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Did i do wrong?


May 2, 2014
I am not confused about anything, my responses were directed and geared to/at the OP, even though some people have been trying to skirt the original topic. I was also trying to keep my responses delicate as I already have a history of getting attacked on board for my opinions. With some people you can't say anything without them jumping in by finding fault in everything. As I said sexuality is an individual thing, as others have pointed out there is also a difference between legal and ethical issues. You may have asked a question but not every answer is black and white. When it comes to sex with barely legal kids, yes I say kids as MOST 18 year olds still do not know what they want in life, there is a lot of grey area. I am not saying it is right or wrong because that is not for me to say, what I am saying is that the OP was clear about the fact that he was in a position of trust and THAT is the issue. You want to pick my posts apart, go right ahead, but it is beginning to sound like you are getting defensive and you may want to look into yourself and ask what that is about. As for those who commented about being older and jealous of 18 year olds, please darling, I would not chose to go back to that age if I could, 18 is a complicated age for women. I love 35 and it loves me.

I re-read your posts in this thread. You seem confused on this whole issue of maturity, independence and choice. You keep referring to 18 year old adults as 'kids', who require direct supervision by older individuals. In almost all cases, the laws of North America disagree with you. I just asked you a simple, straightforward question above, and you have refused to answer. I have also read your comments with regards to Bill C36 - you seem very pro-choice, and staunchly behind the rights of women to decide what they do with their bodies, and with whom. Yet in this thread, you seem to be painting 18 year old women as vulnerable, easily manipulated sexual targets incapable of making sound decisions. Which one is it? Please address the question to help clarify your thoughts, as your outrage over the OPs behaviour appears somewhat contradictory to your other posted opinions.


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
I am not confused about anything, my responses were directed and geared to/at the OP, even though some people have been trying to skirt the original topic. I was also trying to keep my responses delicate as I already have a history of getting attacked on board for my opinions. With some people you can't say anything without them jumping in by finding fault in everything. As I said sexuality is an individual thing, as others have pointed out there is also a difference between legal and ethical issues. You may have asked a question but not every answer is black and white. When it comes to sex with barely legal kids, yes I say kids as MOST 18 year olds still do not know what they want in life, there is a lot of grey area. I am not saying it is right or wrong because that is not for me to say, what I am saying is that the OP was clear about the fact that he was in a position of trust and THAT is the issue. You want to pick my posts apart, go right ahead, but it is beginning to sound like you are getting defensive and you may want to look into yourself and ask what that is about. As for those who commented about being older and jealous of 18 year olds, please darling, I would not chose to go back to that age if I could, 18 is a complicated age for women. I love 35 and it loves me.
jackie, honey, baby - you're letting your emotional IQ impede your ability to follow the crux of my point. Don't be so personally defensive. No one is attacking you personally, just your contradictory argument. The problem is that you keep advancing the theory that an 18 year old woman, legally deemed an adult, is not sufficiently capable or competent to independently decide what to do with her body, and with whom. As a result of this, you have implied it was the OP's obligation to 'supervise' her, and somehow 'manage' her actions/behavior on her behalf as an impromptu authority figure - a position you have also implied he abused to his own advantage. Truth is, the young woman was the aggressor, and clearly made her own independent, informed, and non-coerced decision to sleep with the OP. Why is he to blame for anything with regards to the sexual context of this discussion? Two adults made an adult decision, together.

Secondly, this position of yours seems oddly in conflict with your own professed opinions regarding Bill C36. There are lots of 18-20 year old escorts working in the sex industry, as dancers, MPAs, and escorts, completely by choice. Are you now saying that they are also too young to make such career decisions since 'MOST 18 year olds still do not know what they want in life.' At 18 years of age, they are ALL considered adults in every sense of the word, and as such are deemed by modern societies as completely capable and competent to make every other type of adult decision, so what happened to 'Her body, her choice.'?

The only trust that was broken was between the OP and his neighbor, for crossing an ethical line. Since the OP did not take advantage of the lady in any way, what trust relationship was broken with her? She was the aggressor, he pointed out some social obstacles which as an adult she considered and disregarded, and then they had sex.

Like I said, you seem confused not only by the concepts of ethics and morality in general, and as they pertain to this discussion, but also seem to want to apply some weird double standard between civilian women and those that work in the sex industry.

Maybe sit down and really think it through end to end before taking an accusatory position, then getting angry and defensive when that position is shown to have significant flaws. You can't have it both ways.
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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Jeez people read the post! It was not the neighbours daughter--it was her friend.
Most (not all) of us got that fact.

It's not whether it's the neighbour's daughter, or "the friend" of the neighbour's daughter (the old, "I have a friend" line) that has struck a chord, it's a "mid 30's male" (could be 34, could be 38) having sex with an 18 year old. (Or as Jessica rightly points out, "could be 17.5").

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
Fully agree with Demien's last post.
We shouldn't look at this emotionally as if she was our daughter, parents are too close to be rational about allowing her to be an adult and to make decisions on her own.


May 2, 2014
Do you belittle every woman like that or am I lucky?

jackie, honey, baby - you're letting your emotional IQ impede your ability to follow the crux of my point. Don't be so personally defensive. No one is attacking you personally, just your contradictory argument. The problem is that you keep advancing the theory that an 18 year old woman, legally deemed an adult, is not sufficiently capable or competent to independently decide what to do with her body, and with whom. As a result of this, you have implied it was the OP's obligation to 'supervise' her, and somehow 'manage' her actions/behavior on her behalf as an impromptu authority figure - a position you have also implied he abused to his own advantage. Truth is, the young woman was the aggressor, and clearly made her own independent, informed, and non-coerced decision to sleep with the OP. Why is he to blame for anything with regards to the sexual context of this discussion? Two adults made an adult decision, together.

Secondly, this position of yours seems oddly in conflict with your own professed opinions regarding Bill C36. There are lots of 18-20 year old escorts working in the sex industry, as dancers, MPAs, and escorts, completely by choice. Are you now saying that they are also too young to make such career decisions since 'MOST 18 year olds still do not know what they want in life.' At 18 years of age, they are ALL considered adults in every sense of the word, and as such are deemed by modern societies as completely capable and competent to make every other type of adult decision, so what happened to 'Her body, her choice.'?

The only trust that was broken was between the OP and his neighbor, for crossing an ethical line. Since the OP did not take advantage of the lady in any way, what trust relationship was broken with her? She was the aggressor, he pointed out some social obstacles which as an adult she considered and disregarded, and then they had sex.

Like I said, you seem confused not only by the concepts of ethics and morality in general, and as they pertain to this discussion, but also seem to want to apply some weird double standard between civilian women and those that work in the sex industry.

Maybe sit down and really think it through end to end before taking an accusatory position, then getting angry and defensive when that position is shown to have significant flaws. You can't have it both ways.


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
No, you're not alone. demien2k5 clearly has a chip on his shoulder when it comes to women with opinions.

He's insulting you in this thread and Jenn in the thread on celebrity nude photos.

The man has issues when it comes to women.
So, both ladies have posted strong, self-contradictory opinions, but I have 'issues with women' because I challenge those opinions and their apparent lack of logic or consistency? Right. :rolleyes:

What should we do, let the ladies say whatever the fuck they want, whether it makes sense or not, just to keep the active female population of the lounge strong? Do you think by doing so we'd be doing the ladies some sort of favor? Do you think that's what they're looking for? I sure don't.

Last I checked, Jennifer is a very capable debater, and certainly not shy about voicing an opinion when the mood strikes her. Good for her. I doubt she feels intimidated by me, or my comments, or anyone else's for that matter.

Where jacklyn is concerned, she appears to be getting her panties in a bunch, instead of rationally and logically defending her position. That's on her, not on me. No one is preventing her from presenting her case.

Frankly, I don't get your outrage.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
So, both ladies have posted strong, self-contradictory opinions, but I have 'issues with women' because I challenge those opinions? Right. :rolleyes:
Pretty much.

You said to Jenn, "I'm glad you don't have kids"

That's a pretty fucked up statement buddy. You DEFINITELY have issues with women.


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
dang it...I have to say this.

As someone more than happy to call someone out on their bullshit, particularly when they get all repetitive and ignore the fact that what they say is devoid of logic, factual basis, or merit and abjectly refuse to substantiate their position (of course I could be referring to anyone ;) ), demien, to my mind, is disagreeing with two women at the same time on two issues. It's a coincidence, nothing more and in fact, in this thread he is quite right in pointing out the glaring double standard being applied.

Could his tone use some work? Maybe, but that's splitting hairs.


May 2, 2014
But in this case the neighbours parent were entrusted to watch over her as they were drinking. It is relevant to this particular topic. The OP is not asking if 18 year olds should be having sex and with who, but if, under those particular circumstances, it crossed a line. Who better to answer that than the parents who entrusted their daughter to the hang out with the neighbours?

Fully agree with Demien's last post.
We shouldn't look at this emotionally as if she was our daughter, parents are too close to be rational about allowing her to be an adult and to make decisions on her own.


May 2, 2014
The points you raise are irrelevant to this topic. You are trying to raise ten different topics that are not inclusive with each other. Brilliant red herring tactic, I will grant you that.

Nice try. Did you want to perhaps address the points above, or maybe re-state your argument, instead of playing the female victim card so very conveniently?


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
But in this case the neighbours parent were entrusted to watch over her as they were drinking. It is relevant to this particular topic. The OP is not asking if 18 year olds should be having sex and with who, but if, under those particular circumstances, it crossed a line. Who better to answer that than the parents who entrusted their daughter to the hang out with the neighbours?
Do you know their terb handles? Probably not an answer we will be getting


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
You said to Jenn, "I'm glad you don't have kids". That's a pretty fucked up statement buddy. You DEFINITELY have issues with women.
Go back and read the FULL post, instead of going all Rambo tough guy defender of the universe. If you can't understand the nature of the post, that's a YOU problem, not a ME problem.


May 2, 2014
I have stated my points very clearly, this, again and I reallllly hate repeating myself, is not a black and white clear cut issue overall. I am not debating whether 18 year olds should be having sex. I said that MOST girls at 18 are not fully matured. That is just how life goes, sorry if you disagree. As for the OP that is a separate issue, and yes ffs I know it was the daughter of the neighbours friend but he was still entrusted to watch THEM as they were drinking. That is the issue, when being entrusted to watch over 18 year olds who are drinking should you be banging them?

So, both ladies have posted strong, self-contradictory opinions, but I have 'issues with women' because I challenge those opinions and their apparent lack of logic or consistency? Right. :rolleyes:

What should we do, let the ladies say whatever the fuck they want, whether it makes sense or not, just to keep the active female population of the lounge strong? Do you think by doing so we'd be doing the ladies some sort of favor? Do you think that's what they're looking for? I sure don't.

Last I checked, Jennifer is a very capable debater, and certainly not shy about voicing an opinion when the mood strikes her. Good for her. I doubt she feels intimidated by me, or my comments, or anyone else's for that matter.

Where jacklyn is concerned, she appears to be getting her panties in a bunch, instead of rationally and logically defending her position. That's on her, not on me. No one is preventing her from presenting her case.

Frankly, I don't get your outrage.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Go back and read the FULL post, instead of going all Rambo tough guy defender of the universe. If you can't understand the nature of the post, that's a YOU problem, not a ME problem.
You added "the full post" after I called you out on your uncalled for insults.

Your original post was all of 2 sentences. 30 minutes after you made your insults, you went back and added a pile of steaming shit to your original post in an attempt to tone it down. Since I had already quoted you, you couldn't delete what you had written. You had to try to back peddle.

I just found your two sentences way out of line.

Anyway, enough time wasted on you.


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
I have stated my points very clearly, this, again and I reallllly hate repeating myself, is not a black and white clear cut issue overall. I am not debating whether 18 year olds should be having sex. I said that MOST girls at 18 are not fully matured. That is just how life goes, sorry if you disagree. As for the OP that is a separate issue, and yes ffs I know it was the daughter of the neighbours friend but he was still entrusted to watch THEM as they were drinking. That is the issue, when being entrusted to watch over 18 year olds who are drinking should you be banging them?
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