And I don't see what posting videos of bad cops is supposed to do... Do people really think I can't google positive stories about cops and find tons of them out there too? Is posting 6 or 7 stories supposed to suddenly make me reconsider the reality that thousands of police interactions per day result in one or two borderline conduct cases a week and one or two major ones every few months?
The thing is some people are easily influenced by media. And media will maximize attention (sales) by dramatizing things that turn heads. Given a choice between two stories:
1. Cop mistreats bystander, or
2. Cop helps raise money at fundraiser
Which one would people publish to maximize attention? I'm no journalist major, but I'd choose #1.
Using the show COPS as a benchmark, that means all policemen are rampaging through the streets knocking down doors and running after crooks through dark streets an bushes...... Ummmmm.... No. But I think many people actually think that and the police squad is made of up 1,000s of street bullies running after people in every neighbourhood. If you ever do a search about the history of COPS, it got criticized about showing so much violence and action. The basic response was that they showed those clips because it's the most action packed clips to show as opposed to all the footage of boring patrols.
Every industry has bad people. I guess cop-haters don't go to the doctor, dentist, and if seriously injured will still drive themselves to the hospital without paramedic help because there's bad apples who will take advantage of patients. There's always articles about the scamming doctor, or perverted gynaecologist messing around. And talk about scamming insurance. Do people know that if you go to the dentist using company benefits they charge the regular billed price? But if you go there as someone with zero benefits and pay cash (like when I graduated school and had no job yet), they charge you half what they bill insurance companies? I've seen the invoices they make when doing claims and a typical check up can be about $200. Paying cash, they said my fee was $90 (and that even included X-rays). Wow. Talk about ripping off the system. Therefore, all dentists are bad people. lol