Read some of the first pages of this thread. It will pretty much answer your questions.Sorry to come to this so late & if this question has already been asked, sorry again, but of the three sex industries; SPs, MPAs & dancers who will be affected the most?
Strip clubs are open areas ( even the VIPs) & liquor licenses require that LE be given unfettered access at all times so back to "air" dances, I guess?
MPs are also established in a licensed facility & from what I understand there has to be a window in all the doors & a nude woman rubbing herself allover a nude oiled-up man could only for a sexually gratifying purpose IMHO.
SPs have a closed door often in an apartment or home which would be considered a dwelling house so a warent would be required for entery , a time consuming process, from what I would think ( I don't last all that long any more so good luck getting the paperwork done before I'm showered & out the door)
So on balance I think the SPs come out on top, what do you guys think?
The big deal is the new law makes it a criminal offence with potential fines and jail time if you pay for a SEXUAL SERVICE.
Go figure what a sexual service is because it is not defined. I guess the judge will decide in the courtroom if he/she considers it a sexual service.
I would rank your list exactly opposite, SC safest, MP or SP not very safe. The interpretation may come down to where it is the easiest to be caught paying for a sexual service.