Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack


Apr 24, 2005
Toronto's probably the only major city to be offered several billion dolllars worth of development for a major casino complex and turn it down.
The loony liberal lefties on council don't want a casino in Toronto and they got their wish.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Note to the ladies.... my advice is not to communicate with the Sun reporter who is trying to gain information regarding the mayor and his brother. Some fucking nerve if you ask me ... I sure hope we're all smarter than that... right?
Doug ain't no Adam Giambroni!
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Jan 31, 2005
The basis of your argument with me is that I said The Star made this story up. I have never said such a thing.
Good, then we agree the story is not made up and that the Star reporters accurately reported what they experienced: They were shown a video by a crack dealer in which Rob Ford was smoking from what looked like a crack pipe, and they were told by some (unreliable) drug dealers that it was crack in the pipe. We can agree that the Star would not make up stories, and so this is an accurate and honest reporting of what happened.

As for your totally misleading and dishonest claim that Gawker is backpedalling, Gawker is backpedalling ON BEING ABLE TO GET THE VIDEO. They are not backpedalling on having seen the video or on their description of what is in the video.

It's intelligent and useful to discuss the facts as the Star reported. Was the dealer lying about it being crack? Could they have had a look-alike Rob Ford? Even if you had the video in hand, you STILL would not have answers to those questions.

I really don't see that getting ahold of the video adds anything of value to the discussion, it won't put an end to ANY of the reasonable doubts here.

The only think that will put an end to the speculation and doubts is Rob Ford taking a drug test to prove he does not have cocaine in his system.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
The loony liberal lefties on council don't want a casino in Toronto and they got their wish.
Let Woodbine be the big casino, but don't make extravagant up front demands from the province that smack all the other casino hosts in the face.


Jan 31, 2005
Since I have heard that allegation many times before going back years, no he didn't make that up. You are wrong.
Making unsubstantiated allegations that the Star makes up stories, without any proof at all, without any evidence -- just yammering on and making this claim -- is just kooky weird shit that is totally unacceptable in adult conversation.

If you have some specific reason to believe that the Star wholesale invents stories--not just gets a few facts wrong, invents entire stories--please present it.

We've got multiple people who have witnessed the Rob Ford crack video, and they all agree on what they saw -- three different people, two Star reporters, and one completely independent Gawker guy -- that is pretty convincing. On the other side you have a generalized stupid and unsubstantiated allegation that the Star not only makes up the news, but conspires with a third party US news website to make up the news.

And you wonder why I call you guys kooks?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The story is starting to take on a very sinister twist.

The Globe and Mail is now saying that the kid in the photo with Ford that was murdered is the alleged video taker and that he was murdered over this video.

Supposedly David Price (who is an old drug running buddy of Doug Ford's) received a call as the whereabouts of the video of Rob Ford doing crack. Price told Towhey about it and Towhey called the cops (which is probably what got his ass fired).

Rob Ford is very confident that this video does not exist. I'm not saying that he would have paid someone to kill someone else over the video, but I would not put it past him to level extreme pressure on his Somali drug dealer buddies and they have their own sense of how to take care of a problem. (And Ford would know this.)


Apr 24, 2005
I had never previously realized that 40 out of 44 members of council were "loony liberal lefties".
That was just one vote. Look at the historical record and it is more like 25 led by Adam Vaughan, Mike Layton and Gord Perks.


Apr 24, 2005
The Globe and Mail is now saying that the kid in the photo with Ford that was murdered is the alleged video taker and that he was murdered over this video.
So much idle conjecture and speculation. Maybe the loony liberal left killed the kid so they can blame it on Mayor Ford?


Apr 24, 2005
Let Woodbine be the big casino, but don't make extravagant up front demands from the province that smack all the other casino hosts in the face.
CP 24 is reporting that Vaughan and/or Markham is or might be bidding for the casino. Toronto's loss is their gain. A casino will be built, just not in Toronto.

P.S. Police are back at the Millard farm.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
CP 24 is reporting that Vaughan and/or Markham is or might be bidding for the casino. Toronto's loss is their gain. A casino will be built, just not in Toronto.
Excellent news for Markham and or Vaughan.

By far a more appropriate place for a casino than downtown in my fair city. I would have preferred Woodbine myself, but Markham or Vaughan is just as good.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
Good, then we agree the story is not made up and that the Star reporters accurately reported what they experienced: They were shown a video by a crack dealer in which Rob Ford was smoking from what looked like a crack pipe, and they were told by some (unreliable) drug dealers that it was crack in the pipe. We can agree that the Star would not make up stories, and so this is an accurate and honest reporting of what happened.

As for your totally misleading and dishonest claim that Gawker is backpedalling, Gawker is backpedalling ON BEING ABLE TO GET THE VIDEO. They are not backpedalling on having seen the video or on their description of what is in the video.

It's intelligent and useful to discuss the facts as the Star reported. Was the dealer lying about it being crack? Could they have had a look-alike Rob Ford? Even if you had the video in hand, you STILL would not have answers to those questions.

I really don't see that getting ahold of the video adds anything of value to the discussion, it won't put an end to ANY of the reasonable doubts here.

The only think that will put an end to the speculation and doubts is Rob Ford taking a drug test to prove he does not have cocaine in his system.
You must have some sort of reading comprehension problem don't you Fuji?! :rolleyes:

I DO NOT AGREE that the story is not made up and that the reporters ACCURATELY reported what they experienced.

I WILL however agree that they may have been shown a video, which may have been recorded on a cell phone, which may have been of questionable video quality, which was taken by a drug dealer (whom I'm sure is a VERY reliable and credible source of information), that may have shown someone baring a similar resemblance to Rob Ford, (but is unsubstantiated and could have been some other large man with similar facial features), smoking something that resembled a glass pipe, which may have had any number of substances in it.

(I'm literally laughing my fucking ass off while I type this... IF the alleged video is in fact a reality, and IF it eventually DOES surface, I'm guessing any lawyer worth his salt, would have a field day if this case EVER see's the light of day... but I digress...)

Anyway, getting back to what I agree to... I further agree that the Star Reporters whom are handsomely PAID to dig up dirt on politicians that The Toronto Star deems to be opposing its editorial viewpoint, would view this "large man" as Rob Ford, on the sole premise that it would make an immensely great story and sell lots of newspapers! (And further smear a politician that the Star has been "after" for some time.)

I also agree that Rob Ford is a member of an elitist organization, that he is of questionable integrity, and makes poor decisions. He's a politician afterall... and he is no better or no worse than any other politician out there. They are all pretty much the same in that regard.

He is however a human being, and puts his pants on one leg at a time, and deserves fair and honest reporting... and I see very little of that coming from that rag also known as The Toronto Star.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Excellent news for Markham and or Vaughan.

By far a more appropriate place for a casino than downtown in my fair city. I would have preferred Woodbine myself, but Markham or Vaughan is just as good.
I hope Mississauga will bid too.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Update from Gawker:

The Rob Ford Crackstarter Has Met Its Goal

As you may have seen, especially if you are Canadian, the Rob Ford Crackstarter reached its $200,000 goal at some point around 4 p.m. yesterday, as I was busy fielding phone calls while trying to steer my young children away from a very hot grill without spilling my beer. What happens now?

As you may have heard, Rob Ford, the mayor of Toronto, smokes crack cocaine. We've seen a video of him smoking crack cocaine, and the people who … Read…

The Crackstarter is now closed to further donations. We pulled in a total of $201,254 from 8,388 people. I haven't contacted Indiegogo, the service that hosted the campaign, yet to investigate precisely when we get the money, in what format, etc. (As I write this, the Indiegogo web site is not cooperating with my attempts to get that info.) I do know that Indiegogo and PayPal extract certain fees before turning the proceeds over to us; we will post an update announcing the total amount that has been released to us as soon as we get it.

As for the purchase: We are working on it. As we noted before the campaign concluded, we lost contact with the people who have custody of the video. I updated the Indiegogo campaign site yesterday morning to reiterate that there had been no movement on that front, and am repeating it here right now. You won't hear anything more from us about our attempts to get the video for some time. This will be a very delicate transaction. If the people who are in possession of the video are reading this: Please get in touch with our mutual friend, or with me at We did what you asked.

As we initially pledged, if we are unable to consummate a deal and obtain the video, we will donate 100% of the proceeds to a Canadian nonprofit that addresses the consequences of substance abuse. We haven't selected an institution yet. We will do so when and if the time comes.

I am frankly shocked and heartened that this actually happened. We are going to try very hard to make it work. Don't smoke crack


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
MattRoxx said:
Toronto's probably the only major city to be offered several billion dolllars worth of development for a major casino complex and turn it down.
Google returns 708,000 hits for "rejected casino development -Toronto"[i.e. Hits WITHOUT Toronto], including an anti-casino vote in Vancouver high on page one. We'd likely vote to turn down several billion dollars worth of development for a tar-sands tailings pond, or a GTHA landfill as well.

Not all development is worth the cost.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
That was just one vote. Look at the historical record and it is more like 25 led by Adam Vaughan, Mike Layton and Gord Perks.
By my count that's a majority. Isn't that how we decide stuff in democracies? What's your problem with that?
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