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Bibi Wins, Two State Solution Dies?


Jan 31, 2005
If the territory isn't part of Israel, then it's part of what ?
It is occupied territory. Plainly. Do you know what occupied territory is? What was Germany when it was occupied? What was Iraq when it was occupied? What was Afghanistan when it was occupied?

It is Palestinian territory which, in the absence of a valid Palestinian government, is occupied by Israel. But it is certainly not Israeli territory!


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
^^ tl;dr


Jan 31, 2005
It's interesting every time I have discussions with pro-israelis
Are you anti Israeli?

they argue that there has never been a palestinian state even before there was no palestinian territory before 1948
That is correct. There has never been a Palestinian state. The accurate statement is that the UN and Britain set aside some formerly Ottoman Turk territory for the creation of an Arab state. At that time there wasn't even a Palestinian ethnicity, Arabs from Jordan, Syria, and Palestine were fairly homogeneous, with their regional capital being Damascus.

It is fair to say that the events since 47 have created a Palestinian identity, but there wasn't a distinct Palestinian identity then.

If they admit that there was a plastinian state before 1948,
What is the point of a counterfactual like this? There clearly wasn't one. It was indisputably Ottoman before it was British.

So let's try to follow the pro-israel logic
1- There was no such thing called palestine or palestinian territory before 1948
2- There was no palestinian territory or state between 1948 and 1967 , it was part of Jordan
3- There will never be a palestinian state and therefore no palestinian territory in the future according to Netenyahu latest statements.
1 is correct. 2 is only partly right, in that Jordan's annexation of Palestine was illegal and did not annul the UN resolution mandating that territory be Palestine.

3 is just more of you psychobabble trying to confer Netanyahu with magical powers he simply does not have.

I am pro Israeli and I believe there will be a Palestinian state. The UN agrees with me, the EU and US agrees with me. The ICJ agrees with me. The EU agrees with me as do the governments of Israel, Canada, Palestine, and the US.

Who agrees with you? Just Netanyahu? And he has backed off and since stated that there should be a Palestinian state in the future.

So, only you think that?

if this isn't a palestinian territory then it's an israeli territory and therefore Israel isn't democratic because a part of population living on that territory don't have the right to vote.
That isn't even logical either. Suppose the entire world is wrong about the Palestinian state and you alone are right that it won't happen.

Why would that make it Israeli? Why not Jordanian or Egyptian or perhaps some sort of permanent UN protectorate?

Moreover there are lots of democracies administrering territories where people can't vote. Puerto Rico is US territory but people there can't vote in US elections, yet no one would say the US isn't a democracy.

You are making totally spurious claims based on falsehoods and you logic doesn't even hold up I we believe your historical revisionism.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
...if this isn't a palestinian territory then it's an israeli territory and therefore Israel isn't democratic because a part of population living on that territory don't have the right to vote.
I've heard of negative-option billing, but this is my first encounter with negative-option statehood.

Of course, even if we went along with your negative-option proposal for conferring statehood, your argument would still be flawed. There are people who live in Canada who don't have the right to vote.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Puerto Rico doesn't have the status of US state and Peurto Ricans don't have representatives in the congress which is very different from west bank where jewish settlers vote for representatives in Kennesset but arabs living there don't have this right which makes it unfair.
Any American born in the 50 states and living in Puerto Rico has the right to an absentee ballot. Same as any Israeli living in the West Bank.

Your complaint that the Palestinians can't vote is ridiculous considering they DON'T WANT to be able to vote in Israel.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Everyone born in Canada has the right to vote
But not every person who is currently living in Canada has the right to vote.

More importantly, I don't think you understand the difference between a state and a territory. People who live in territories normally don't have the right to vote in national elections. Voting privileges may have been extended to Israeli citizens but there's no logical reason why they have to be extended to everyone else.


Jan 31, 2005
Netanyahu was elected by the majority of jewish israelis
No, he was elected by 23% of Israelis, and us trying to form a coalition with others who got even less. That makes him the Israeli Prime Minister, a position that does NOT confer the authority to declare what is it isn't part of Israel.

and he said there will be no palestinian state in the future and he doesn't give a shit about what the US or the UN think
And who gives a shit what he thinks? He doesn't have the power to decide that. He could oppose a two state solution and the Knesset could implement one anyway.

There was no palestinian territory in the past according to you and there will be no palestinian territory in the future
Reread my post. I said there will be one.

according to the israeli government which controls this territory,
The official position of the Israeli government is to negotiate a two state solution.

therefore it's an israeli territory because the palestinian territory has never existed in the past and will never exist in the future.
Sorry, how does that make it Israeli, even if this false gibberish were true that wouldn't make it Israeli. Why is it by default Israel rather than by default something else?

By default it will be a UN protectorate under the control of UNRWA, not Israel.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
That was the party that got the most votes from jewish israelis if you exclude the arab list, also other zionist parties like naftali bennett support no palestinian state , so it's fair that the majority of jewish israelis voted for parties that are against a palestinian state.
Not only do you have little grasp of reality, you have no grasp of mathematics.

One state(ish) parties (Likud is a maybe, Jewish Home, Yisreal B., Shas favours the current settlements but still backs two states) - 41%
Two state parties (Zionist Union, Joint List, Yesh atid, Meretz) - 50%
Parties without official comment (UTJ) - 5%
Fringe parties and spoiled ballots - 4%

Seems like you are flat out wrong.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
That would be a great idea . Now that Netenyahu is rejecting two states soution , we can have a binational state with jewish and arab entities like the one in Bosnia that has a serbian and muslim entities under the control of UN soldiers.
The binational state has been successful to end the conflict in Bosnia and they needed UN soldiers at the beginning , now most of them left and it's becoming peaceful.
A binational state is opposed by roughly 80% of Palestinians and even more Israelis.

If you want to talk about democratic majorities, your plan is a complete non-starter.


Jan 31, 2005
Netnetyahu said the opposite last week, are you saying that the israeli government is lying ?
Look, are you thick? How many times do I have to point out that Netanyahu's opinion isn't Israeli law? Until the Knesset enacts a law his opinion is worth the same as mine.

Netanyahu is not the dictator is Israel, his word is not law unless it is supported by a majority vote in the Knesset.

Considering only 23% of Israelis voted for him there is quite a lot he thinks that the Knesset disagrees with.


Jan 31, 2005
That would be a great idea . Now that Netenyahu is rejecting two states soution , we can have a binational state with jewish and arab entities like the one in Bosnia that has a serbian and muslim entities under the control of UN soldiers.
The binational state has been successful to end the conflict in Bosnia and they needed UN soldiers at the beginning , now most of them left and it's becoming peaceful.
So the federation of Israel-Palestine under control of UN troops would be the most realistic solution
What drugs are you on? Israel is not going to become a UN protectorate or a binational state.

West Bank Areas A and B and Gaza are what would by default revert to a UN protectorate if they fail to become a state.

I am simply refuting your claim that the West Bank becomes part of Israel if it isn't a Palestinian state. It won't become part is Israel, it won't become part is Canada either.

Israel will eventually just unilaterally withdraw from the areas outside the security wall once Iron Dome and other measures are good enough to prevent the Palestinian militias from killing people.

The alternative to a two state solution ISN'T a one state solution. The alternative is Israel continues on just as it is and the Palestinian areas either get absorbed by Jordan and Egypt or they fall to perpetual UN administration.


Jan 31, 2005
I was talking about jewish israelis, if you exclude the arab list a majority of jewish israelis voted for parties that support one state solution
So you admit that a majority in the Knesset disagrees with Netanyahu in this point. And actually a lot of Likud MK's also support negotiating a two state solution.

Meanwhile this is the latest from Netanyahu, who you see as some sort of omnipotent god of politics, able to make national policy up with mere words:

"I don't want a one-state solution. I want a sustainable, peaceful two-state solution," Netanyahu said Thursday in an interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell.


Jan 31, 2005
If Israel continues on they would end up having palestinian enclaves between jewish settlements located withing israeli territory
Not really, the security wall is pretty well set in its location. Area C may wind up being annexed by Israel but Areas A and B where the majority of the Palestinians live won't be.


Jan 31, 2005
This is a speech for americans only and the US know that he' s lying and he already unveiled his real plans last week before the elections. The white house said they no longer believe him.
He already made it clear 20 years that he was against Oslo agreements.
Have you given up trying to claim Netanyahu's word is law yet?

Also you can't pick and choose which statements you want to believe and which you want to ignore. He said he wants a two state solution, he just doesn't think it will happen during his tenure.

Which, in light of the entrenched hostility of Hamas, is just stating the obvious really.

But in any case his opinions are just that: his opinions. Until he can get the Knesset to agree with those opinions they have no more legal weight than your opinions or my opinions.


Nov 26, 2002
Come on, you can not give him a pass by saying it is just his opinion, he has stated publicly that he does not support a two state solution. A newspaper/magazine interview in which he states that he is in favor of a 2 state solution is much less convincing than his public speech.

Netanyahu is a sack of crap, everything wrong with politicians is embodied in this jackass, I pity any people under his rule.


Jan 31, 2005
He has a majority with a coalition of right wing parties which share the same opinion so he can force the kenesset to agree with his opinion like Harper forced the canadian parliament to agree with his opinion that prostitution is violence against women with no evidence supporting it.
And where is the act passed by the Knesset?

You can blither and blather away about Netanyahu but his word is not law. Only the Knesset can make law.

Moreover you look foolish given that even Netanyahu had backed off the claim!

Really, what argument do you even have left?
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