Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
There's another angle fuji, maybe Gawker saw some video, reported it back to the Star and the Star then reported it as fact (without seeing the video). Then the story snowballed into a huge story which the Star didnt anticipate, and now its too late for them to back out.

I admit thats a very small probability, but it is remotely possible
Except you're now saying the two Star reporters must have lied in print when they fully, and in detail described how they had each each repeatedly viewed the video on different occasions. The probability of such a self-destructive career choice—one that could bring down their newspaper—by two unrelated professionals is vanishingly small. But then there's a teensy possibiliity dinosaurs spoke Elizabethan English, isn't there?

Unless this hare-brained theory requires the invention, you should stick to the facts on record, namely that the Star heard from CNN that Gawker was actively seeking money to buy the video the Star's folks had seen weeks ago and were trying to flesh out into a better story than the,"We saw the same vid first, and here's what it looked like" that was all Gawker breaking the story left them.

Yet again: The Star reported as fact only what its reporters did, and what the images in the video looked like to them. Their names and words are on record, and anyone with a case can get their sworn testimony if it's germane. Speculating about what they might have said, but did not say, if events had been different than all the accounts describe is the strangest way imaginable of trying to defend Ford because so few facts are verifiable.

Your story was mildly amusing, but to raise any doubts, it has to be plausible. A tiny bit of mathematical probability does not measure up to that standard. Some Tyrannosauraus or other who wrote plays, once said, “If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction.” Pretty much covers your fantasy.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Many don’t care what the truth is, they just want that "fat fuck" Ford gone. Ford cutting a billion dollars in government spending has many people who relied on that gravy very pissed off.

Bit surprised Gawker raised the $200K, now what…
what happens now is the video either comes out, he is guilty and run out of office or the video doesn't come out and no one admits they were wrong and prints a retraction on the story and he is guilty in the court of public opinion and run out of office.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
Again: Only weird kooks think that a major newspaper like the Star would fabricate an entire story. That is looney tunes.

Certainly the Star has a bias, and it shows up in the way that all respectable newspaper show their bias: They select stories that will appeal to their readers, and they invest their resources on finding out the things their readers want to know about. That selection bias in the case of the Star means they are willing to pay to have their reporters chase around finding out dirt about Ford, rather than chasing around finding out dirt about Adam Vaughan (the Sun does that).

It does not mean they make up the dirt they find. It just means that they are selective in whose dirt they find--but they do report accurately about what they find.

This claim you have that the whole video is just a fraud by the Star puts you so far out in left field you're going to have to ask for directions to the ball park.
I have claimed no such thing. I merely said until the video surfaces (if it ever does... even Gawker has their doubts now...
IMPORTANT UPDATE: PLEASE GO HERE AND READ BEFORE YOU CONSIDER DONATING. Our confidence that we can consummate this transaction has diminished.
), there is no proof. I never said they fabricated the story... I merely suggested they do no have any proof. And please don't talk to me about how the media blows everything WAY outta proportion, because that is done on a daily basis. Case in point: with headlines like this: "Mayor Rob Ford crack video scandal"

And the ball park is #1 Blue Jays Way, between Front and Bremner just east of Spadina.

Media Sensationalism is a daily occurrence, and this story, (it seems) is yet another example of it, until a video surfaces and is proven to be authentic.

(Disclaimer: I could care less if Ford or any other politician is on crack... I have nothing but disdain for politicians of every political affiliation...)


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
Really? This is what I read at your link. UPDATE-- MAY 27, 2013, 9:46 AM EASTERN EDT: We have had no further contact with the people we believe to have custody of this video since the last update.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: PLEASE GO HERE AND READ BEFORE YOU CONSIDER DONATING. Our confidence that we can consummate this transaction has diminished.
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smokes crack cocaine. Gawker is trying to purchase a video of Ford smoking crack cocaine. If we raise $200,000, the owners have promised to hand it over so we can publish it online. At the enclosed link, they had only about $145K. So, where is the $200k?


Mar 12, 2004
Ifs its legal, must be OK

the two reporters reported what they were told by the drug dealers upon reviewing the video on a smart phone. The Star even went further and stated they could not substantiate the video and the work "appears" shows up several times throughout the article, among many other carefully used words. If you don't think the Star legal team didn't review this article before they published it to ensure the Star didn't cover their large ass, then you're smoking crack.
Rob Ford in 'crack cocaine' video scandal

The words of the TO Star.

Again,...two drug dealers tell the reporters that Ford was smoking crack,...and that's enough for them,

So its now OK to use the word "appears", sounds rather judgemental to me,...why not "appears" to be smoking something ???

"The TO Star appears to be run by big labour", heard it here, it must be true.



50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
i'm not checking but i think 2 reporters and 1 editor saw the video. of course, seeing it on a iphone limits viewability. and any actor could have pretended to be mr ford. but mr ford's lack of denial has me suspicious. he's elusive so he doesn't get caught in an absolute lie. "i do not do crack"
Likely on his lawyer's advice...


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Really? This is what I read at your link. UPDATE-- MAY 27, 2013, 9:46 AM EASTERN EDT: We have had no further contact with the people we believe to have custody of this video since the last update.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: PLEASE GO HERE AND READ BEFORE YOU CONSIDER DONATING. Our confidence that we can consummate this transaction has diminished.
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smokes crack cocaine. Gawker is trying to purchase a video of Ford smoking crack cocaine. If we raise $200,000, the owners have promised to hand it over so we can publish it online. At the enclosed link, they had only about $145K. So, where is the $200k?

i clicked his link, i reposted the link. that link right above what i am typing here says the goal has been reached. in fact 200,681$ has been raised and still 7 hours to go. the warnings you posted are correct but your number amount is wrong.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Really? This is what I read at your link. UPDATE-- MAY 27, 2013, 9:46 AM EASTERN EDT: We have had no further contact with the people we believe to have custody of this video since the last update.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: PLEASE GO HERE AND READ BEFORE YOU CONSIDER DONATING. Our confidence that we can consummate this transaction has diminished.
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smokes crack cocaine. Gawker is trying to purchase a video of Ford smoking crack cocaine. If we raise $200,000, the owners have promised to hand it over so we can publish it online. At the enclosed link, they had only about $145K. So, where is the $200k?
Read the top right corner in green:

Raised of $200,000 Goal

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Except you're now saying the two Star reporters must have lied in print when they fully, and in detail described how they had each each repeatedly viewed the video on different occasions. The probability of such a self-destructive career choice—one that could bring down their newspaper—by two unrelated professionals is vanishingly small
Ah, vanishingly small. So it is remotely possible then.

Thanks for agreeing with me


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Ah, vanishingly small. So it is remotely possible then.

Thanks for agreeing with me
I'll ignore your promise to ignore me and repeat what I said which you preferred not to quote above:

That a vanishingly small probability is only a mathematical reality, and that considering such an implausible scenario as anything like a real possibilty in this serious matter was foolish. Like imagining dinosaurs wrote Shakespeare, because there's a chance they could talk.

No agreement, not even a whole lot of respect, if you really think your invented fantasy advanced the discussion at hand. But yes, Phil, in the abstract world of probability theory, even a vanishingly small chance is—vanishingly—possible. As I already said in the post you quoted a bit from.

How sad to think anyone might think asserting such a tiny small chance of an implausibility would be somehow helpful to Ford or the City, or to anyone trying to get past this mess.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I'll ignore your promise to ignore me
I tried to ignore you, but you keep following me around like the obsessed oldfart that you are

That a vanishingly small probability is only a mathematical reality, and that considering such an implausible scenario as anything like a real possibilty was foolish. Like imagining dinosaurs wrote Shakespeare
Stupid analogy.

Dinosaurs could never write a shakespeare book, but reporters do lie (and have lied in the past)

a vanishingly small chance is possible
Good, I'm glad we agree


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Read a report today that contributors are now canceling their previous donations. Seems when you called in, you provided a credit card..which was NOT TRANSACTED...and the deal was that once footage is located, the pledge goes through.

Given the diminishing likelihood of a video, people have begun canceling the credit card transaction, feeling duped. Wonder if that decreasing total will be reported on the Gawker website?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
We have some evidence, in the form of multiple trustworthy accounts reported in major media outlets.
Do any other of these major media outlets claim to have seen the video?


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Read a report today that contributors are now canceling their previous donations. Seems when you called in, you provided a credit card..which was NOT TRANSACTED...and the deal was that once footage is located, the pledge goes through.

Given the diminishing likelihood of a video, people have begun canceling the credit card transaction, feeling duped. Wonder if that decreasing total will be reported on the Gawker website?
Are you saying there is a crack in their story?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I tried to ignore you, but you keep following me around like the obsessed oldfart that you are

Stupid analogy.

Dinosaurs could never write a shakespeare book, but reporters do lie (and have lied in the past)

Good, I'm glad we agree
How silly of me to imagine a guy with more than 4,000 posts still needed someone to teach him how to use the Ignore function and actually do what he keeps promising to, but can't manage himself. It's as if you had an addiction you couldn't control Phil. I made no undertaking to ignore your foolishness when you post it for all to see. It's a bit paranoid—and very self-centred—to think of me hitting the Reply button as "following you".

Shakepeare actually didn't write a single book; I'm sorry the analogy didn't suit you. Let's just say it's good you raised such a tiny and faint possibility in the cause of The Star' Is The Villain. Because the effort was a waste, it's good it was a small one; it advanced no doubts, certainly nort reasonable ones, and I suspect not even vanishingly smallones. As part of the argument that Ford is being judged on insinuations without facts, asserting an unbelievable fantasy—without advancing an iota of proof—that the reporters have lied about what they saw is a truly bizarre tactic of debate.

I'm happy that you have been able to twist our exchange to a point where you say you're glad, so if you imagine that we agree on anything more relevant to the topic than 2=1+1, (or that you should keep your promise to ignore my posts), I won't trouble you to think again, even though it might do you good. You do seem to prefer fantasy worlds.

But in the real world of TERB, go to your personal account settings, and do add oldjones under Settiings>Edit Ignore List list, or stop with the empty promises; if you don't see my posts you won't be tempted to nonsense like the stuff you began your post with.


Jan 31, 2005
I merely suggested they do no have any proof
In fact they do. They have the independently corroborated notes of two different reporters, which are further corroborated by the notes from the Gawker guy.

Again, what standard of proof are you using? Is that proof that would be accepted in a physics experiment? No. In a criminal trial? No. Is it the standard of proof upon which 99.9% of the stories in the news rely? Hell yes.

Disputing it is kooky. If the ball park is at #1 Blue Jays Way, you are in East Timor.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
In fact they do. They have the independently corroborated notes of two different reporters, which are further corroborated by the notes from the Gawker guy.

Again, what standard of proof are you using? Is that proof that would be accepted in a physics experiment? No. In a criminal trial? No. Is it the standard of proof upon which 99.9% of the stories in the news rely? Hell yes.

Disputing it is kooky. If the ball park is at #1 Blue Jays Way, you are in East Timor.
so what you are saying is that you believe everything you are told without physical proof ? i actually thought a little more highly of you than that.
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