Men who haggle about price ...

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
Everything is negotiable.

But no one is obligated to accept a lower figure.

I could see being offended if a guy was insulting in his offer, like your rate is 300 an hour and he offers you 40.

Perhaps it would make more sense to stick to the rate, but get more scope of services for that rate.

Do you negotiate with the ticket seller at Wonderland?
With the manager at the grocery store?
With the restaurant owner about the price of your meal?


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place

Do you negotiate with the ticket seller at Wonderland?
With the manager at the grocery store?
With the restaurant owner about the price of your meal?
Those are a little different. I don't personally haggle with SPs, but the examples you gave are all servants - they don't have ultimate authority, other than restaurant owner. In that example though, many people DO in fact negotiate, but its after the fact and in the event of some aspect of the meal being unsatisfactory for whatever reason.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
Ever heard of working on a salary?

How about that?

You get a salary. SPs don't - what if you were getting paid by the hour and your boss kept saying, "Well, I'm going to pay you less than normal today." ?

I actually don't mind the negotiating that much. If it's a question and I have the right to say yes or no. What I don't like is when guys almost demand it.

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
In the case of Wonderland, they offer discounts all the time for single and year round passes. Supply and demand. I am sure if an SP or agency's business falls right off, they will offer services for slower price. After all, like Wonderland, seeng an SP is more of a "want" as opposed to a "need" although that is debatable, I guess.

Grocery stores offer discounts all the time through their flyer sales and restaurants do the same as well (winterlicous and summerlicous promotions).
They offer discounts on their terms, not on the demands of their clients.
Just like escorts.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
They offer discounts on their terms, not on the demands of their clients.
Just like escorts.

Yes. I will gladly take advantage of sales at grocery stores but I will not walk in and ask to pay 3 dollars less for the steak when it is not advertised as being on sale.


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
You get a salary. SPs don't - what if you were getting paid by the hour and your boss kept saying, "Well, I'm going to pay you less than normal today." ?

I actually don't mind the negotiating that much. If it's a question and I have the right to say yes or no. What I don't like is when guys almost demand it.
An SP is best compared to an independent contractor and not a salaried employee working for someone. The independent contractor, similar to an SP, has no salary and has to rely on getting business. The contractor has negotiated many times prior to providing their service. For example independent consultants in any industry offer their expertise for a published rate, be it hourly or on a project basis. Many times these rates are negotiated with the client if the client does not accept the rate. If I consulted on corporate governance at the rate of $250 per hour and a potential client said he/she needed help to train a chairperson on how to properly chair a board meeting they will suggest I do it for $200 because either they're budget was limited or it required too many hours, I would the have to decide if I wanted to do it for that reduced price or walk away.

However, a major difference is the lady is dealing with something much more intimate than consulting for a company.

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
True in many cases, but like I said, supply and demand. They offer lower prices to generate activity. Although not directly being asked to on a transactional basis, although it probably does happen for corporate or special events, the lack of demand from customers prompts lower or special prices being offered.
The key word is "offered".
Prospective clients don't know the supply and demand situation with an escort, hagglers make the assumption it's always a slow day for her and hope to score a deal based on desperation. Over a lousy $20 they manage to make someone feel bad.


Jan 3, 2014
Some people just like to haggle. They are cheap and usualy, they are the one expecting the most of a meeting. 40 bucks 15min, clim and Greek....
When I dont agree with them, they call me ugly, fat cow that no one ever would fuck, or greedy bitch and that I should learn that Life isn't just about money, yeah those, I hate them!


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
Some people just like to haggle. They are cheap and usualy, they are the one expecting the most of a meeting. 40 bucks 15min, clim and Greek....
When I dont agree with them, they call me ugly, fat cow that no one ever would fuck, or greedy bitch and that I should learn that Life isn't just about money, yeah those, I hate them!
One thing that terb teaches us daily is that some people are assholes.

Granted this is from a fan, but anyone who doesn't get to see you because of haggling really misses out :)


New member
Aug 26, 2005
Some people just like to haggle. They are cheap and usualy, they are the one expecting the most of a meeting. 40 bucks 15min, clim and Greek....
When I dont agree with them, they call me ugly, fat cow that no one ever would fuck, or greedy bitch and that I should learn that Life isn't just about money, yeah those, I hate them!
That's just pathetic behaviour. Clearly they are also blind, because you are simply stunning!


Jan 3, 2014
Thank you Guys,
I don't get offended by theses assholes.

I guess they have the right to ask, but honestly it's more insulting than anything.
I can understand a good price with clients I already met, my old donation or some very good regular, my Montreal donation.
If I like someone, I'll be happy to see them more often, but when a new client start arguing about donations, you can be sure I don't want see him. Will he try to trick me once there ? Will he be insulting, stay longuer, try to go over my boundaries ? I already have enough stress, lol.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
Will he try to trick me once there ?.............................stay longuer, try to go over my boundaries ? I already have enough stress, lol.
This has happened to me more than once. Where a guy asked for a discount, I said no and then when I saw him he tried to (or did) short-change me. So even though I said no, he's giving himself the discount anyway. Not cool.

I am not saying that every guy who requests a discount will do something like that. BUT, it sets off my spidey-senses.
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Oct 23, 2012
Haggling makes my vagina dry.... THE END
lol.. Love this one.

The way I see it..." if you have to haggle, you are in the wrong hobby". That's a mood killer for the ladies and here is the mood killer for guys like me " Up-selling".
Haggling makes my vagina dry.... THE END
LMAO. Your humour makes me horny! That's funny...

I think haggling is often taken as an insult, where in some cases at least, it's a cultural thing. Having said that, once a lady has declined the offer, then that should be the end of it.

I've never had anyone offer me a plug nickle to get into my jockeys, so I'd take any offer as a compliment. I suppose a lady COULD take haggling as a sign of flattery, in that a fiscally challenged patron really wants to see her, and offers what he can. But if she declines, then that must be the end of it.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2009
Quality maxes out at 240. 300+ is just veblen pricing.
Veblen Effect Definition: Abnormal market behavior where consumers purchase the higher-priced goods whereas similar low-priced (but not identical) substitutes are available. It is caused either by the belief that higher price means higher quality, or by the desire for conspicuous consumption (to be seen as buying an expensive, prestige item). Named after its discoverer, the US social-critic Thorstein Veblen (1857-1929).
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