Did i do wrong?


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
Errr, in the states they can not drink, you said in "some" provinces, and not sure if this is true but I hear they raised the age for military to 21, don't have time to bother searching that though. They can't even buy cigarettes yet at that age...
My understanding is that the minimum age to join any branch of the US military is 17, with parental consent.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
Errr, in the states they can not drink, you said in "some" provinces, and not sure if this is true but I hear they raised the age for military to 21, don't have time to bother searching that though. They can't even buy cigarettes yet at that age...
Canada - 18 (voluntary; 16 year olds can join the Reserves or enter the Military Colleges; volunteers can join the regular forces at age 17 with parental consent)

U.S.A. - 18 (voluntary; volunteers can join at age 17 with parental consent; 16 years old if a junior in high school)

Booze in Canada -

•Alberta - 18
•British Columbia - 19
•Manitoba - 18
•New Brunswick - 19
•Newfoundland and Labrador - 19
•Northwest Territories - 19
•Nova Scotia - 19
•Nunavut - 19
•Ontario - 19
•Prince Edward Island - 19
•Quebec - 18
•Saksatchewan - 19
•Yukon Territory - 19


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
My son looked into it a few years ago and my memory could be off.... but I thought in Canada you needed a minimum of Grade 10....and that you can join Reserves at 16, regular Forces at 17 with parental consent. At 18 you can provide your own consent.
My post was related to the US. No idea what the criteria are in Canada unfortunately...


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
My son looked into it a few years ago and my memory could be off.... but I thought in Canada you needed a minimum of Grade 10....and that you can join Reserves at 16, regular Forces at 17 with parental consent. At 18 you can provide your own consent.
your son, a few years ago, 18, hmmm pictures do lie.


May 2, 2014
My son is looking into it for himself now, and I am not sure as I mentioned, but I heard that due to the large numbers of fresh out of high school boys joining for the education they upped the age, could have just been a rumor or proposed idea that may not have ever taken effect. Either way, if my daughter went to a friends place and an older neighbour who was left in charge ended up doing that, I'd probably end up in jail.. no offense to the OP, that's just how a parent would feel.

My son looked into it a few years ago and my memory could be off.... but I thought in Canada you needed a minimum of Grade 10....and that you can join Reserves at 16, regular Forces at 17 with parental consent. At 18 you can provide your own consent.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
No comparison what-so-ever...

You might "think" there is... but there REALLY isn't. If you aren't a parent, you have no clue of the emotional effect a child can have on his or her parent.
I believe in your case you'd be pissed off if your 35 year old daughter had a one night stand with the neighbour.
It's not age, she'll always be your little girl and I fully understand that.

BTW, would you turn down a hot 20 year old escort because she's someone's daughter?


New member
May 28, 2011
your son, a few years ago, 18, hmmm pictures do lie.
No they don't. She's every bit as hot and sexy in person. I get what you are saying though. When she told me about how old her son was when I first met her, I never would have believed it.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
Another day, another whack of non sequitors.

First, kudos to you Ridgeman08 for having such a great relationship with your kids. I'm sure that this outcome was no accident.

Now, besides that you and your kids love each other so much, how does this have anything to do with the main topic of this thread? Surferboy did something that he now may be regretting. But according to you, the regret he should have is that he chose a life different from yours.

Being a good parent is the most selfless and rewarding role anyone can ever have, and I wouldn't trade a second of any of it, for anything in the world imagined or unimagined.

That said, IMHO, THIS is where you made your mistake:
I find this presumptuous at best, patronizing at worst. The decision to breed is one of the biggest a person will make in their life, and it's one that should only be done with the full willingness of the participants. Henry Morgenthaler, at great personal cost (not just money) chose to perform abortions, and he did it without any guilt, because his mantra was, every child should be a wanted child. Society still elevates parents and looks down on, and sometimes even discriminate against couples who choose to be childless. This is unfair. Google 'childless by choice' to read what many, especially women, have to deal with. They are often asked to justify their choice. Are pregnant couples ever asked to justify their choice? No, they are lauded unconditionally. The only ones who aren't judged are those who can't conceive. They are pitied instead.

Second, you say

Being a good parent is the most selfless and rewarding role anyone can ever have, and I wouldn't trade a second of any of it, for anything in the world imagined or unimagined.
I can accept everything in that sentence except one ill considered word- selfless. On that point I call total BS. You had kids because you and your partner wanted them, together, unless you've been a single dad all this time. You presumably knew what you were in for, to the extent that it's possible for new parents to know. And even knowing how much time and money and stress it would take out of you, you figured that it would be more than worth it. And happily, in your case it worked out. But don't kid yourself. Being a parent of wanted kids is many things but it is not selfless. It is selfish. You chose to do this because it's what you wanted it for yourself. You did not do it out of obligation to serve some higher purpose. I'm not saying that breeding and raising healthy, well adjusted kids is a bad thing, but let's call a spade a spade.

Take Robert Latimer, the Saskatchewan farmer who murdered his severely crippled and handicapped daughter by putting her in the cab of his truck and asphixiated her with carbon monoxide fumes. He claimed it was a mercy killing. He could not let her continue her endless suffering. Here's a man who, rather than send her away at the first opportunity, chose, with his wife, to keep her at home and raise her at home, complete with all the tubes, meds, midnight runs to emerg.... That is what it means to be selfless. I don't know how much fulfillment he did or did not get from all the years of caring for her, but I think we can all agree this is not something he would have chosen for himself.

Getting back to main point of this thread, having a conscience can be really inconvenient at times. I'm not going to judge Surferboy, even though this is what he's asking us to do. I'm only willing to say- you can run from just about anything, but you can't run from yourself. So Surferboy, next time you look in the mirror, ask that person, 'are you someone I want to associate with? '


New member
Mar 28, 2004
BTW, would you turn down a hot 20 year old escort because she's someone's daughter?
This is the sentence that makes every guy posting in this thread about how precious their or their neighbour's little girls are, on a prostitution review board, hypocrites. Good grief.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
This is the sentence that makes every guy posting in this thread about how precious their or their neighbour's little girls are, on a prostitution review board, hypocrites. Good grief.
Are they more valuable than young 20 year old men?

Let's talk about hypocritical double standards.
Should escorts who see him be judged in the same way?


May 2, 2014
So your thinking about supporting your boys/ girls effort in the military ?
While I have the deepest respect for those who have made the sacrifice to fight for freedom and liberty for ALL. My great grandfather served in WWI. God rest his weary soul.

But there are consequences to be made and considered.
What if they are sent to a war torn country like Rwanda to serve as peacekeepers? Or like Somalia?

They may have to come face to face with this reality.

Now that is warped. Care to guess his age?
This is real. He is a war child.
Who said I like it? As a Mother, and someone who is pro-peace, hearing him talk about his ambition to join is one of the hardest things I have ever had to face. It goes against everything fiber of my being BUT that being said, I have a job as a Mother to support my children in their life decisions.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
I believe in your case you'd be pissed off if your 35 year old daughter had a one night stand with the neighbour.
I couldn't say... my daughters are not 35... but when they are, they would most certainly be fully capable of making those decisions on their own.
It's not age, she'll always be your little girl and I fully understand that.
I'm well aware of the fact that my daughters are sexually active... I have no issue with this what-so-ever. I myself have had the discussion of safe sexual practices etc. with the both of them, and suggested to them several years ago that they exercise the birth control of their choice, AS WELL as condoms. Condoms have always been readily available in my home for whomever chooses to use them, (I also have a son...) and I never ask questions. I just replenish the supply when needed. (It's an unwritten rule so to speak and I suspect that some of their friends have also made use of this privilege, because their parents may not be as forthcoming and understanding....)

I never suggested that age has anything to do with anything. I did however suggest that he has made the mistake to NOT becoming a parent.

every fathers day I don't get a card is a good fathers day!
That is of course his choice, and I respect that... but IMHO, one's perspective on MOST things change as soon as one becomes a parent. I can't begin to even try to explain it to anyone that isn't one.

BTW, would you turn down a hot 20 year old escort because she's someone's daughter?
Dumb question... every woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, is someone's daughter. Having said this, 20 is on the low end of my comfort zone... personally speaking anyway.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
Surferboy did something that he now may be regretting. But according to you, the regret he should have is that he chose a life different from yours.
I'm saying that perhaps his perspective would be entirely different if he WAS a parent which may have prevented him from making a decision that (by the sounds of things), he may now be regretting.


Dec 1, 2012
I think anyone who is mid 30s sleeping with a 18 year old is somewhat of questionable character. My 5 cents. How mature is a 18 year old? That's just ridiculous. They don't know shit at that age.

There was also a huge power differential you exploited.

Coming to an escort review board to ask for moral guidance... Nothing questionable about that.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
I think anyone who is mid 30s sleeping with a 18 year old is somewhat of questionable character. My 5 cents. How mature is a 18 year old? That's just ridiculous. They don't know shit at that age.
Says you! When I was 18, I knew everything. I had all the answers. Ahh to be 18 again.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
Dumb question... every woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, is someone's daughter. Having said this, 20 is on the low end of my comfort zone... personally speaking anyway.
Not a dumb question, people have a problem with the OP fucking someone's young consenting daughter.
I wanted to see if you're okay fucking someone's young daughter who is an escort because I really don't see the difference between the two and wanted to know how you felt.
Thanks for being open with me, it's cool you have a good relation with your kids.
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