Man with knife on streetcar at Dundas and Grace, shot by police

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Does anyone know if it was just one cop who did all the shooting, or was there more then one cop who fired those 9 shots??


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
You've been watching too many Hollywood movies I think. This situation reminds me of a Flashpoint episode (they need to bring that show back) that dealt with this exact subject.

I'd like to know the criminal history of the man in question and what exactly happened i.e. how did the police get involved if the streetcar was empty? Did the man threaten the driver with the knife or someone outside the streetcar? Lots of questions that the SIU will investigate.

I believe dreamblade is right in that once the cops exhaust all other options, they have to use lethal force so shooting someone in the leg is not an option.
The expert analyst on CBC news ( an ex-cop) said they should have distracted him and tried to be nice, mellow, understanding or funny in order to calm him down. Why do they shoot first , when there are plenty of other options. This is happening too often , and the police always get away with it....murder.


Sep 30, 2008
The expert analyst on CBC news ( an ex-cop) said they should have distracted him and tried to be nice, mellow, understanding or funny in order to calm him down. Why do they shoot first , when there are plenty of other options. This is happening too often , and the police always get away with it....murder.
The ex-cop/expert, recommends retraining of cop to de-escalate situations like this.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
with pay of course
We still presume innocence until the investigation is complete in this country.

But right now(and I'm a supporter of the cops) things are not looking too good for the officer. Very difficult to see the reason for the shooting at this point. Looking like panic from the officer.

Nice to see the march today was peaceful for the most part. But CP24 let a few idiots have your say. Some thought the SIU were not an independant body for investigation. Were demanding one. And some were chanting for all police to stay out of neighbourhoods(wow).
I really hope the focus stays on the incident and not on these yahoos.


Jan 18, 2004
Should have waited for supervisors to calm things down. A shotgun with bean bags would have taken the kid down safely.


Mar 21, 2011
If this is legit, then he deserves to be gunned down
No, being an asshole and having pictures of guns is still not a crime punishable by death in this country.
Otherwise Fuji would have been dead decades ago.

One cop fires 9 bullets and no other cop felt threatened enough to fire?
It really doesn't look good for this one cop.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
No, being an asshole and having pictures of guns is still not a crime punishable by death in this country.
Otherwise Fuji would have been dead decades ago.

One cop fires 9 bullets and no other cop felt threatened enough to fire?
It really doesn't look good for this one cop.
Agreed on this one. I am betting it wasn't malicious intent but panicing that caused this. Pretty sure charges are going to be laid.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
This fellow was from Syria. I'm only suggesting it is possible they may have a different level of respect for the rule of law and those that enforce it. Nothing less and nothing more.

I'm also pretty sure if he had been tazered and not shot, then we would be hearing about why was he tazered..and that maybe they should have just spoken nicely to him instead of using the tazer.

I guess crime doesn't pay. (my parents used to say that also).
Be nice to hear from a Syrian to see what the political situation over there is. Syria is still in the midst of a civil war so law enforcement might be severely limited i.e. protect yourself my any means necessary. I'm guessing that weapons and violence are so common over there that dropping your weapon even if it's a knife is a sure way to get killed. Unfortunately, that logic could have killed this kid.

The TTC doesn't release CCTV footage so the public will never really know what happened. Only the SIU and TPS will really know.


Sep 30, 2008
You know, pending the outcome of the investigation, something tells me this may turn ugly for Toronto, I see major rioting in Toronto much like the Rodney King beating in LA.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
The TTC doesn't release CCTV footage so the public will never really know what happened. Only the SIU and TPS will really know.
I would assume that if this gets to court, the CCTV footage will have to be released. IF it gets to court
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