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unintended insult to sp. how to apologize?


Sweet Heather
Mar 1, 2010
I tend to agree with what's been said! Sometimes Appointments go over..... It's our(sp) responsibility to keep track of the time if it's that important!
I've certainty been known to get caught up in conversation once or twice! :wink:

The 1

New member
Sep 10, 2011
xyconyx, I would just bend over and let her spank me! LMAO

I agree with all your posts that you should ditch her. If you went over the time that's because SHE wanted it to i find it it sneeky to let somebody go over time without telling them ahead of time they need to pay extra if they want to continue and expect them to pay. For her to get pissy about it after is silly. If she expected you to pay that day for the extra time and you didn't, she should take it as lesson learned. I can see that you would think it is just extra time you get with her because she is having a good time with you.

The fact that she gets pissy about it and you have to drag it out of her is too much drama. Then she says that you are making her sound greedy and mean is just something alot of women say so that you don't think she is greedy but in fact she is lol she is trying to turn the table on you and trying to make you feel bad. It's just a little game.

Just saying!
So honest. :clap2:

Trojan Horse

Jun 9, 2013
You were wrong to have stayed overtime, because she has a life other then you.

If I were you, which thankfully I'm not, you should go back and book for an hour.

Then tell her you are paying for an hour, plus a tip, the tip being the money you owed her.

That way she doesn't feel greedy for asking for what is rightfully hers, and will understand that you are trying to pay for being a time waster, and were selfish enough to misunderstand this as some kind of relationship, when you are mostly paying for time and companionship.

Also, say sorry.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
TH. dead wrong. Talk about being a lap dog.

She will NOT appreciate the payback..in fact will devilishly gloat about 'taking' you.

The extra 20 minutes you got is no big deal....if she actually had someone waiting...she would have ended your session.

She was likely orgasming...so forget it. No apologists needed.

Trojan Horse

Jun 9, 2013
But what about giving just to make someone happy. I agree she should have let it go, but it means something to her for whatever mental reason and doesn't this chick deserve to be validated. Given her mental state, its like giving to charity.


New member
Apr 13, 2013
I saw a provider once and she was so sweet. We emailed each other from time to time and she often felt comfortable asking my advice on personal matters. However she seemed a bit Jekyll and Hyde, sometimes getting snitty over perceived slights. I took a chance and booked her again when she was in town because I felt obligated. The date was fine. But I never know what her mood would be when she emails. Will there be another perceived slight for which I'll be obliged to apologise? I just let the emails become more infrequent until they ended.
I guess my point is some people will not be happy no matter what you do, so don't worry about it and listen to Jessy.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I wonder if the OP tipped her when she originally went over time by 30 minutes? Might have avoided some of the cold shoulder attitude afterwards. This definitely doesn't excuse her behaviour after wards because keeping time is most of her responsibility especially if she's got a lot of appointments. Words to the wise: never, never, ever ask a woman (SP or not) if something is wrong... you will just get the horns...


New member
Apr 13, 2013
Not only did the OP ask if something was wrong, but asked repeatedly until she finally let loose on him. :frusty: I know he was trying to be caring, but asking her repeatedly was just asking for it.
Just gotta say that wall-banging head thing cracks me up every time.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Just gotta say that wall-banging head thing cracks me up every time.
Well some people just make you want to bang your head on the wall. Here's a great product idea for Dragon's Den: foam brick wall so you can bang your head on the wall any time. LOL


Active member
Jan 25, 2013
Im on board with most of those here. She should have kept track of time. My guess is she lost track of time, realized how much money she may have lost by spending extra time with you and took it out on you. You took the high road, apologized and even offered her more money, and she got pissed at you. Why did she get pissed? Because when you took the high road and offered her compensation, you made her see her own faults, that she is after your money which she knows she does not deserve, and she lashed out at you. As mentioed by another poster, she got pissed at you for not paying her what she feels is owed, and then gets pissed when you try to pay her. Move on, if you do decide to text her, be civil but make sure she knows that you are no longer interested in her drama and that you will spend your money elsewhere.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Im on board with most of those here. She should have kept track of time. My guess is she lost track of time, realized how much money she may have lost by spending extra time with you and took it out on you. You took the high road, apologized and even offered her more money, and she got pissed at you. Why did she get pissed? Because when you took the high road and offered her compensation, you made her see her own faults, that she is after your money which she knows she does not deserve, and she lashed out at you. As mentioed by another poster, she got pissed at you for not paying her what she feels is owed, and then gets pissed when you try to pay her. Move on, if you do decide to text her, be civil but make sure she knows that you are no longer interested in her drama and that you will spend your money elsewhere.
Don't bother texting her again. That's borderline stalker behaviour even with a civilian girl. More calls, texts, PM's will just dig a bigger hole.


Jun 12, 2012
I had a very similar experience as the OP. Turned out she suffered from schizophrenia like disorder from having used meth for years. I was so relieved that I never hooked up with her again. I've learned the hard way that when a women is angry with you, it's best to extricate yourself from the situation asap.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2012
Man up and tell her to go fuck herself.

She sounds like the reason why I don't ever want to get into a relationship.

This a repost from another place since I want as many different ideas as possible.

Recently had a strange thing happen.
.I saw this girl a couple of times for half an hour each, she casually mentions that I should opt for an hour next time.
So I do
But, I notice that we stayed like half an hour overtime (time flies when having fun). I figure it's fine since before she would nicely remind me my time was almost up which she didn't do this time.

So next time I call her up she's blunt and business like.**
You know how you can tell the difference when someone is being genuinely nice or just forcing themselves to?**

So I ask her if somethings wrong, it takes a bit of wordplay but finally she lets loose that I took advantage and that if I want more time next appointment I should book more time, and I don't respect her since I assume she has nothing better to do with her free time but provide service.
While I was taken aback by her indignation, I felt horrible.
I never wanted to make her feel bad, she is a wonderful woman.
So I apologized profusely, then it seems I made another mistake.I

I said that if she felt I had overstayed my time through malice or taken more of her than she had been willing to share then I would gladly pay for my thoughtlessness.

She took that as another insult, now I was making her sound greedy and mean.
I am seriously at a loss.
This woman is fantastic but I have insulted her. She has not answered my last message and in light of my tendency to put my foot in my mouth I have refrained from messaging further.

This is a first for me, the few times I was honored with staying overtime with a working Lady it never went badly like this afterwards. I was lucky enough to become a Lady's lover once, so my past experience has rather made me ill prepared for this contingency.

Anyone have any insight to remedy this situation?

Ladies, what should one do under the circumstances to not make such an ass of myself?
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