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jordanian pilot


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I'm well aware what the Nazis did in Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Performing medical experiments on Jews, starving them, infecting them with diseases....etc. They were evil cunts for sure, but there's no record of them burning prisoners alive.

If you had a choice would you rather be gassed to death or burned alive??
the gas the nazis used was NOT an easy death, and then there were the countless horrific other acts they perpetrated. But this kind of sickness is more prevalent then you think. When I saw the guy captured I wondered why he ejected. I knew something horrible awaited him. Some sick fucks in Israel did the same thing to an arab KID!!


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
What's the difference between burning someone to death in a cage, and burning someone to death with a load of napalm? maybe it's that the latter doesn't involve filming the event from up close? But I would rather think that the effect on the human being would be the same.

Is the person who assassinates another through a drone strike any more innocent than a person who shoots another one at close range?
Yes that is a good point. And it would be even worse if you got hit with white phosphorus which is used by the Israelis and Americans as the shrapnel continues to burn UNDER your skin.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Wilbur, do you see that there is a difference between shooting someone to death on the battlefield and shooting them to death in the Canadian Tire Store (there being no extenuating circumstances).


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Yes that is a good point. And it would be even worse if you got hit with white phosphorus which is used by the Israelis and Americans as the shrapnel continues to burn UNDER your skin.
And what the fuck does this have to do with Israel you twit? A bunch of Muslims murdered a Muslim. Another bunch of Muslims blew up a mosque in Pakistan over the weekend. There's a religious war happening between Muslims. There's no side to take, except our side. And like it or not, Canada is on the same side as America and France and GB and Holland, and yes, Israel. And Palestinians? Fuck them! They're on the other side of the fence-with the crazies.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2014
I got the Hamas Hezbollah funding mixed up, but one doesn't need CNN or Fox to to grasp the seriousness of this ISIS terrorist group. They have adequately proven that they are deserving of annilation, and the sooner the better.
I'll drink to that!


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2002
north york
Nottyboi, so now you have moved on to excusing Daesh!
And what the fuck does this have to do with Israel you twit? A bunch of Muslims murdered a Muslim. Another bunch of Muslims blew up a mosque in Pakistan over the weekend..
Just another platform to express his antisemitism...


Mar 17, 2003

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
What difference does this make Perry? Are we to run everything else based on the Roman Catholic world of 1500 A.D.?
Santayana: Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Kierkegaard: Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

And did the Holy Roman Church not aspire and set out to dominate the world?



Active member
Jan 19, 2004
And what the fuck does this have to do with Israel you twit? A bunch of Muslims murdered a Muslim. Another bunch of Muslims blew up a mosque in Pakistan over the weekend. There's a religious war happening between Muslims. There's no side to take, except our side. And like it or not, Canada is on the same side as America and France and GB and Holland, and yes, Israel. And Palestinians? Fuck them! They're on the other side of the fence-with the crazies.
It's not so simple as good guy/bad guy. Some of our 'friends' are using terrorist organizations as proxies for geopolitical gain.

Israel are cooperating with the terrorist Al Nusra Front in Syria across from the Golan Heights.

"While Al Nusra is on the State Department list of terrorist organizations, it is directly supported by the US and its allies, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Israel."

It was Qatar that supplied ISIS with MANPADS that brought down 2 Iraqi combat helicopters last October.

IqAAC Lt. Col. Marwan Majid al-Sa’adi, 28, pilot of downed Mi-35M, KIA near Beiji, Saladin Province....


New member
Jan 19, 2006
L’Agence France-Presse reports:

"Al-Azhar, Sunni Islam's most prestigious centre of learning [in Cairo], expressed outrage at [Daesh] for burning to death a captive Jordanian pilot, the Cairo-based authority's head, Ahmed al-Tayib, expressed his "strong dismay at this cowardly act." This "requires the punishment mentioned in the Koran for these corrupt oppressors who fight against God and his prophet: killing, crucifixion or chopping of the limbs. "Islam forbids killing of the innocent human soul... It forbids mutilating the human soul by burning or in any other way even during wars against an enemy that attacks you."

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
War / Terrorism is all about PR. It is a huge mistake for them to kill the pilot by burning him and showing a video. Now the west have all their justification to rain down Hell Fire missiles on them or target them with Special OPs swoop downs to bring them to justice raids ( or kill them if they resist )


Mar 31, 2009
War / Terrorism is all about PR. It is a huge mistake for them to kill the pilot by burning him and showing a video.
The target audience for ISIS is not the West or moderate Muslims, it is to attract more foreign fighters. Unfortunately, some Muslims and Muslim Converts are attracted by the prospect of murder, rape, pillage, etc.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
The target audience for ISIS is not the West or moderate Muslims, it is to attract more foreign fighters. Unfortunately, some Muslims and Muslim Converts are attracted by the prospect of murder, rape, pillage, etc.
The target audience is indeed the West and the so-called moderate Muslims. They are daring them to come and take them out. Air power alone will never do it. Only a ground campaign will do so and only Iraq and the West's enemies Syria and Hezbollah (supported by Iran) are engaged on the ground against ISIS.

ISIS is reading the situation very well. As long as the US and it's client states obsess about getting rid of Assad first (because Syria is allied with Iran), they know they can get away with what they're doing and reinforce their claim to a separate and independent state.

Meanwhile, despite 3000 western funded and trained 'moderate' Syrian rebels having defected last year with their weapons to Al-Qaida and ISIS, stupid US politicians are going to train another 5000, and they think they can make a difference against 30,000 (and growing) ISIS jihadists.

The US and its Arab allies have to make up their minds who they want to fight: the Shiites allied to Iran (Syria, Hezbollah), or the Sunnis (ISIS) attempting to slaughter the Shiites, including the Shiites who control the Iraqi government. They can't do both at the same time. Given that ISIS is now threatening Sunni regimes (including their original benefactors Saudi-Arabia, Qatar and UAE), the logical choice is quite clear. But logic is not something US politicians and their allies are known for.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Like I said... carpet-bomb the region and turn it into glass.
I wish sometimes some people would look at a map. How do you carpet bomb an area (ISIS occupied) as big as England? And carpet bombing an occupied country is not carpet bombing a country like Japan: you're killing those you are supposed to want to liberate.
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