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Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack


Jan 31, 2005
They do not have independently corroborated notes of two different reporters... they are both paid by the same corporation. And the Gawker guys are already back peddling so...

:confused: :rolleyes: :hand:
If you don't like being called a kook, don't act kooky.

Gawker is not back-pedalling on what they saw. They are saying they cannot reach the tipster anymore. Nowhere have they raised any doubt, whatsoever, that they saw what they saw--you are just wholesale making that up. You're within spitting distance of lying.

And yes the Star reporters prepared their notes independently so that they wouldn't bias each other, and then their version was truly independently corroborated by Gawker, which went there independently, viewed the video independently, and wrote up the story independently of the Star.

Again, your claim seems to be that the entire Star organization goes about wholesale fabricating stories, in conspiracy with some unrelated American news source -- the word really is kook. Your claims have all the hallmarks of the absolutely kookiest sort of conspiracy theory.

For starters, you are willing to go about slandering the Star without any proof--absolutely none whatsoever--doing everything you accuse the Star of doing. You claim they go about making up stories, but you don't have even one single reason to believe it, other than they dug up some dirt about your snarling darling. Hilarious!! Except that the Star actually has editors who review stories reporters submit for facts, and in this case, very clearly had a team of lawyers review the story to make sure it would stand up in a court. A far higher standard than you meet. Like any conspiracy theory your own wacked out claims have more holes in them than the official version of events.

Cite any previous case where the Star, or any other Canadian paper, wholesale invented a story. It doesn't happen. Period.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
If you don`t like being called a kook, don`t act kooky.

Gawker is not back-pedalling on what they saw. They are saying they cannot reach the tipster anymore. Nowhere have they raised any doubt, whatsoever, that they saw what they saw--you are just wholesale making that up. You`re within spitting distance of lying.

And yes the Star reporters prepared their notes independently so that they wouldn`t bias each other, and then their version was truly independently corroborated by Gawker, which went there independently, viewed the video independently, and wrote up the story independently of the Star.

Again, your claim seems to be that the entire Star organization goes about wholesale fabricating stories, in conspiracy with some unrelated American news source -- the word really is kook. Your claims have all the hallmarks of the absolutely kookiest sort of conspiracy theory.

For starters, you are willing to go about slandering the Star without any proof--absolutely none whatsoever--doing everything you accuse the Star of doing. You claim they go about making up stories, but you don`t have even one single reason to believe it, other than they dug up some dirt about your snarling darling. Hilarious!! Except that the Star actually has editors who review stories reporters submit for facts, and in this case, very clearly had a team of lawyers review the story to make sure it would stand up in a court. A far higher standard than you meet. Like any conspiracy theory your own wacked out claims have more holes in them than the official version of events.

Cite any previous case where the Star, or any other Canadian paper, wholesale invented a story. It doesn`t happen. Period.
You really crack me up Fuji...

We`re going around in circles... The basis of your argument with me is that I said The Star made this story up. I have never said such a thing. I did however say that until a video surfaces, and is proven to be authentic, and it IS Rob Ford, smoking crack... then they took A WHOLE LOTTA journalistic license here, in order to make their claim that is resonating in their headlines: "Rob Ford: Crack Video Scandal"

As for your "corroborating evidence":


Now, if it were 2 (or more) journalists from two or more DIFFERENT news agencies, then it would have been independently corroborated from 2 different sources... (Woodward and Bernstein indeed!) :rolleyes:

And if THIS is not a "back peddle", you and I have very different idea`s of what back peddling is!

IMPORTANT UPDATE: PLEASE GO HERE AND READ BEFORE YOU CONSIDER DONATING. Our confidence that we can consummate this transaction has diminished.
And it is a common occurrence that media agencies blow things way outta proportion... Just open any newspaper or listen to any radio station or watch any TV news station... Media sensationalism is rampant in our society.



To ignore that simple fact is... well just plain kooky!


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
If you don't like being called a kook, don't act kooky.

Gawker is not back-pedalling on what they saw. They are saying they cannot reach the tipster anymore. Nowhere have they raised any doubt, whatsoever, that they saw what they saw--you are just wholesale making that up. You're within spitting distance of lying.

And yes the Star reporters prepared their notes independently so that they wouldn't bias each other, and then their version was truly independently corroborated by Gawker, which went there independently, viewed the video independently, and wrote up the story independently of the Star.

Again, your claim seems to be that the entire Star organization goes about wholesale fabricating stories, in conspiracy with some unrelated American news source -- the word really is kook. Your claims have all the hallmarks of the absolutely kookiest sort of conspiracy theory.

For starters, you are willing to go about slandering the Star without any proof--absolutely none whatsoever--doing everything you accuse the Star of doing. You claim they go about making up stories, but you don't have even one single reason to believe it, other than they dug up some dirt about your snarling darling. Hilarious!! Except that the Star actually has editors who review stories reporters submit for facts, and in this case, very clearly had a team of lawyers review the story to make sure it would stand up in a court. A far higher standard than you meet. Like any conspiracy theory your own wacked out claims have more holes in them than the official version of events.

Cite any previous case where the Star, or any other Canadian paper, wholesale invented a story.
It doesn't happen. Period.
A Toronto city councillor who denied causing a drunken ruckus during a Maple Leafs hockey game last month has apologized for the incident, saying he "made a major mistake."

Etobicoke Coun. Rob Ford says he is sorry about the incident and the fact he lied about it when confronted by a reporter from the National Post, three days after the incident.
He told the Post at the time he hadn't been to a hockey game since Christmas. He continued his denials this week when the Toronto Star picked up the story.
"This is unbelievable," he told the Star. "I wasn't even at the game, so someone's trying to do a real hatchet job on me, let me tell you."

But Tuesday, Ford made a 180-degree turn, admitting he had lied about the incident and apologizing for his behaviour at the hockey game.

"I reflected on it last night, and talked to my family. I came forward and admitted it. That's all I can do. I mean, I'm not perfect," said Ford.

"Being in politics, you're in the spotlight all the time. I made a mistake. I made a major mistake. I really regret it."

Ford, a right-leaning, law-and-order councillor, says he had too much to drink before going to a Maple Leafs game at the Air Canada Centre on April 15.

According to a couple sitting nearby, Ford was boisterous and insulting, shouting obscenities before he and a companion were escorted out of the arena by security guards.

The offended couple has written a two-page complaint to the city. Dan and Rebecca Hope of Enniskillen, Ont., say they didn't know Ford was a city councillor and have no political axe to grind.
Oh wait, that's not what you asked for. This is an example in which Rob Ford wholesale invented a story.

There is a parasitic Nematomorph hairworm (Spinochordodes tellinii) which develops inside land-dwelling grasshoppers and crickets until the time comes for the worm to transform into an aquatic adult. Somehow mature hairworms brainwash their hosts into behaving in way they never usually would - causing them to seek out and plunge into water.

In a similar manner, I think that some right wingers and in this situation Ford Nation are afflicted in a similar manner. Otherwise rational people act in ways against their own best interests for no apparent reason.

Even aside from the current Mayor Crackhead imbroglio, they seem unable to hold Ford responsible for any negative situations. He promised to find private money to build subways, but could not. Now Metrolinx wants to charge fees and taxes of around $477 per houselhold to provide subways and transit upgrades, and yet Ford Nation does not fault their leader for his incompetence.

Toronto's probably the only major city to be offered several billion dolllars worth of development for a major casino complex and turn it down. And even though he said he wanted it, Ford was utterly incapable of swaying anyone to be in favour of it. In fact rather than convincing councliors that it would be a benefit to the city, in the final vote he had lost support for the idea.
But again, to Ford Nation it's not his fault. Everyone else is to blame :frusty:

And now, aside from the Mayor Crackhead story he is showing wild mood swings or anger management problems and firing advisers for daring to...advise him. And replacing them with...football players?!
Mayor Rob Ford, who was dismissed as head football coach at Don Bosco Catholic Secondary on Wednesday, has hired one of his (21 year old) assistant coaches and former players to work in the mayor’s office.
Xhejsi Hasko, known as J.C., started on the job on May 13. His title is special assistant.
Hasko is also listed as an assistant coach on Don Bosco’s playoff game rosters from 2012.
What. The. Fuck. Is Ford trying to run a city or a football camp?! How is this not seen as pouring a big ladle of gravy on his young friend who has no experience in politics, or office work, or...anything related to city operations.


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
There was an article in the National Post today where that John Kay fellow reported that according to the polls, the support for Mayor Ford remained unchanged during this whole circus.

Ford Nation lives!

I love polls, I always plan for the opposite, it helped me win my election.



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
There was an article in the National Post today where that John Kay fellow reported that according to the polls, the support for Mayor Ford remained unchanged during this whole circus.

Ford Nation lives!

In words that bring to mind a POTUS (a reformed addict BTW), like Ford similarly overwhelmed by events beyond his abilities: You can fool some of the people all the time.


Mar 12, 2004
A touchy subject

im wondering when you will link the Sars outbreak to the trade union movement
"The TO Star appears to be run by big labour",...you heard it here,...so it must be true".

You are joking right,...that is obviously a comment on the current state of the media.

You union guys need to lighten up.



Mar 21, 2011
Still no video.

The star says that the police were investigating because Ford's coach said he knew where the video was.
There also was a shooting on the same floor as the apartment where he thought the video was kept.

Maybe coach took one for the team.

His two communications guys who quit yesterday apparently quit because they think Ford is lying when he says he's not a crackhead.
Sources said both men quit on principle because they felt they could not continue in good conscience after Ford’s Friday statement in which he said: “I do not use crack cocaine, nor am I an addict of crack cocaine. As for a video, I cannot comment on a video that I have never seen or does not exist.”

Weirder and weirder.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001

Possum Trot

New member
Dec 7, 2009
You made that up.
Since I have heard that allegation many times before going back years, no he didn't make that up. You are wrong.

While I firmly believe that Ford is an idiot, this is just now beginning to sound a bit like "ass-pinching-gate". Hard to tell where the next shoe will fall. Just speculating but if this video never appears public opinion just may turn in Ford's favour. That would be derailed, of course, if his ex-staffers have anything concrete to add to these circus proceedings.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
And another scandal starts: http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/201...al_mayors_office_loses_more_staff_source.html

New Ford staffer previously fired over drug allegations, sources say

The mayor also announced Amin Massoudi, Councillor Doug Ford’s executive assistant, is his communications director.

There was confusion about his title, however. A message from Ford’s official Twitter account later called Massoudi his “new press secretary.”

Three independent sources told the Star on Monday that Nick Kouvalis fired Massoudi from Ford’s 2010 mayoral campaign after the campaign heard that Toronto police, investigating an open car door, found marijuana inside and traced the car to Massoudi.

According to one source, Massoudi said the car had been broken into.

No charges were laid and the Star cannot verify the information. At press time Massoudi had not responded to the Star’s calls, emails and social media messages


Mar 21, 2011
Since I have heard that allegation many times before going back years, no he didn't make that up. You are wrong.

While I firmly believe that Ford is an idiot, this is just now beginning to sound a bit like "ass-pinching-gate". Hard to tell where the next shoe will fall. Just speculating but if this video never appears public opinion just may turn in Ford's favour. That would be derailed, of course, if his ex-staffers have anything concrete to add to these circus proceedings.
Like saying they quit because Ford is lying?
George Christopoulos, Ford’s press secretary for the past 16 months, resigned along with special assistant for communications Isaac Ransom. Their departure caught the increasingly isolated Ford off guard, prompting him to pace around their emptied offices as news cameras rolled.
Sources said both men quit on principle because they felt they could not continue in good conscience after Ford’s Friday statement in which he said: “I do not use crack cocaine, nor am I an addict of crack cocaine. As for a video, I cannot comment on a video that I have never seen or does not exist.”


New member
Dec 23, 2005
This is Obama birther territory.
Many people believed he wasn't born in the United states, this went on for a long time.

Many people believe Ford smoked crack, this has gone on for over a week.

What do the two have in common ? Obama waited a bit before releasing his birth certificate (long form) , so many people believed in something due to lack of proof. That is exactly what is happening now with Ford, if there is a video and it's released then we can all finally judge for ourselves, before then really there is nothing to discuss other than rumours and conjecture.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
where, oh where
did my video go
where, oh where
did it go

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Note to the ladies.... my advice is not to communicate with the Sun reporter who is trying to gain information regarding the mayor and his brother. Some fucking nerve if you ask me ... I sure hope we're all smarter than that... right?
Oh, please do tell us more.

Is he asking if Ford brothers see SP's??! :eyebrows:


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
The dream of Doug as Premier concurrent with Rob as mayor is dead. The whale known as Ford Nation, harpooned repeatedly and hemorrhaging profusely has now beached itself. Ford Nation is powerful, had great potential but was brought down by the "pinkos", PC elements higher up than at the municipal level and ultimately the past and present sins of Ford Nation itself.
White Trash Mafia Goes Up in Smoke


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
You really crack me up Fuji...

We`re going around in circles... The basis of your argument with me is that I said The Star made this story up. I have never said such a thing. I did however say that until a video surfaces, and is proven to be authentic, and it IS Rob Ford, smoking crack... then they took A WHOLE LOTTA journalistic license here, in order to make their claim that is resonating in their headlines: "Rob Ford: Crack Video Scandal"

As for your "corroborating evidence":


Now, if it were 2 (or more) journalists from two or more DIFFERENT news agencies, then it would have been independently corroborated from 2 different sources... (Woodward and Bernstein indeed!) :rolleyes:

And if THIS is not a "back peddle", you and I have very different idea`s of what back peddling is!

And it is a common occurrence that media agencies blow things way outta proportion... Just open any newspaper or listen to any radio station or watch any TV news station... Media sensationalism is rampant in our society.



To ignore that simple fact is... well just plain kooky!
and FOX is the worst of them all.
Ashley Madison
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