More precisely, a licensed body rub is not necessarily a brothel. What happens vs. what is licensed to happen aren't necessarily the same.
Anyhoo, this position is valid until the definition of "sexual service" is clarified. At least until then, BRP's can assert that they do not provide a sexual service.
TeasePlease, you're ruining my chance of being an official spokesperson for the BR parlors.
We can't use adjectives like 'necessarily' and invite closer scrutiny please.
From the technical paper, it would seem that masturbation (whether self or by another) would be deemed a sexual service, even without a climax, however, as seen in other citations which were examined more closely by Colt and others, the Technical Paper is not accurate.
Let's put it this way, if a lap dance is a sexual service, a body slide could be one too.
But such services are not advertised in all spas, so the BR joint can't be deemed in the negative view, unless there's evidence to the contrary.
(Which begs the question: Can the Bramptom spas that advertise body slides, or Nude Reverse slides, be raided or charged with advertising sexual services? Do you know if they have changed such wording?)