There are much better debaters than I, here. I will leave it to them to make you look like fools in almost every single debate. That does not mean that I am not able to observe the debates and form my opinions.
Just the same as anyone else who watches a debate on TV and forms opinions of who is right and wrong. You don't have to be part of the debate to know who is honest, who presents their case better, who answers questions directly, etc.
Which gets us back to why none of the terrorist-loving scum are man enough or have enough conviction in their beliefs to answer basketcase's simple question of what is your opinion on the killing of four old Jewish men praying.
Your perspective is so laughable, it's pathetic.
You call this stuff debating? calling, starting pissfests from simple discussions, ridiculing?
No bias on your part, huh?
Do you realize how many times these questions have been answered, how many times the other side has acknowledged the injustice on BOTH sides? don' are so blinded by self interest , all you do is hate and ridicule anything that doesn't conform to your narrow, self-serving views.
You're understanding of honesty, and good debating , and direct answers is based strictly on what you want to be true.
FYI, in the name of honest debating, your post doesn't belong in this thread, it belongs in that other thread..... know, the one in which you avoided responding to me?
You see hack, THAT is irony.