Man with knife on streetcar at Dundas and Grace, shot by police


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I imagine that bullets can still penetrate the sheet metal and windows of a steetcar as well as the variety of other materials inside like the poles. So aiming for anything else other than centre mass would be risky. I also believe that police and military are trained to take multiple shots to the centre mass to make sure the target goes down.

Another thing to keep in mind is that only one officer could have been inside the doorway at the time and had a clear view of the suspect. The others could not have taken shots because their view would be obscured by the officer in the doorway or by the streetcar itself. Even if an officer entered the street car from the rear doors, he likely could not take a shot for fear of hitting his fellow officer at the front or the bullet missing and going through the window or the skin of the streetcar.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
more details

“If you take one step in this direction with that foot …[inaudible] die,” a male police officer appears to tell the teenager. Five seconds later the first three shots ring out.

Incredible footage.

It seems that even after the 3 shots and when Sammy was down, I thought I heard the cop yell at the kid to drop the knife, then he shoots him 6 more times to make sure he can't use it. This cop definitely panicked. Those six shots were unwarranted IMHO. The kid may have been paralyzed while he was still clutching the knife. The kid didn't help the situation earlier either. He was almost taunting the cop and didn't look like he was going to back down.


Apr 21, 2013
I just love it that the bleeding hearts (on and off this forum) have painted the cops a group of gun slinging thugs, opening fire at poor innocents on their way to Sunday school and Choir practice.:rolleyes::hand:

The cops job is to serve and protect.

The way I see it, a knife wielding lunatic was prevented from harming anyone.

WTF was this guy on the streetcar with a lethal weapon to begin with? :Eek::confused:

Lets not condemn the cop for doing his job, until all the facts are in.
The video footage and audio recording is pretty damning evidence against the officer...


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Let's recap what happened here
1. Crazy man wields a knife on a public transit vehicle presenting an extremely dangerous situation for any member of the public
2. The police arrive
3. Crazy man is no longer a threat to anyone's safety

Hopefully it is incentive for those stupid enough to carry a weapon to re-evaluate the need for it.

For the bleeding-heart liberals who have immediately jumped to the premature conclusion the Police acted with excessive force:
a) The TTC is now that much safer for you and your family to use
b) The incident will be properly investigated. The police take discharging their weapons very seriously.

Hopefully you will never really need a policeman, however you are protected from violence everyday by their presence on our streets

This should be where the conversation ends, but unfortunately, it is not. The police cannot release their side of the story before trial, but
in the mean time, all you will hear are all the Anarchist and police haters lining up to lynch the police.

Having said that.. the guy had a knife and no hostages, 3 shots were discharged, then a pause then another 6 shots. I think that someone

Finally, while all the bleeding hearts are jumping on the sentence above, you might want to also google Richard Kachkar for a reference of how serious this incident could have been.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Can somebody please tell me why the streetcar CCTV video camera footage of the incident wont be released??

Because thats so wrong on so many levels

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
There's new video out btw. Suspect does appear to take a step towards the cops:



Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Which means he will be confined in a max security nut house indefinitely, instead of prison. The law has ALWAYS been that those who are totally, delusionally psychotic are not found guilty, but rather are hospitalized. It goes back to the old days when murderers were hanged and the judges balked at hanging a person who was so mentally ill that he could not have realized what he had done.
This means that the law has been failing for years. We now have alot more information about mental illnesses, and there are "cures" that will allow
a "delusional psychotic" to be out in a few years. The guy who beheaded someone on a bus is a good example. Apparently, this guy is ready to be released with a clean bill of health, "if he stays on his medication" he is no threat.

I think we need some sort of accountability. Sure, if you are "delusionally psychotic" you should get treatment, but that should not
in any way make you "not responsible". If someone was killed by your actions, then you are responsible, and you should be punished after you have received treatment for your illness. This is an example of our system protecting the rights of the criminals (or in this case non-criminals) rather than the victims.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
If someone was killed by your actions, then you are responsible, and you should be punished after you have received treatment for your illness. This is an example of our system protecting the rights of the criminals (or in this case non-criminals) rather than the victims.
if a bus driver has a heart attack which he survives but some passengers don't, should he be punished after he is back on his feet?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
This should be where the conversation ends, but unfortunately, it is not. The police cannot release their side of the story before trial, but
in the mean time, all you will hear are all the Anarchist and police haters lining up to lynch the police.

Having said that.. the guy had a knife and no hostages, 3 shots were discharged, then a pause then another 6 shots. I think that someone

Finally, while all the bleeding hearts are jumping on the sentence above, you might want to also google Richard Kachkar for a reference of how serious this incident could have been.

Panicked is the word that I used too after watching the video. Definitely. Would the kid have survived the 3 initial shots? Only God knows but if they were to his chest, probably not. An autopsy might confirm that.


Aug 6, 2006
Did Yakim have any drug abuse problem?

I think he wanted to commit suicide, and chose the Toronto police for the job.

This way he doesn't go to hell or purgatory, faith reserved for a suicidal.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Can somebody please tell me why the streetcar CCTV video camera footage of the incident wont be released??

Because thats so wrong on so many levels
It's TTC policy not to release camera footage to the public. That would be a breach of privacy if they did. The family also has a right not to have it released. They can only release the video to law enforcement or the SIU, which they already did.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
The video footage and audio recording is pretty damning evidence against the officer...
Indeed it is. Yakim is shot three times, laying on the floor of the streetcar now, only his legs are visible above the steps and his body now crumpled in a bloody incapacitated and unthreatening heap, yet 6 more shot are fired into his dying body.

The video is quite clear that he no longer was a threat so why was he continually pumped with bullets? Was he still running off his mouth at the cops?

Utter disbelief at the actions of the police. A total suspension of reality for those who appear to support those actions.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
Come on His leg is below the level of windows. I know it's not a video game. I know a side arm does not have a laser scope, etc. but one would think that a second copper could just take his time to aim for the guy's thigh. (That could kill him too if he severs an artery and bleeds to death).
This isn't a Walking Dead GI Joe shooter game ....


Jan 31, 2005
One guy points and shoots at his leg while the other has him in his sights too.
If it is safe enough to do that then there shouldn't be any shooting at all. If there is time to try creative things wait for someone to get tazer, or talk him out of it.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008

Could be. At least we get another loser-leeching punk off the streets.

Who knows how many lives the police save that day (and in the future).
The kid was 18. At that age many kids are "leeches" and many young men who are troubled at that age manage to turn their lives around. This kids deserved a chance, maybe he was just having a bad day. Which one of us did not do stupid shit when we were that age. RIP Sammy, you deserved a chance. I hope your death will change things and will not be in vain.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
If it is safe enough to do that then there shouldn't be any shooting at all. If there is time to try creative things wait for someone to get tazer, or talk him out of it.
Always try to avoid shooting yes, but if you had to shoot and the subject is still but armed or unapproachable or tenacious, then try to wound him instead of killing.
Toronto Escorts