Man with knife on streetcar at Dundas and Grace, shot by police


New member
Jan 22, 2004
Sunnyvale Trailerpark
In ontario, unless criminal charges have been laid, no police force can suspend an officer without pay pending an SIU investigation.

In fact Chief Blair has been vocal(anlong the several other chiefs) in his opposition to this. Ontario is the only province like this. They don't like for this very reason. That I t makes them look bad. Them and the force.

Blair is a good chief. If you're going to trash him, at least do it without writing falsehoods.

I never mentioned the part about him being paid while suspended...I know thats out of Blair's hands. I said that Blair has had enough of this type of thuggery from his staff...what falsehood did I write anyways?


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
It really isn't that clear. There were several officers who did not have their guns drawn and look pretty relaxed but are presumably facing the same risk.
There were several videos from different angles. Of the ones I've seen, there were 2 officers with guns drawn at the front door, and another came around to the back door.

What explains the discrepancy? Why do they apparently feel safe enough to have their guns holstered while the shooter had not only drawn but actually fired?
I would not presume to be able to comment on the tactical practices of the TO police force, but I'm guessing the others in attendance would have thought the ones that DID have guns drawn, had tactical advantage, so there was no need for them to draw their weapon.

You can also see other cops physically pull the shooter back afterwards. Is that because they think he is a hothead who is going to continue shooting?
Perhaps. Or maybe he was suffering from some sort of post traumatic disorder, (having just shot and mortally wounded another human being), and wasn't aware of his actions... I'm sure we'll find out... eventually.

These are questions that the ex cop linked above asked on seeing the video.
At least there IS a video! :p:D


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
I thought that a cop is on paid leave after every shooting regardless.

There are so many factors at play when an officer has to draw their weapon AND actually fire it. There would be investigations, but I would want the officers that protect me to be granted some time off to deal with the emotional aspects of it. From the reason why they felt the need to draw and shoot to the feelings of having seriously injured or killed someone. Even a justified shooting comes with emotional baggage that should be resolved and have completely closure to before sending that officer back out on the streets.


New member
Jan 22, 2004
Sunnyvale Trailerpark
McCormick is simply marking his territory and protecting his TPA members, little more. You mentioned the suspension, but didn't mention it was a paid suspension. As said before, the paid suspension is the quickest way to get the officer out of the line of fire from all sides and almost eliminate any chance of accusations of interference.

What is Blair's motive with this immediate suspension? Is it to prevent riots? Is it a PR move, throwing one cop under the bus to save face for the rest?


Jun 6, 2009
Anyways, I was wondering why any of the other officers didn't try to stop JF or at least tell him that the suspect is down (after the first three shots) and to lower his weapon.
It quite possible that most of the officers could see that SY was neutralized except the feew who could see him through the front doorway, down doesn't mean out. The new video from a store front camera shows clearly SY was still moving even though he was down on the floor. It also shows the crowd on the s/c running for their lives and SY calmly walking towards the front. As I understand it, he did not die on site, but later.


Jun 6, 2009
What is Blair's motive with this immediate suspension? Is it to prevent riots? Is it a PR move, throwing one cop under the bus to save face for the rest?
I've stated the 'supposed' motive twice and so have others. Read more slowly. The cop is in no way being thrown under the bus.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
I am confident that after "all" the information is released, the SIU will clear the officer. The officer likely knew he would be cleared as all of the conditions for him to be able to act as he did will be shown to have been present. If public pressure is great enough then Canadian LE protocol for this type of incident may be likely reviewed. The graphic nature of the video is causing Toronto Police to go into damage control mode and had there been no video, then this would have been a single day news story.


Jun 6, 2009
I am confident that after "all" the information is released, the SIU will clear the officer. The officer likely knew he would be cleared as all of the conditions for him to be able to act as he did will be shown to have been present. If public pressure is great enough then Canadian LE protocol for this type of incident may be likely reviewed. The graphic nature of the video is causing Toronto Police to go into damage control mode and had there been no video, then this would have been a single day news story.
Something tells me this was the last thing that was going through the officers mind immediately after the shooting. A hundred possible thoughts, but not this one. There are very few members on TERB who have actually taken a humans life and they may or may not comment on this point.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I never mentioned the part about him being paid while suspended...I know thats out of Blair's hands. I said that Blair has had enough of this type of thuggery from his staff...what falsehood did I write anyways?
Sorry. Misread the quote.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
As for is it a PR move? Yes it is. And it also falls under his job description to do something like this. PR goes with the job. He has the entire force to think about. It will take heat off of the rest of the officers and hopefully cool down the situation in the publics eye.

I believe it was the right choice on many levels.


Jan 31, 2005
Sure. A dead police officer.
Who? Can you cite the specific case where an officer in Toronto exchanged gunfire with criminals without waiting for backup?

In every case I am aware of where police resorted to using their firearms there were multiple officers on the scene.


Active member
May 7, 2013
To lazy to read all the posts here or all news from the media: Has it determined how many shots hit him? I know 9 shots were fired. Just wonder were there any warning shots?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I agree. But since it only takes one cop "with issues" to kill perhaps we need to reconsider the policy of allowing regular duty officers to carry side arms.

Perhaps only senior officers should carry a gun, to weed out the ones "with issues".
Seriously? A guy who is against greater gun control saying cops shouldn't be armed?

Possum Trot

New member
Dec 7, 2009
What we don't know is when the cops found out about the exposure. There is so much not known, out side the short video by a citizen reporter, yet the usual herd of gnus has the cops hung drawn and quartered.
LMAO. Lack of ego was never one of your problems was it?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I don't think the issue is the first three shots the officer took. SY was not cooperating and was moving forward with a weapon. It appears the first three shots incapacitated him and he appeared to be no longer a threat. The next six shots are completely unnecessary and are an example of excessive force.

And you should complain to the mods that someone dares use the internet for off topic posts.


Jan 31, 2005
Seriously? A guy who is against greater gun control saying cops shouldn't be armed?
I said duty officers shouldn't carry. Senior officers should. That is different than saying that they should not be armed.

I also don't recall ever supporting civilian concealed carry. I support private ownership of firearms for target shooting and hunting.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
So, in other words, perp still had the knife and was still a danger. Bang. Bang. Bang.

You're an idiot. HE'S ON THE GROUND. What if he's holding onto the knife cuz he's paralyzed from the 3 shots? Listen you Mr. Trigger Happy, the guy posed NO threat while on the ground. The OTHER cops looked like they were holding the killer cop down a couple of instances. I think he freaked out at the kid because he couldn't keep his cool. Unprofessional. This cop shouldn't get a medal but a murder charge it seems.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Can you do us all a favour and put all your knives away?
No leave him alone. To him, it's okay for cops to shoot people dead just for holding a knife when they otherwise are not attacking you with them.
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