What job or profession do you have the least respect for?


Feb 28, 2015
Politicians - they're only concern is getting elected at least twice so that they can then receive a fully indexed pension. They lie to get elected and then, no surprise, do a complete 180 when it comes time to implement their election platform. There is no integrity and never have I met a more two-faced individual than a politician.
This. Politicians don't contribute to anything and as hobbyists they tend to create barriers rather than openings.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Lawyers and Politicians.

Scum and parasites.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Lawyers and Politicians.

Scum and parasites.
Do everything you do honourably and honestly and you won't be bothered by either one. Of course your neighbour may be a crook, a violent bully and a dishonest slob, then you'll be wishing you had both 'parasites' working for you. And cops as well.

Scummy parasites flourish where people don't bother to keep themselves and their surroundings 'clean'.


International Courtesan
Nov 4, 2014
New York/Toronto
The Pope.
...He recieves no salary and they usually die as Pope. You know a job that you are supposed to technically hold until you die or are too ill to work?

Unless you have a materialistic or agnostic view for why you don't respect the profession, do tell. Genuinely curious.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
...He recieves no salary and they usually die as Pope. You know a job that you are supposed to technically hold until you die or are too ill to work?
Toronto city councillor


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
All fair comments. I just disagreed with the person who said "in at 8:45 and out at 3:05". (Nothing personal against the person who said it). I just don't feel that's true.... many teachers get to work early to help with breakfast programs, etc. and to prep. When I was 12 I got to school at 8:15 (school started at 9) to help prep the kindergarten. Fill the paint jars, set up name cards, help the kids remove their coats and boots, etc. I didn't get paid because I was only 12, lol, but I know some teachers are there pretty early.

Many volunteer for extracurricular activities (like coaches as someone else mentioned). And they do take work home with them.

And, from what I've heard, newer teachers are expected to work or take courses during the summer.
I too have teachers as friends and relatives, and most of them took that career path BECAUSE of the vacation time etc. Summer courses were taken early on so that they could improve themselves and get raises etc. All good things. One of them is a football coach as well and he despises the fact that the union uses the kids as pawns in their political battle for supremacy and getting their noses further into the public cash trough.

I've watched these people over the years grow from loving, caring individuals with real passion for teaching kids, to union activists. Its really quite sad that the union is poisoning these younger teachers to further their own causes.

To conclude, I disagree with the person that loathes teachers, but agree that the teacher's UNION is to blame for this misplaced anger towards teachers. THAT falls strictly on the union and their hate filled propaganda machine that shapes our teachers minds.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
I echo Ridgeman's comments about the overtime factor.

I wish I had 2 months off with the same salary. I wish the phone calls and demands on my time would stop at 2:30 pm or 3:00 pm.

Having said that, I have relatives and friends who are teachers. They are good at what they do and are dedicated. One of my friends does not take work home but would rather stay until 5 if not later to finish marking, etc.

The job does have its stressors. Teachers don't have the power or rights that they did when I went to school. Students play games and will tell you to fuck off even. It's a slow grind on teachers who want to teach but not babysit.

Good teachers can be life mentors and inspire students in their future lives. It's an important job. So I won't bash them, but it's not like they should be complaining as much as some do. They have an unparalleled pension and can retire early. Many in the private sector don't have that, even professionals in industry.
Go get a job as a teacher then! If it's such a good career why isn't everyone in here a teacher?

Who all recieve about an 100K salary for serving the public office..
The only thing that they're serving is their own best interests


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
- "Energy" sales reps
- Furnace/Boiler sales reps

Anybody who takes a sales job where the sales pitch starts with a lie (ie "I'm from Hydro One" or "I see from my paperwork that your rented furnace needs to be replaced") can eat a bag of soggy puss filled dicks.. If that's you're job then I can tell you that you're a pathetic excuse for a human.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
oldjones, I just gotta say this here since your inbox is inaccessible: how do you remain so consistently rational, calm, convincing and reasonable? How do you resist the pull of head-assploding rage at all the dumbfuckery that dumb motherfuckers shout from the fucking rooftops? So calm. Sane. Always with a coherent, salient argument to make that is near irrefutable. I don't know whether I love you or hate you, but damned if I don't always breath a sigh of relief whenever I see one of your posts in a thread.

(sorry if my admiration tears your edifice down a notch merely by association. It shouldn't. You sir, are the anti-nobody. ...motherfucker!)

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
- "Energy" sales reps
- Furnace/Boiler sales reps

Anybody who takes a sales job where the sales pitch starts with a lie (ie "I'm from Hydro One" or "I see from my paperwork that your rented furnace needs to be replaced") can eat a bag of soggy puss filled dicks.. If that's you're job then I can tell you that you're a pathetic excuse for a human.
What I don't understand is how people fall for that.


Apr 15, 2013
twitch streamers... especially female ones it's like they think they deserve donations for wearing low cut tops and acting ditzy with a videogame on in the background not really showing gameplay. Some of these streamers make 100+ dollars in an hour just from idiots donating money to them for seemingly no reason. It's like reality tv with a video game going on.
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