If you believe that, you're the one who's SO gullible.

Typically, the Western mainstream media keeps on hiding important facts, and systematically manufactures popular consent for war by demonizing the leaders of countries the US intends to coerce into making them conform to their policies. Non-mainstream media, such as presstv, may be reporting with a certain spin, but they very frequently report true facts that do not conform to the Western narrative, where the latter conveniently omit in order to make the case for their political/corporate masters.

The latest mainstream media farce is the Saudi bombing of Yemen. Here we're led to believe that Saudi Arabia, one of the vilest totalitarian regimes in the world, under the popular notion of being a noble fairy-tale kingdom of disneyland castles, is defending democracy by restoring the 'legitimate' president of Yemen through an ill reported bombing campaign on the Yemeni infrastructure. This considering that the Yemeni president was installed with no elections, and then after his term ran out as president, and where he has virtually no support except from the CIA and Saudi intelligence.

How can anybody believe that a dictatorship in the form of an absolute one family rule regime, can realistically promote democracy in another country? Unless people just gobble up the quick conclusions of the many talking heads on TV. Time to get over Walter Cronkite; US news is not what it used to be.
Good post.

And when you combine that with the slow move to a sort of police state/plutocracy in the US and corporate control of the media there you have to question what that country is doing just as much as we should question what any other country is doing. Democracy and human rights are looking to be increasingly fragile things, its easy to let them slip one C-51 at a time.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
In this video fast forward to timeline 23:00.



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Now THAT is something I never heard of, insurance costs to clean up and do up the building?
He made billions, I think over 4 or 5, because of his claims for the towers and then if I'm not mistaken, he tried to sue the AIRLINERS for fuck sakes. lol

I'm just shaking my head in disbelief in all this absolute shit that people think was an actual terrorist attack.
You say—with emphasis—that he tried to sue the planes!! And you want us to believe you've thought carefully when you say this sort of shit?

I shake my head in disbelief.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
You say—with emphasis—that he tried to sue the planes!! And you want us to believe you've thought carefully when you say this sort of shit?

I shake my head in disbelief.
The fact that he bought the rights to the building six weeks prior to the attack and insured them for terrorist attacks brings up red Flags for me

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
You think ?? Watch this LOL That's daddy's boy.

Bush stupidity not lies

Bush admits he thought the first plane into the towers was an accident !!!!

These are the same towers that were bombed a few years earlier by terrorists and were considered number one on Al Qaeda's hit list FFS!!! and Bush thought the only large American passenger plane ever to fly into a tower in history was an accident? (A smaller one did fly into the Empire State building during the thirties) Terrorism never crossed his mind! No one suggested to him it may be an attack! Asleep at the wheel while in charge of the destiny of humanity! Incredible!

Look at how his wife has been trained to look adoringly at him, like some kind of Pavlov's dog

Fuck off Bush and the American political system of corruption and elitist control designed to keep the masses stupid

For example, Americans think American involvement in the Ukraine is done out of altruistic concern for the Ukrainians because that is what the White House says and the American press just wags its tail as it did in the Iraq invasion. Americans have no clue that the White Houses overriding concern is to prevent another superpower challenging their world control. Ukraine is a proxy war between America and Putin, and of course, Putin must be mad because the American press says so.

How many Americans know that American involvement in Syria, as one of many, many examples, is illegal by the very United Nations agreements America has signed ? An agreement that only they are allowed to continually break

How many Americans realize that America employs economic hitmen to bribe third world leaders into an unpayable debt so American interests can take over their resources and if the elected politicians refuse the bribe they are executed. Plane crashes being the most popular form of execution.
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A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy

I've learned a great deal in this thread. It turns out that:

  1. You don't have to do anything "scholarly" to call yourself a scholar in the US.
  2. You can trot out just about any load of feces and some idiot in the media will give you a soapbox.
  3. No matter how far-fetched and inane your topic, there will be plenty of idiots who fall for your nonsense.

"Dr." Barrett's website was only able to sign up 486 members but it looks like well over half the posters in this thread are candidates for his particular brand of inanity.


Jan 31, 2005
The corrollary for you is that the western mainstream media must always be the total honest truth.
If you think a "corollary" to an Iranian government propaganda outlet being propaganda is that western media is omnipotent and infallible then you really are pretty far gone.

Are you trying to convince us there is some equivalence between Iranian government propaganda and the best western media?



As for Yemen and Saudi Arabia I think western media has been crystal clear about the nature of both regimes. There is no fairy tale about Saudi Arabia being some wonderful place, you made that up.

Western media has accurately portrayed the conflict as a religious conflict between middle eastern powers. It is accurate that Iran is arming the Houthis, that doesn't somehow make Saudi Arabia more tolerant.


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
... and Bush thought it was an accident? terrorism never crossed his mind! Incredible!
I never thought that I would be defending G. W. Bush, and really I am not. But the truth is that the western world view has changed tremendously since 9/11. I've had this discussion with many people and (for civilians who were not involved in government) there were many people who, at first, thought the first plane was an accident. It crossed my mind when I first heard the news, I hadn't then realized how BIG a plane it was, and when more news came in it was clearly something much more. For the leader of the free world to be as out-of-it as me is a different matter, however.

One graphic indication of how the world has changed is that in 2001, when the towers were hit, many people did, initially, consider it may have been an accident. After all, there have been such accidents on the past (planes hitting buildings) on a much smaller scale. Then, in 2003, when the big power outage hit, there were tens of thousands of people who immediately assumed it was a terrorist attack. Even before the magnitude of the outage was known some news outlets were broadcasting that terrorism was suspected. Even though power outages are not uncommon for much simpler reasons, the post 9/11 mind immediately assumed terrorism where it had not done so before; and we have not yet recovered.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
I've learned a great deal in this thread. It turns out that:

  1. You don't have to do anything "scholarly" to call yourself a scholar in the US.
  2. You can trot out just about any load of feces and some idiot in the media will give you a soapbox.
  3. No matter how far-fetched and inane your topic, there will be plenty of idiots who fall for your nonsense.

"Dr." Barrett's website was only able to sign up 486 members but it looks like well over half the posters in this thread are candidates for his particular brand of inanity.
And at the same time give fodder to the Islamic terrorist groups that 9/11 was a plot to destroy Islam


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The fact that he bought the rights to the building six weeks prior to the attack and insured them for terrorist attacks brings up red Flags for me
How does one sue an airplane? What could a machine be sued for? Was 911 the work of robot airliners?

How much of the conspiracy nonsense is just typos and hysterical guys not reading with ordinary care?

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
How does one sue an airplane? What could a machine be sued for? Was 911 the work of robot airliners?

How much of the conspiracy nonsense is just typos and hysterical guys not reading with ordinary care?
Airplanes have been high jacked for many years yet no one thought of them being used as a weapon of mass destruction?

Not even a contingency plan for such a possibility ?

A lot of organizations fucked up big time, including the airlines, so yes, they should be sued. The bottom line is all they pay attention to

Makes you wonder what obvious threat they will miss next
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Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Airplanes have been high jacked for many years yet no one thought of them being used as a weapon of mass destruction?

Not even a contingency plan for such a possibility ?

A lot of organizations fucked up big time, including the airlines

Makes you wonder what obvious threat they will miss next

I think they are hyper-sensitive to all kinds of possible threats now.

But yes, intelligence agencies fucked up pre-9/11.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
What a dumb ass. How the fuk did this guy get into power ?? Listen to what he says.

Money and powerful connections.

Same kind of money and powerful connections that helped the Kennedys, although they were not stupid but experienced politicians and gifted orators who captivated the masses.
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