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jordanian pilot


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Isis has killed thousands of Muslims before this- so it won't make much difference outside of jordan. Inside jordan I imagine it will have some impact but we will see what that actually means in terms of the ground offensive
Indeed. Idiots in the west seem to wilfully misunderstand and misinterpret everything about ISIS, from absurdly inflating the threat they represent both locally in the middle east and even more laughably, internationally, to suddenly thinking that one murder of a single Muslim will make a fucking difference to anything (ignoring the thousands of Iraqis gruesomely executed, many dozens - hundreds? - in online videos)


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
Gosh. I don't know where to begin with two guys like you. "Air of a civilized society" and "gassing is easy death"

You really are stupid, aren't you?
You don't think that Nazi Germany in the late 30's early 40's didn't look like a civilized powerhouse? Art, culture, money, entertainment.
How the hell else do you think Hitler and his henchmen could have brainwashed an entire country? By burning people alive in the streets and not having anything to show for it?
Maybe it's you that needs to brush up on his WW2 history lessons before he opens his ignorant mouth.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
I'd guess Kill, and not capture, orders are the norm for these guys now.....I'd bet there is a simple extermination process taking place now.Why should you follow the rules of war if your enemy does not.
ISIS and the other Islamic terrorists organizations are not like ordinary States. Killing the top guy will only get his deputy promoted. And there are hundreds and thousands lining up behind them waiting to be promoted or to become martyrs.

The West, and the US especially, never got over WW2: taking the leader out (like Hitler) would get the war to come to a screeching halt. They still think that a key drone strike against the 'Leader' will do the same. Not so with Islamist ideology. Many are only too glad to get blown up so they can go to heaven with accompanying perks.T

he Syrian Army has been wasting these terrorists for 4 years now, and there is no shortage of martyrs to replace them. So wanting to assassinate their leaders is not going to do anything because it's not the individual leader that needs to be taken out, but the ideology.

This is a dare to Jordan. If Jordan wants to seek effective revenge, it will have to engage in a full scale invasion of ISIS territories. But that is a risk for a conventional army, as it will become mired into fighting insurgency, and that is what ISIS is counting on. I doubt the Jordanian Army, the most competent and professional Arab army (but no battle experience since 1973), will undertake this venture. There is already a coalition to fight ISIS. But there are no boots on the ground, except in Iraq with the Iraqi army (incompetently) defending its homeland. There is also Syria with the help of Hezbollah, but they have not been allowed in this coalition, despite the fact that they have done the most damage and most of the fighting against ISIS.

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
And does anyone think that the methods ISIS uses are any worse than those of the Holy Inquisition?

And is their dream of world domination any different from that of the Holy Roman Empire?

And who manufactures the weapons ISIS uses? Who sells those weapons to them? Who pays for them?

Time for us "civilized" Western World to look deeply in the mirror...

And I suspect we will soon be hearing from some Christian fundamentalists rejoicing over The Rapture and signs of Armageddon...

Stay tuned! The best is yet to come!

In the meantime, "follow the money"!



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
And does anyone think that the methods ISIS uses are any worse than those of the Holy Inquisition?
The Inqusition? That was in the 1400's, I'm sure they used similar methods, but if you're trying to say that ISIS are medieval barbarians I agree with you.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
And does anyone think that the methods ISIS uses are any worse than those of the Holy Inquisition?

And is their dream of world domination any different from that of the Holy Roman Empire?

And who manufactures the weapons ISIS uses? Who sells those weapons to them? Who pays for them?

Time for us "civilized" Western World to look deeply in the mirror...

And I suspect we will soon be hearing from some Christian fundamentalists rejoicing over The Rapture and signs of Armageddon...

Stay tuned! The best is yet to come!

In the meantime, "follow the money"!

Very True. Follow the money. I believe money has always had a vested interest in keeping these regions destabilized.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
The world have to set up a fund to pay a bounty on the heads of these terrorist. Let the rats in their own organizations rat them out for filthy lucre.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
Indeed. Idiots in the west seem to wilfully misunderstand and misinterpret everything about ISIS, from absurdly inflating the threat they represent both locally in the middle east and even more laughably, i
LMAO what a Goof.


Mar 12, 2004
Originally Posted by nobody123

Indeed. Idiots in the west seem to wilfully misunderstand and misinterpret everything about ISIS, from absurdly inflating the threat they represent both locally in the middle east and even more laughably,

LMAO what a Goof.
Ya think, are being too kind,...!!!

I whish people,...including myself,...would please stop comparing this scum to animals, are degrading animals.

And what's with the Isis apologists here,...justifying their inhumane actions by bringing up the past, are sick fucks,...!!!

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Active member
Jan 19, 2004
The majority of weapons used by ISIS were taken from killed Iraqi soldiers, or purchased from Hamas, Hezbollah or Other Pakistani based jihadists. There are no reports of 'western world' alliances or military equipment transactions that you speak of.
Yeah sure. Why would Hezbollah give them weapons when Hezbollah is fighting them in Syria, and ISIS being Sunni, want to chop the heads off Shiites like Hezbollah?
And you mean Hamas would have to run the Israeli blockade of Gaza twice? One way to get the weapons into Gaza and then the other way to sell them again?

Until they got into Iraq, the majority of ISIS weapons were purchased from money given to them by Saudi Arabia (Canada's steadfast Middle-Eastern ally) when they thought ISIS could be their proxy army and wipe out the Shiites from Arabia and the Levant (Lebanon and Syria). Too bad it backfired on them and ISIS has Saudi Arabia next on its hit list. The other source of weapons is all of the so-called CAI trained and equipped moderate Syrian rebels who jumped ship and joined Al-Qaida and then ISIS; now the US wants to spend another half billion dollars training another 5000 Syrian moderate rebels, so they can jump ship and join ISIS again.

You should look a little deeper than just accept the good guy/bad guy propaganda CNN and FOX dish out.


New member
May 21, 2013
judge's laughing
When it comes to method of killing, yes I am serious.
Nazi's were bad too, but they at least gassed some Jews to death "humanely".

Lighting someone on fire has to be one of the worst ways you can die. I hope that pilot passed out or something. I refuse to watch the video, otherwise I wont be able to sleep tonight
Sorry wasn't just the Jews that went through a holocaust.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
A Muslim acquaintance of mine tells me that burning someone to death or even burning an animal to death is specifically forbidden by the Koran.

If this is so, which I have no reason at all to believe it isn't, Daesh, have seemingly really stepped in it by burning to death a Muslim and a member of an important family to boot.


New member
May 21, 2013
judge's laughing
And does anyone think that the methods ISIS uses are any worse than those of the Holy Inquisition?

And is their dream of world domination any different from that of the Holy Roman Empire?

And who manufactures the weapons ISIS uses? Who sells those weapons to them? Who pays for them?

Time for us "civilized" Western World to look deeply in the mirror...

And I suspect we will soon be hearing from some Christian fundamentalists rejoicing over The Rapture and signs of Armageddon...

Stay tuned! The best is yet to come!

In the meantime, "follow the money"!

I agree, the western civilization had some extremely dark moments, time is fluid. Imposing our will on others creates a problems.

How about Vietnam, Iraq.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
And does anyone think that the methods ISIS uses are any worse than those of the Holy Inquisition?

And is their dream of world domination any different from that of the Holy Roman Empire?
What difference does this make Perry? Are we to run everything else based on the Roman Catholic world of 1500 A.D.?

Frankly I don't know quite what dream of world domination of das Heiliges Römisches Reich you are writing of.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
What's the difference between burning someone to death in a cage, and burning someone to death with a load of napalm? maybe it's that the latter doesn't involve filming the event from up close? But I would rather think that the effect on the human being would be the same.

Is the person who assassinates another through a drone strike any more innocent than a person who shoots another one at close range?
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