What job or profession do you have the least respect for?


Active member
Jul 12, 2003
I'm surprised that I'm the first to mention CEOs. They get paid more than anyone mentioned so far, and too often they'll ruin the lives of hundreds of hardworking people just to get their bonue.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
Teachers, in by 8:45 out by 3:05, 3 months off in the summer, 2 weeks Christmas and March break! Add on the gold plated pensions, union protection it's all like wtf! Fire them all I say.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Journalists, Lawyers - in general those who make a living off the suffering of others.
A world where no one knew what the laws were, or what was going on would be so much better.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Politicians. 'nough said.
Yeah, trying to manage all the competing and conflicting needs and desire of masses of folks just to get a few things accomplished in comonm is the lowest form of exploitation.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I respect all jobs and profession because most are necessary in society. Well some are redundant. :p

A lot of times it is the individual who does those jobs that do not deserve the respect.
Well thought, and well said.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Even outlaw drug dealers soon discover that can't manage without enforcers to maintain order. The way to get better ones is by forming opinions a tad closer to the brain-pan instead of lower down.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
Teachers? Really?

I had some great teachers growing up and also have a couple of friends who are teachers. They work hard for not all that much pay. They take work home to mark and have to plan assignments, etc. They don't get paid for the work they do at home. They still go to work with a smile on their face and adore their students.

Many teachers don't get their summers off until they've been around for a while. A lot of teachers either teach summer school or go to school themselves.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
Teachers? Really?

I had some great teachers growing up and also have a couple of friends who are teachers. They work hard for not all that much pay. They take work home to mark and have to plan assignments, etc. They don't get paid for the work they do at home. They still go to work with a smile on their face and adore their students.
With all due respect Miss Croft, no one that is a salaried employee gets paid for work they bring home and most if not all are pretty much expected to do homework, so that is a completely false argument/ rationalization.

But I agree with the first part of your statement. I too had lots of great teachers. I think it's safe to say most teachers start out with the greatest intentions, and it's not till they get fed BS from the unions for years on end, and they develop that sense of entitlement, that those intentions start to tarnish.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
The teachers who sleep with their male students are the good ones. The rest I don't have much use for. :wink:
Of course, all of this is much too late for me.
In hindsight most of my teachers were adequate or good. Only a few bad apples.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
With all due respect Miss Croft, no one that is a salaried employee gets paid for work they bring home and most if not all are pretty much expected to do homework, so that is a completely false argument/ rationalization.

But I agree with the first part of your statement. I too had lots of great teachers.

Fair enough. But a friend of mine arrives at work at 8 am and usually doesn't go home until about 4. So she puts in a full 8 hours, often works/marks papers, etc. during her lunch hour and then has at least 1 or 2 hours of work at home to do every night. And she does not take her summers off. She is one of the most amazing people I know and loves her students. I just don't think it's fair for people to imply that teachers are bad. :(


Sep 18, 2007
Professional athletes
I'll point out that while I am a sports fan and I think as individuals most are good people, the money they get paid for the "work" they do is a bit wacked


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Teachers? Really?

I had some great teachers growing up and also have a couple of friends who are teachers. They work hard for not all that much pay. They take work home to mark and have to plan assignments, etc. They don't get paid for the work they do at home. They still go to work with a smile on their face and adore their students.

Many teachers don't get their summers off until they've been around for a while. A lot of teachers either teach summer school or go to school themselves.
As a father and father in law if three teachers I agree 100%! Not to mention the fact that many volunteer /donate their time to coach sports teams , mentor clubs most if which are before or after school on their own time.
I volunteered in a school for 15 years and never saw a more dedicated group,of individuals doing a great job.
People always refer back to the "Time off" when talking about teachers.

Consider this how about we all in summer go to work ,turn OFF the AC in the offices, plants and stores etc. see how you like it ! it would cost thousands to,install AC in the schools to make them bearable to be in not to mention most repair work to schools gets done in the summer.

Yes the Teachers Unions are big and powerful but I also class them as very radical. They know they have a big bargaining tool ,our kids education IMHO they should be classed as an essential service and have the right to strike removed period. Many hard working decent teachers I know do not always agree with the Union hierarchy but are afraid to speak up/out due to the fear of being labeled a trouble maker.
Being a teacher these days is not very easy nor safe. My daughter has been assaulted four times in the last three years,had tires slashed. One daughter in law assaulted two times last year. The students if today are far more violent then we were BITD. Think back to when you were in school. Would you ever think to push a teacher to the ground, scream at a teacher because you didn't pass because you failed to submit a report? I don't recall my schools ever going into "lock down" someone being stabbed or shot or having a full time Police Officer in the school It's a difficult time for teachers, not an easy job.
Look past the time off etc. Could YOU do it?
Education is mandatory in this Province which means IMHO it's ESSENTIAL!


Mar 12, 2004
With all due respect Miss Croft, no one that is a salaried employee gets paid for work they bring home and most if not all are pretty much expected to do homework, so that is a completely false argument/ rationalization.

But I agree with the first part of your statement. I too had lots of great teachers. I think it's safe to say most teachers start out with the greatest intentions, and it's not till they get fed BS from the unions for years on end, and they develop that sense of entitlement, that those intentions start to tarnish.
Agree with your accurate post,...100%

But would add that teachers should not be upset when they hear people bad mouthing them,...when they backup their unions, and claim that they are on strike for more, more, more, because its good for the education system.


Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I least respect car salesmen. They just simply lie to your face and stills expect to make a sale. They are just plain sleazy.
Many are starving to death at their dealer cubicles. They will do what they have to do top make a buck. Even cheat, steal or lie. Sometimes these guys give you what s called a lowball, they give you a low price and when they fill in the contract there are all sorts of extra charges to pad the price. One way to stymie these guys is to tell them you want the price all in with tax and all charges included. What you have to make the cheque out for.

Reality TV show creators
There use to be a reality program called American Detective, the TV crew would follow cops around and film them These cops are hamming it up and acting tough. They would grab up a street dealer or an escort in a sting and actually make a deal on camera if these people would give up other people higher up without regard for their future well being. I would think that would earn these people a beating or killing. At the very least they would be tagged as weasel snitches.

Teachers...... In general they all suck.
Teachers hands down. They abuse their power and act like arrogant pricks and use their own bias about a person to bring that person down. Teaching is supposed to be about helping students achieve success. Somehow their own arrogance got in the way of that.
I have had good teachers that have influenced me positively in my life, I have had seen others that were there just to fill a space and terrorize and damage students. I had a 6th. grade teacher that use to line kids up and have them hold their hands out and if they did not answer a question properly they would get a Wacko. ( that was what he called it )

There had another teacher that just filled a space and we did not learn much from him, years later I heard on the news that he had become principle of a high school and was in big trouble for financial irregularities.

I know a woman that became a teacher by cobbling university credits up here and there till one day in her mid 40s it amounted to a teaching certificate. She is insecure and opinionated and has the potential to damage a lot of young minds. People around her speculate that she was hired at such a late age as a teacher so that the school system would not ever have to pay a full pension. Where as a 21 year old teacher would have the pension at age 51.

Toronto road repair crews.

If they repair and extra hole in the street today, they are affraid they will be asked to do an extra on tomorrow. So they screw the public and do as few as they can and not the best job they can because they get paid no matter what and come back a few months later to repair the same hole.


Active member
Sep 8, 2008
I too am surprised at the teacher hate.

Considering there are true assholes like fucking politicians out there. The lot of them are as useless as tits on a bull.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
I too am surprised at the teacher hate.

Considering there are true assholes like fucking politicians out there. The lot of them are as useless as tits on a bull.
The teacher hate comes from people who are jealous of the perks that the teachers receive, but yet are too stupid themselves to become a teacher.


Active member
Sep 8, 2008
The teacher hate comes from people who are jealous of the perks that the teachers receive, but yet are too stupid themselves to become a teacher.
I do have some issues with some of those perks but not enough to hate teachers or fail to understand the importance of what they do. In the grand scheme of things, those perks are nothing compared to the damage to society real assholes like politicians are doing, who by the way, get way more perks.


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
Most realtors, I'd say about 80%, are pretty much uneducated part timers.... useless in terms of actually bringing any value to a client. They put the house on MLS and let it sell itself basically , while telling you how awesome their strategy was. :frusty:

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
Most realtors, I'd say about 80%, are pretty much uneducated part timers.... useless in terms of actually bringing any value to a client. They put the house on MLS and let it sell itself basically , while telling you how awesome their strategy was. :frusty:
True, but if you sell it yourself you'll be dealing with many scum lowballers offering $400K on your $600K home. No agents would deal with you, cutting yourself off from most potential buyers.
It's a fucked system and I don't see it being improved anytime soon.
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