Toronto Girlfriends

I rear ended someone, question about accident and insurance

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
to be honest I didn't deal with them either.

I hired an independent (go figure ;) ) for about half the price who specializes in Northern Ontario. I was in Temagami when I was hit by a transport truck and Pointts were going to charge me an extra 500 for travel on top of their $900 fee. The indy I hired cost me $400 bucks including travel costs and I never had to appear in court.

She was freaking awesome! PM me for her contact info if you want!
You were hit by a transport truck. Bad truck driver. You should have spanked me, I mean him. :biggrin1:


New member
Dec 23, 2012
If you pay out of your own pocket, the insurance company will not raise your rate. The rate is determined by any claim against your policy. If you did not get charged with anything, and if you pay out of your own pocket, you shouldn't have to worry. Contact the other driver and try to settle without the insurance getting involved in any payments. I got rear-ended three times, in three different vehicles over the years, and the other drivers settled on a cash basis directly to the body shop, so that their insurance rates would not go up.
That is how my insurance co. explained it to me. Even if the accident is reported to them (or the other insurance co.) it only affects your rates if they actually make a payout. No payout = no impact. Of, course I am not referring to a ticket or demerit points etc.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Damage was about 1k for a very minor bumper dent.
1K is probably about right. A friend of mine got rear-ended and the repair bill was about $1,200. He decided not to go through insurance, but when he told the other driver the amount, the other driver freaked out and said he's not paying. After weeks attempting to get $1,200 out of the guy, the other driver started threatening to sue him for harassment! They ended up going to court. Turns out the other guy didn't even have insurance. All told, he had to pay $8,000 in fines and compensation, included the $1,200 to my friend. When you hear nightmare stories like that, you can understand why some people simply want to go through insurance.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
1K is probably about right. A friend of mine got rear-ended and the repair bill was about $1,200. He decided not to go through insurance, but when he told the other driver the amount, the other driver freaked out and said he's not paying. After weeks attempting to get $1,200 out of the guy, the other driver started threatening to sue him for harassment! They ended up going to court. Turns out the other guy didn't even have insurance. All told, he had to pay $8,000 in fines and compensation, included the $1,200 to my friend. When you hear nightmare stories like that, you can understand why some people simply want to go through insurance.
I was rear-ended. Guy was going very slow. Minor dent, but I'm not going to take that hit on resale value. $1400+. Bumper's plastic so you can't bang it out. You pay to remove old bumper, retail of new bumper, install new bumped, repaint to blend and match the colour of the rest of the car since it's all faded. The guy elected to go through insurance.

I always report to my insurance right away just in case he calls his first with a different story and then I'm scrambling, but you can always cancel a claim. I was hit and run once, came back from vacation to a nice dent in my hood. Called insurance and they referred me to the police reporting center and an autobody shop for an estimate. The estimate came back less than $400 and I had a $1000 deductible. So I said I'd take care of it myself and the insurance company just removed the claim. That was over a decade ago. I've renewed, changed providers, changed provinces and providers, and it's never come back to bite me. It wasn't paid out, so they don't care even if it was initially reported. So the fact the the other driver called insurance doesn't mean you have to do insurance now... If he's still willing to, you can still do a cash deal.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
You realize how this thread title will get misread here right....

1- Noone knows
2- Usually
3- Nope
4- Noone knows


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta

You rear ended them, if you don't have a witness you are at fault. Ok no LE involved
Well thats an obvious
We here excuses all the time like "he slammed brakes on" but if he was not tailgating or not paying attention he would not have rear ended them regardless

Even common sense if he has adequate space between cars, if car ahead slams on brakes he certainly could do same

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Between $800 and $1500 is reasonable, depending on the vehicle. I wonder why they didn't ant to deal with you directly.
The answer is simple, the person who got rear-ended holds the hammer. SN,s policy paid the deductible on mechanical damages, his insurance will go up considerably.

Was anyone injured?

I sustained a major concussion and a separated shoulder, just because some Nimrod was too busy texting to pay attention to the road. You can bet that his policy will not be renewed once a settlement is reached. Mechanical damage was > $5000.00.


Aug 3, 2006
On the Edge
You rear ended them, if you don't have a witness you are at fault.
If you rear end someone, you are automatically at fault. Period. Witness to the accident is immaterial. You are expected to always be in control of your vehicle, and to keep a safe distance between you and any vehicles in front of you. You hit them from behind, for any reason (including they stopped short 'by surprise'), you are still considered guilty of careless driving. If a cop shows up on scene, he actually has no choice but to charge you and issue a ticket if the evidence of a significant rear end collision is clear. Significant is obviously at his discretion, but in 99% cases, the will issue and let you fight it.


Jan 31, 2005
The prosecutor would likely let you plea bargain down to following too closely, a more minor infraction, the question is whether you could fight it and win completely, but it sounds like that will be tough.

However... As of now you are not charged, right? No charge, no loss of insurance. Only the police can charge you. At this point who says the other car wasn't backing up?


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Did you take your car to the collision reporting center? Have you contacted your insurance company?

If any vehicle has sustained damage of over $1000, the collision must be reported within 24 hours. This should be done at the collision reporting centre nearest to the site of the car accident.

Insurance companies don't look at you favourably when you don't follow the rules.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
what kind of car was it that you hit?
very surprised anyone nowadays would rather go through insurance for a 1K damage
Yeah of course
I reported someone for like minor damage ($300ish) before
If other driver is at fault, report, they get ticket, you get compensation & they get punished

There is no deductible even when other driver at fault & gets ticket


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
Pointts are fuck-ups who grab your money, based on experiences with a relative of mine who had to deal with them.
I was going 155 on the 401, about 4 months before 150+ was an automatic whatever they do now.. Went to Pointts (X-Copper I think actually,m but same shit), because I didn't want to spend the time and wasn't going to cambridge to deal with this nonsense. Very well could have been luck and nothing else, but it got thrown out. no ticket, no points, no problem. It was like $300 and worth every penny.


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
Yeah of course
I reported someone for like minor damage ($300ish) before
If other driver is at fault, report, they get ticket, you get compensation & they get punished

There is no deductible even when other driver at fault & gets ticket
I think that may actually vary by insurance company. I do know that I was once rear ended, bad, by a drunk asshole with no insurance. I didn't have to pay a deductible and I think they ended up suing him.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I was going 155 on the 401, about 4 months before 150+ was an automatic whatever they do now.. Went to Pointts (X-Copper I think actually,m but same shit), because I didn't want to spend the time and wasn't going to cambridge to deal with this nonsense. Very well could have been luck and nothing else, but it got thrown out. no ticket, no points, no problem. It was like $300 and worth every penny.
I call BS. The "lose your licence for 50 km/h over" came into effect almost 7 years ago. It's possible he just wrote you up for 55 over but I doubt it. They love taking away your licence and impounding vehicles for a week.


Apr 11, 2002

Get this in writing from your insurer, It really doesn't work that way.

1 - You will be dropped if you have the other claims & convictions you have put you over a threshold.
2 - Demerits will depend on the charge and aren't that relevant to your insurer.
3 - If you've paid for the "accident forgiveness" endorsement and this is your first at-fault claim, your premium should not be impacted by the accident
4 - Otherwise, expect a 15-20% or more jump.

Note that 2 at-fault accidents with a 5-6 yr period puts you on the shitlist. and you can expect a tripling of your premium as you are sent to high-risk insurers.

Good luck

That is how my insurance co. explained it to me. Even if the accident is reported to them (or the other insurance co.) it only affects your rates if they actually make a payout. No payout = no impact. Of, course I am not referring to a ticket or demerit points etc.


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
I call BS. The "lose your licence for 50 km/h over" came into effect almost 7 years ago. It's possible he just wrote you up for 55 over but I doubt it. They love taking away your licence and impounding vehicles for a week.
I call go fuck yourself and why would I bother making that up. FYI it was spring 2008, which I know because i was heading back from St. Thomas and it was work related. Only ever been there once.


Active member
Mar 20, 2005
Hey , Jessica, same story here , for years I've dealt with the same independent person , and they always get me out of a jamb !


New member
Mar 13, 2005
I was going 155 on the 401, about 4 months before 150+ was an automatic whatever they do now.. Went to Pointts (X-Copper I think actually,m but same shit), because I didn't want to spend the time and wasn't going to cambridge to deal with this nonsense. Very well could have been luck and nothing else, but it got thrown out. no ticket, no points, no problem. It was like $300 and worth every penny.
I agree I have had great success with Xcopper ticket services.


Jan 31, 2005
I agree I have had great success with Xcopper ticket services.
What have you used them for? I tend to see those places as time savers, they go to fight minor tickets for you so you don't have to take time off work. For minor stuff, it is worth it.

But the OP is talking about a potential careless driving charge. If he really gets a careless driving charge on his record he is done. It is one step below a DUI from an insurance point of view, his insurance could go to thousands of dollars a month.

Now, he hasn't been charged, only the police can lay a charge, it is just haggling over who pays and so far no need for any of those services.

But if he actually did get a careless charge it is not just a minor infraction, it is as bad as they can give without going to the criminal code. Would you still use these paralegals?
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