I sky falling? nope.
Is our hobby going to change? Yep. Big time.
I see it playing out something like this.
The parliament will pass the bill, it will go to the senate and be given royal ascent making it law. Not sure how long all this will take, a month maybe? I don't see any opposition to it other than the typical opposition party "everything the government is doing is wrong" and then go on to ignore because there are better more popular things to score points on. Very few of us boast to someone else about the excellent time we just had with an SP (other than anonymously on TERB). We really are a silent minority of only thousands and not an important percentage of the electorate. I don't think every terbite voting one way would make a lick of difference to any outcome in an election. The outcome would have been similar regardless if it were conservative, liberal or NDP.
I don't want to, but I'm quite sure I will be one of those retiring. It was a fun ride. I remember how nervous I was getting into the hobby when the risks were smaller and everything was stable. Don't want to go back to that uncertainty. Will the laws change again? Maybe, but not for years, the argument will be SPs are now safer and no one (other than the SP) has or will have sympathy for their evil customers. For the mainstream- no one cares about this issue other than out of curiosity - so why would there be any priority to change things again by anyone?
Good post.
If I had a comment on the pay for sex industry in Canada in the last 10 years, it would be that it has become a LOT more mainstream and out in the open. (Which is why Ms. Bedford should have just left things well enough alone. I truly blame her naivety for this result. But I digress.) Paying for sex is far more out in the open than it has ever been in the past. You can see that on TERB, and by the shear numbers of women in the industry and the proliferation of massage parlours, etc. Because the laws were favourable, and the ones that did exist were rarely enforced (the exception may have been street walking), more and more men began to take part in "the hobby". You can see that on TERB.
But things are going to change.
Sure, there will be a hard core group of guys who will role the dice and take their chances because they NEED to hobby.
But the recreational users of the hobby, the guys who have a lot to lose, professionals who cannot chance a criminal record will stop and stop cold. (Or if they do still partake, it will be all the while looking over their shoulders for LE and it won't be a comfortable place to hobby from. We (and I say we because I'm in this category will not enjoy the overall experience because in the back of our heads it will be, "Christ, I hope I don't get busted" and visions of those US cop shows where they set up stings to bust johns will be replaying in our heads as we walk up to whatever location.)
The neuveau hobbiest (the guys who have driven the explosive growth in Canada in the last 10 years) will severely curtail and or eliminate altogether their involvement in pay for play industry. It's never going to disappear, but it is going to get clobbered and with it, the thousands of women who make their living from it.
Once this law is passed, this hobby will go right back to the way it was in 1972 in Canada. Underground, dangerous for all, highly unpredictable and fraught with risk.