I don't support terrorism. I'm against violence. I think that Palestinians should follow the examples of successful peaceful resistance like Mahatma Gandi m Marin Luther King and 'one man , one vote' in south africa , and ask for equal rights under one state, now that two states solutions is dead.
The Palestinians don't want that, at least, not the Palestinians who are armed and engaged in war with Israel. The armed Palestinians want violence. They want to ethnically cleanse all Jews. They are racist aggressors driven by hate who seek violence.
I'm sure that there are some Palestinians who would like to pursue a non violent solution, and if THOSE Palestinians were in charge this conflict would have been resolved in 1947 and the Palestinian state would be celebrating its 68th birthday.
Unfortunately the Palestinians who control the PLO, PA, Fatah, Hamas, etc, have consistently chosen war over peace and consistently preferred violence to diplomacy.