Russia invades Ukraine


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Obviously you were in the presence of military genius. :frusty:
Exactly- I get tired of listening to some safe, never served or fought in combat guy who has watched to many war movies jaw on about what others should do based on his world of war craft battle experience


Aug 6, 2006
I can't seem to recall - Who were the 2 countries that started the WW II with their invasion of Poland? Does anyone remember? Help me out.....
England, by declaring war on Germany and dragging the whole world into a bloody war.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
I don't know about the weather in Russia or China, but it is just a matter of time. There will be another war.

What would I have the world do? First, I would have it give you some grammar lessons. After that, I could really care less what happens in Ukraine.
Ok Ok so my grammars not the need to point it out..
Another war, I hope not or we are all dead.
And I still believe there are people with enough intelligence to know this..


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The newly appointed head of Ukraine's navy has sworn allegiance to the Crimea region, in the presence of its unrecognised pro-Russian leader.

Rear Admiral Denis Berezovsky was only made head of the navy on Saturday, as the government in Kiev reacted to the threat of Russian invasion.

Russia's troops have been consolidating their hold on Crimea, which is home to its Black Sea Fleet.

Admiral Berezovsky appeared before cameras alongside Sergiy Aksyonov, the pro-Russian politician elected by Crimea's regional parliament as local prime minister.

Mr Aksyonov announced he had given orders to Ukrainian naval forces on the peninsula to disregard any orders from the "self-proclaimed" authorities in Kiev.

Sunday, he said, would go down in history as the birthday of the "navy of the autonomous republic of Crimea".

The admiral then pledged to "strictly obey the orders of the supreme commander of the autonomous republic of Crimea" and "defend the lives and freedom" of Crimea's people.
Pretty good career move. If Ukraine splits, then the Western part may well have no coastline and no navy. And Berezovsky is a Russian name. Looks like he's cast his lot.


Aug 6, 2006
Churchill's spirit lives on:

from cnn:

Graham, who sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said there needs to be more than threats coming from the White House, and called President Barack Obama “weak and indecisive” on matters of foreign policy.

"No. 1, stop going on television and trying to threaten thugs and dictators - it is not your strong suit. Every time the President goes on national television and threatens Putin or someone like Putin, everybody’s eyes roll, including mine,” Graham said.

"How about this: Suspend Russian membership in the G8 and the G20, at least for a year, starting right now. And for every day they stay in the Crimea, add to the suspension. Do something,” he added.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Churchill's spirit lives on:
Yup, suspending the G8 and G20 membership will scare the hell out of Putin. Looks like the Senator has the measure of the situation true enough.


Aug 6, 2006
yup, suspending the g8 and g20 membership will scare the hell out of putin. Looks like the senator has the measure of the situation true enough.

I trust Obama on this one, he's cool.



New member
Jan 19, 2006
How about revoking work visas for Russian hockey players?
Which would probably hit U.S. Hockey fans more than it would the Russian economy.

Frankly if the President means what he says about serious consequences he should immediately approve the Keystone XL pipeline, the more crude oil is available the lower the price per barrel, and since the Russian Economy floats upon a high price for crude oil. . . .


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Which would probably hit U.S. Hockey fans more than it would the Russian economy.

Frankly if the President means what he says about serious consequences he should immediately approve the Keystone XL pipeline, the more crude oil is available the lower the price per barrel, and since the Russian Economy floats upon a high price for crude oil. . . .


Aug 6, 2006
Frankly if the President means what he says about serious consequences he should immediately approve the Keystone XL pipeline, the more crude oil is available the lower the price per barrel, and since the Russian Economy floats upon a high price for crude oil. . . .
then he'll find new enemies inside the USA who will bitch about the pipeline and the risk it poses to the environment. No wonder he's delaying the pipeline decision for so long.

which one is more important?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
then he'll find new enemies inside the USA who will bitch about the pipeline and the risk it poses to the environment. No wonder he's delaying the pipeline decision for so long.

which one is more important?
Which goes to his foreign policy - blowhard.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Who was doing that? You are setting up a straw man. Supporting peaceful democratic reforms is not plotting to overthrow the government.
Peaceful democratic reforms? You must be kidding, of course. Using Peaceful Molotov cocktails and Peacefully threatening to storm parliament using Peaceful neo-Nazis and hard line nationalist nut cases?

Nuland was directing the US ambassador to get who she wanted to run Ukraine. Nuland admitted recently in a speech that the US had spent 5 Billion dollars since 1992 to influence 'democracy' in the Ukraine. Paying off agitators, corrupt officials and brainwashing naïve people through paid off NGO's and social media into causing an uprising IS plotting to overthrow a government, and an fairly elected government at that. Typical CIA involvement. Like they did in Ecuador in the '60's, Iran in 1954, Vietnam in 1962, Chile in the '70's and most of the banana republics in Central America. Of course, they just use brute force against small countries nowadays, like Grenada, Panama, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Get a hold of the still banned in-the-US 'CIA Diaries', written by the defector Philip Agee. He shows how it's all done.

The problem now, is that 20,000 people demonstrating might look impressive as seen through the nightly news, but was not democratic. The Eastern and Southern residents of Ukraine never supported this uprising and coup, and now they are showing their resistance. The Ukrainian government can't mount an offensive against secessionist regions if half of their commanders defect and half of the soldiers refuse to fight.

The US/EU miscalculated badly if they thought that the Russians would be forced to abandon their bases in Crimea simply by changing the government. Putin doesn't care if Russia is barred from the G8 or whatever. The strategic importance of a non-NATO Ukraine and the Black Sea Fleet staying in Sevastopol is far more important to him. Meanwhile, because of foreign meddling, Ukraine is in more desperate economic trouble than ever before. If the IMF ever get involved, it will mean an unprecedented period of austerity, much worse than Greece, the likes nobody has seen before.


Active member
Jan 20, 2004
Well I'm a gluten for punishment but here goes.
Anyone ever read Der Spiegel or talk to German tourists who come to Canada. Incredibly progressive people at the current time. And they were before ww2 as well when the capitalist corporations (Ford gm chase Manhattan bank IBM standard oil etc) of the world put Hitler in power to combat the communists in Russia and Roosevelt in America.
Dare I say..... It's time for Germany to re arm and assume there role in Europe as a force for progress and keep forces like the Russians under check. Germany is a country that provides its citizens with health care including dental free university government by PRPORTIONAL representation. They keep a much better check on corporations than the US does.
OK. Boys. Flame me out now! Cause I'm dead serious.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
the capitalist corporations (Ford gm chase Manhattan bank IBM standard oil etc) of the world put Hitler in power to combat the communists in Russia and Roosevelt in America.
Wow, that's certainly a previously unknown school of early twentieth century history!


Resu Deretsiger
Oct 14, 2012
If the world (US & EU) stands by and does nothing, which is exactly what it will do... look at the precedent that this will set for China, which has its eyes on Taiwan, disputed islands with Japan and Philippines
That can of worms was opened long time ago. Balkans is a great example. Remember 2008? Kosovo?


Resu Deretsiger
Oct 14, 2012
Which would probably hit U.S. Hockey fans more than it would the Russian economy.

Frankly if the President means what he says about serious consequences he should immediately approve the Keystone XL pipeline, the more crude oil is available the lower the price per barrel, and since the Russian Economy floats upon a high price for crude oil. . . .
Trying to mess with the supply on the markets can work both ways, and if anything it will hurt both sides and bring us even closer to the brink...


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2004
Dare I say..... It's time for Germany to re arm and assume there role in Europe as a force for progress and keep forces like the Russians under check...
Yeah, Europe cannot rely on the US umbrella forever and will have to pull their own weight. Sooner or later the US could turn back to its isolationist past, while Europe would still have to deal with a nation that has known nothing but totalitarianism under tsars, communism and now an 'elected' ex-KGB officer masquerading as a democrat while jailing or assassinating opposition figures and journalists.
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