Royal Spa

Toronto Maple Leafs 2013/14 Season


Active member
Sep 23, 2010

"Well, okay, Carlyle says. But if we continue to get outshot every night (37-14 by the Minnesota Wild in last Tuesday’s 4-1 win), that great start will soon turn into a nightmare beginning with Thursday’s game against the Carolina Hurricanes. Only the play of goaltenders Jonathan Bernier and James Reimer has separated 6-1 from 1-6."
Somehow I got a feeling I heard this song many times before...was it last season :D.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Tonight, they lose and it was brutal. It was bizarre too. More bizarre than brutal.

Guess the bounces - bounced the other way tonight.

On that first goal against, a cheap penalty that probably was not a penalty, shit, they do worst to Kadri and they don't call it, a drifting point shot with no one in front and a deflection off Bolland's stick. Then the tying goal bounces right off Gunarrson right on to the stick of Stall right in the slot. Then the third goal against. All I can think of is Bernie tried to do his best Johnathan Quick impersonation.

This hybrid icing rule stinks. Let them play!

On the positive side. The Leafs had another team on the ropes, but a string of flukey bounces cost them the game, along will loose defensive play. Tonight, it really was more about bad bounces than anything else. Carolina had a few good chances. They did not score on any of them, but score like that. Then Kadri hits the post with the goalie out.

Lupul, may be your best forward. The way he is playing, and the points he is putting up, that's may be just as good as Mats Sundin did for the Leafs.

Morgan Riley is improving every single game. Every game he is better than the last one. When Don Cherry said, they had to keep the kid up here, I thought he was dead wrong. A few games later, the coach is right.

What the Leafs need is a couple of depth players, and by that I think they need a couple of grinders with speed, who can forecheck. Do the recent call ups from the farm fit the bill. Maybe.

Well, the Leafs won't win every game, but they have had leads in every single game they have played except one. Playing time with a lead probably correlates more to winning than shots on goal.

Lets see what the next game brings. The Leafs should be pissed that they let one slip away.



Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008


Active member
Sep 23, 2010
Weird game. First minute of the game and then last few minutes... One is the collision Leaf-Leaf that took out Rheimer, then the winning "goal".

Serve the Leafs notice, waking them up from this unreal "top of the league"... now come the real test on Sat. We will see how the team "tighten up" and play against one of the best team. BTW, it was game 8, so 2 more to go when we see Clarkson in action.

Can't wait!

Go Leafs Go!


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Reimer hopefully has nothing residual from last night and will be good for Sat, as will JVR be ready to play Saturday.
Any word on Reimer today?

What do your insider connections tell you?;)


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
Any word on Reimer today?

What do your insider connections tell you?;)
Reimer was at practice today, shared a net with a University of Toronto goaltender, Michael Nishi.

JVR also practiced with the club today.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Keeping my fingers crossed for Reimer. He's got a long history with head injuries.

Even if he feels fine I would still sit him for a week just to make sure.

With their soft defence goal tending will be critical for the Buds this year.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
You're mocking me....lmao.

Honestly, as far as Reimer, I've heard nothing more then RC saying it was a headache in the post game interview last night. I'm hoping so, but with his history a bump can mean a couple weeks.
..and ty for the chuckle. While Habs fans here are much too serious, the Sens fans do have a good sense of humor.

I'm pretty sure shack is a Leafs fan....

I think you have him confused with the Oracle who is the Sens Fan...


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Oracle for sure I remember as being a Sens fans. But everyone else is so divided between Leafs, Sens and Habs that I tend to forget.

This may help you remember (at least in shack's case)

shack may have taken his name from one of the Maple Leafs more colourful players from its past "Eddie Shack".....
Last edited:


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
This his may help you remember (at least in shack's case)

shack may have taken his name from one of the Maple Leafs more colourful players from its past "Eddie Shack".....
My birthday is on the 23rd. Coincidence? I'll let you decide.

BTW, did you film that girl dancing before or after you fucked her?

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Oracle for sure I remember as being a Sens fans. But everyone else is so divided between Leafs, Sens and Habs that I tend to forget.
For the record your gorgeousness.

I lived in our nations capital for 20 years and at that time the only pro hockey we saw was the Ottawa Nationals of the old WHA and the Ottawa Civics who only played two games in that same league.

Therefore most of my friends were either Leaf fans or Hab fans.

Being as my father and grandfather were diehard Habs fan so was I.

My friends and I used to take the bus down to watch the games at the old Forum as much we could.

And of course we would attend the annual Stanley cup parade every year,lol.

Never hated the Leafs. How could you really, they never won much in those days.

Now the Bruins....Despised them with a passion.

When the incarnation of the Sens came down the pipe they were so bad that I followed them just to watch Bruce Firestone et al. and the seasonal train wreck.

Now I'm torn between the Sens and the Habs but am leaning towards the Sens. Would like to see the Leafs succeed just to keep their loyal fan base happy.

Bottom line is that I'm a fan who just loves the game period.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
BTW, did you film that girl dancing before or after you fucked her?

I wish I knew this girl....

I would fuck her so hard and so much that my dick would fall off from overuse.....


Active member
Sep 23, 2010
Never hated the Leafs. How could you really, they never won much in those days.

Now the Bruins....Despised them with a passion.
Wow, I admire your candor :clap2:

Hating another team for being a winner? That's some kind of sport fan to the extreme.

While identifying ourselves as a fan for our local team, we are riding the emotional roller coaster with them, enjoy the wins and hate it when they lose... it gives us an attachment to something wonderful. But then when it goes to the extreme of forgetting the real sport and sportsmanship of any game, we lose the meaning of being a real sport fan but reducing ourselves to hooligans or hooligan-in-mind :Eek:.

If we can have attachment to a team, AND at the same time being able to appreciate the good sport, good players, good teams... then we can be called a true fan, not just either Leafs fan or Habs fan, Sens fan...

Gretzky , Bure, Chara, Kessle... and many more are wonderful players to watch and admire NO MATTER WHICH TEAM they play for.

I am a hockey fan first and a Leafs fan second. I don't hate other teams, just wishing Leafs go far and deep for my beloved Toronto. I guess, I don't have the kind of passion which drives people to smash car and store windows, burning and destroying properties, hurting other people...when "their team" are beaten.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I don't hate other teams,
Same here. I only hope for certain teams to lose very game and also hope they do really bad as individual players while on those teams and only get minor injuries, nothing serious.:eyebrows:
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