Attack on Syria is it justified ?


Dec 25, 2012
Just had lunch with some Arab friends who have relatives in and around Syria. The relatives all claim that it was Al Qaeda who sent the nerve gas to kill the civilians not Assad. Has there been any definitive proof yet as to who sent the missiles? I think the US needs to wait for the UN to complete their investigation before taking any action. No matter what, it's a no-win situation for Obama. But then again, he is not in power to win a popularity contest, he's there to do what us right for the country and to protect it. My nickles worth.
Perception is everything. Best case for America, Can you imagine the propoganda that comes out of Syria ? they'll have ginned up videos, photos all over Al Jazeera oand other media. Worst case? Assad actually puts children and women on the critical target list sights and the US smart bombs kill a bunch of them?

We have to stop thinking rationally and think like Assad thinks. He is capable of anything! He doesnt follow convention or rules of engagement so if you aren't willing to build up a coalition to take him out, then what the fuck are you doing??

And if the REAL problem is Iran pursuing the bomb, well then do something about THAT.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Popcorn is ready here and fridge is full of some good Lager
Ha ha...I might have to stock up myself :D

What would limited US strike against Syria look like?

I'm beginning to think this is a really bad idea (for the Americans). Maybe its time they got their arrogant asses spanked. They're gonna have to learn they cant just waltz into any country and start killing people, no matter how well their intentions are


Aug 6, 2006
Just read that the French secret service is claiming that the number of victims is much lower than what the US claimed.

No more than 300 victims.

Somebody has a big nose.....

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Just read that the French secret service is claiming that the number of victims is much lower than what the US claimed.

No more than 300 victims.

Somebody has a big nose.....
Right, so 100,000 people have died last 2 years in this civil war. Now 300 people die in some chemical attack, and suddenly the US feels the need to go in.

Makes no sense to me


Aug 30, 2004
We must think strategically. You don't bomb or nuke or attack to punish! You only do it to achieve an objective which diplomacy has failed to achieve. If there is no objective then you wait. Destabilizing Syria only plays into the hands of the extremists who want chaos. I hate to admit it but the Russians might be right here. After so many lessons we should have learned that it is much easier to get into a conflict in the Middle East than to get out. I am with Stockwell Day. Why is it that the Arabs want to kill each other so badly and we have to go in militarily to what? As soon as we get there we are the problem and ....on it goes.

I remember buying in to the story that the Shah of ran was the problem and the Ayatollah was this godly man who looked like Moses and would sort it all out. No one checked out what he was actually saying. Iran is a worse mess than ever.................a failed state and slipping back into the middle ages.

As a human and a Christian I am ashamed to see hat is happening in Syria in the 21st Century and we are powerless to stop it. But after Iraq and Afghanistan and how many other theatres, I just don't think we have a military solution available to us.


Sep 2, 2004
Another thing I dont understand is whats difference between dying from a regular bomb or a chemical bomb. I realize chemical weapons are illegal under Geneva Act, and also chemwarfare can cause more grotesque deaths and injuries. But at the end of the day so can conventional weapons, so what does it matter if you die from a regular bomb or a chemical bomb?! Either way you're dead.

Sorry if that sounds cold and heartless
Because chemical weapons is the great equalizer that takes the edge away of the advanced Western military. The West doesn't give a shit about dying people and the grotesque affects of chemical weapons. It is just a ruse as a moral argument and manipulation towards justifying the attack of someone if it will suit their needs. Remember Saddam used a heavy load amount of Sarin towards the Iranians during the Iraq-Iran War in the 80s. The U.S. supplied the tech and materials for the Sarin gas. They even used their satellites tech to track Iranian forces movement so the data is given to Saddam so he can deplore his chemical weapons. The U.S. and the West doesn't give a shit and will probably encourage such action if it suits their goals.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
. The U.S. and the West doesn't give a shit and will probably encourage such action if it suits their goals.

Generally it seems that an attack on a foreign country is justified if US can do it with impunity and make money on it. For every dying child there is a weapon manufacturer laughing all the way to the bank.


Sep 2, 2004
Oh and where and how did the U.S. obtain the tech to develop Sarin gas? They stole it from Germany at the end of WWII with Project Paperclip! At the end of WWII the U.S. secretly issued passports to Nazi scientists for them to immigrate to the U.S and erased their criminal records. And that is just Sarin gas because there is other Nazi tech the U.S. is able to obtain. Guess why the U.S. was so successful in developing the F-4 towards the F-18. Or such quick advancement in rocket tech in the 50s/60s where we can land on the moon? That is right the U.S. stole Nazi tech. But.... that is another whole new thread.

Back to Syria.


Sep 2, 2004
One thing this cant be about is oil. Syria are only sitting #32 in the world:
Well it is about oil but not the way you may think. The U.S. and the West is trying to stir all this shit in the Mid East not because of freedom and democracy. It is trying to mess with China by messing with the oil tap in the Mid-East. By turning on and off the Mid East oil tap, it is trying to disrupt China's global ascension. Honestly I much prefer China being ruled by the KMT/Taiwan as opposed to this Communist crap. By 2020 as so stated the U.S. might totally ween off Mid East Oil. If that is the case all countries including China that depend on Mid East oil better find some other energy source to their growth because without the U.S. as the world police there is going to be some major shit hitting the fan in the future.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Another thing I dont understand is whats difference between dying from a regular bomb or a chemical bomb. I realize chemical weapons are illegal under Geneva Act, and also chemwarfare can cause more grotesque deaths and injuries. But at the end of the day so can conventional weapons, so what does it matter if you die from a regular bomb or a chemical bomb?! Either way you're dead.

Sorry if that sounds cold and heartless
Perhaps not surprising that here on TERB the entire concept of Just War and the obligation to attempt to eliminate civilian casualties and collateral damage should be given short shrift. Now of course Lord help us when a NATO military causes any civilian casualties or collateral damage.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Oh and where and how did the U.S. obtain the tech to develop Sarin gas? They stole it from Germany at the end of WWII. . . .
Have you done any study on almost all Soviet military and high tech projects after World War II?

Remember those nice pre-war blown glass German Christmas Tree ornaments - frequently birds, that have fairly recently reappeared since German reunification. Guess where all the folks from that part of German were for a number of years after the war, and even after they were repatriated to East where the entire output of the village went - and it wasn't due to a sudden Soviet love of the German Christmas Tree tradition.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
What is truly sad here is the number of posts on the theme of you can never trust the government or military or intelligence services. Rather than on whether intervention is wise, potential unexpected consequences, what can be done to prevent genocide etc. . . .


Jan 31, 2005
What is truly sad here is the number of posts on the theme of you can never trust the government or military or intelligence services.
While that is true...

Which president would you blame for people having come to mistrust the US government?
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