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Did i do wrong?


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
The points you raise are irrelevant to this topic. You are trying to raise ten different topics that are not inclusive with each other. Brilliant red herring tactic, I will grant you that.
My points are in fact very relevant. You just can't seem to come to grips with the reality that 18 years old is old enough to make sound, independent judgements and decisions where sex is concerned. Period. This position of yours, in and of itself actually contradicts the 'Her body, her choice' philosophy (in the context of female adults) that you so ardently advocate for sex workers.

You'd rather paint the OP unjustly as a predator, rather than acknowledge the young woman, in her capacity as an adult, made an informed, rational, independent decision to sleep with him. Just as adult sex workers do. Some of whom do so with clear, informed, and deliberate intent at the ripe old age of 18. Are you suddenly challenging this concept, and are now proposing some form of regulated limitations to this philosophy? (as Jessica has suggested)

Unfortunately, your conflicting views on how old a woman needs to be to make an adult decision about sex don't support a consistent argument across all discussions of age of majority. Hence the fly in your oinkment.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2014
I have stated my points very clearly, this, again and I reallllly hate repeating myself, is not a black and white clear cut issue overall. I am not debating whether 18 year olds should be having sex. I said that MOST girls at 18 are not fully matured. That is just how life goes, sorry if you disagree. As for the OP that is a separate issue, and yes ffs I know it was the daughter of the neighbours friend but he was still entrusted to watch THEM as they were drinking. That is the issue, when being entrusted to watch over 18 year olds who are drinking should you be banging them?
Think you guys beat this post to death!

Just to clarify for Jacklyn,where did it say "he was still entrusted to watch THEM as they were drinking"? There were guys & girls there in there early twenties,i was just enjoying the bonfire with them hun.She could have had any guy there.

Oh Miss Jess,turns 19 in november fyi.

Lets bury this thread,you guys gone way overboard!


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
You added "the full post" after I called you out on your uncalled for insults.

Your original post was all of 2 sentences. 30 minutes after you made your insults, you went back and added a pile of steaming shit to your original post in an attempt to tone it down. Since I had already quoted you, you couldn't delete what you had written. You had to try to back peddle.

I just found your two sentences way out of line.

Anyway, enough time wasted on you.
Yeah, that's exactly what happened. Or maybe you just jumped the gun, and spun up into Full Retard Mode a bit too quickly. Either way, I could care less.


Dec 1, 2012
Think you guys beat this post to death!

Just to clarify for Jacklyn,where did it say "he was still entrusted to watch THEM as they were drinking"? There were guys & girls there in there early twenties,i was just enjoying the bonfire with them hun.She could have had any guy there.

Oh Miss Jess,turns 19 in november fyi.

Lets bury this thread,you guys gone way overboard!
your the one that came on an escort board about bragging that you banged a 18 year old .Are you upset you didn't get high fives? oh please 18 year olds are still immature it says a lot about you.


Feb 14, 2013
We all live with regrets in our lives. The girl may come to regret this. That's life. It doesn't mean that the OP did anything wrong here. It also seems like these days that no matter the situation after a man and woman have sex there will be a group of women(for the most part) that will portray the female as a victim of some kind.

The whole situation is rather shady. The neighbours allowing their 18 year old kids to drink and "party" with a group of adults. Bet the neighbour's daughter(if she knows about it already) is glad she slept with the neighbour and not her Father.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Obviouisly you can't read very well,so i'll state the facts again.

When we were making out in the lawn chair,i said it was a bad idea,think i said it again when she ripped my clothes off.
Her asking my age doesn't have any bearing on the story,she simply didn't believe me until i showed her my ID
Scummy creep,that would tap the underage babysitter? Think you have to many fantasies built up in your head...
"Simply had sex with a college girl,i wouldn't have thought the same way" What have you got against uni girls?Oh i get it,you don't like them smarter than you lol
Original post before the additional massaging to fit the replies:
Well long story short we ended up going for a skinny dip & she ended up in my bed.I told her up front that it was a bad idea,but at that moment there was no turning back.I woke up in the morning feeling a little ashamed,.....
You asked for comments - If you wanted a cheering section to your male prowess, I wouldn't responded. The asking for your age ID as you have agreed doesn't have any bearing on your story, just adds to your ego (I guess - I'm not impressed).

The 'bad idea' angle didn't appear in your first version until the skinny dip time frame and even this is a hollow question since if you really thought it was a bad idea and had the machismo you are trying to portray - you would have said - 'Good Night' and directed the male stud attraction to a more mature girl another day.

You misunderstood 'If you simply 'had sex with a college girl', I would not have thought the same way.' I don't see this as an issue of having sex with a college girl - I could careless - that is between two consulting adults. But this wasn't the case or you wouldn't have sounded like a guy who just nailed the babysitter. The 'bad' idea .. the guilt afterwards - if you didn't know you took advantage of a naive possibly 18 yr high school girl who aided by liquor and/or misadventure you knew you could violate - what is the purpose of this post ????

You asked - I think based on what I read, I wouldn't let you near the babysitter. If this story is to curry some macho bragging rights - it might as well be a hunter bragging about shooting Bambi - not much of a hard target.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
The points you raise are irrelevant to this topic. You are trying to raise ten different topics that are not inclusive with each other. Brilliant red herring tactic, I will grant you that.
Uh, no. You're the one throwing out red herrings (and contradictory opinions). But, why accept you're wrong, when you can instead call down the guy pointing out that you're wrong?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Anyone here tell people they were 18 when they were actually just 17 1/2 .......?

just another possibility that hasn't been mentioned. I know all teenagers aren't completely honest about their age, that's all.
It wouldn't legally change the situation (well maybe the alcohol thing if he provided it). Harper raised consent in Canada from a sickening 14 to slightly less crazy 16.
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