So you allow a "pride" parade with have naked men dressed as women hugging, kissing and imitating sex acts in public for all the kids of the world to see and you don't let a girl advertise her services? That's bs! Besides the ads don't just pop up you have to kook for it. What they are trying to do with the bill is to make this kind of equality: sex worker = victim = exploitation simply because some overly educated, removed from reality bookworms believe that this is so.
What's next restricting access to porn sites? ALL the kids can see it, no age check
I do not believe that PUBLIC nudity should be condoned as I feel it is inappropriate for minors to see. I heard they may be cracking down on this in 2014.
See nikki2's post about the law's approach to advertising in relation to those less than 18 years. The problem is that this mainstream approach to promoting has been available to anyone without 'having to look for it' as you say- open up a now (or similar) magazine, walk along certain very-public or non-industrial streets. The industry has made a mistake here by not adhering to discretion and being too 'public' with advertising or opening shop. The public is concerned about the impact on minors and the gov't has capitalized it seems.